These texts are located in the nox.csf file in the game directory and can be browsed with NoX Mod Suite. To add a reference to a text in this list, use Template:Gametextref. | Test dialog here! |
2ParseCmd2.c:SetGodHelp | set god: Set the game into GOD (invulnerable) mode. |
ability.c:AbilityInUse | That ability is already in use. |
ability.c:AbilityNotReady | You are not able to use that ability yet. You can't concentrate enough to use that ability. You are too tired to use that ability. That ability is currently beyond your strength. |
ability.c:AbilityOK | |
ability.c:AbilityRestrictedByFlag | You cannot use that ability while carrying the flag. |
ability.c:AbilityRestrictedWhileJumping | You cannot use that ability while jumping! |
ability.c:AwardAbilityOther | %s has been awarded the %s ability |
ability.c:AwardAbilitySelf | You have been awarded the %s ability |
ability.c:BadSkill | You do not have the skill to use that ability. |
ability.c:Illegal | That ability is illegal under the current rules. The current rules prohibit the use of that ability. That ability is currently prohibited. |
ability.c:InvokeAbility | You invoke the %s. |
access.c:WARRIOR | WARRIOR |
access.c:WIZARD | WIZARD |
Access.wnd:Add | Add |
access.wnd:AddTT | Add a player to the list |
Access.wnd:AllowedList | Allowed List |
Access.wnd:AllowedUsers | Allowed Users |
access.wnd:AllowedUsersTT | Players Who May Join Your Server |
Access.wnd:Autokick | Auto-Kick Observers in Clan games |
access.wnd:AutokickTT | Kick observers to make room for clan members |
Access.wnd:Ban | Ban |
Access.wnd:BanLegend | * - Denotes that name (not user) is banned |
Access.wnd:BannedList | Banned List |
Access.wnd:BannedUsers | Banned Users |
access.wnd:BannedUsersTT | Players Who May Not Join Your Server |
access.wnd:banTT | Ban a player from your server |
Access.wnd:ClanLimit | Clan Limit |
access.wnd:ClanLimitTT | Number of Clans That May Play |
Access.wnd:Closed | Closed Game |
access.wnd:ClosedTT | Close server and refuse new clients |
Access.wnd:Kick | Kick |
access.wnd:KickTT | Kick a player out of the game |
Access.wnd:LimitMaxRes | Limit Clients Max Resolution |
access.wnd:LimitMaxResTT | Limit the max resolution of joiners to yours |
Access.wnd:MaxExp | Max Experience |
Access.wnd:MaxPing | Max Ping |
access.wnd:MaxPingTT | Maximum Ping of Joiners |
Access.wnd:MaxPlayers | Max Players |
access.wnd:MaxPlayersTT | Maximum Number of Players |
Access.wnd:MinExp | Min Experience |
Access.wnd:MinPing | Min Ping |
access.wnd:MinPingTT | Minimum Ping of Joiners |
Access.wnd:ObserverLimit | Observer Limit |
access.wnd:ObserverLimitTT | Maximum Number of Observers |
Access.wnd:Password | Password |
Access.wnd:Private | Private Game |
access.wnd:PrivateTT | Password-protect your game |
Access.wnd:Remove | Del |
access.wnd:RemoveTT | Remove a player from the list |
Access.wnd:RestrictedClasses | Disallow |
access.wnd:RestrictedClassesTT | Disallow player classes from joining your game |
Access.wnd:SysopPassword | SYSOP Password |
access.wnd:SysopPasswordTT | Password for Remote Access |
Access.wnd:Users | Current Users |
access.wnd:UsersTT | Current List of Players |
AdVidOpt.wnd:ClipWalls | Unlocked DX Surfaces |
AdVidOpt.wnd:Close | Auto Config |
AdVidOpt.wnd:DrawFrontWalls | Draw Front Walls |
AdVidOpt.wnd:FadeObjects | Fade Objects |
AdVidOpt.wnd:FlatShadedFloors | Textured Floors |
AdVidOpt.wnd:GouradShading | Soft Shadow Edge |
AdVidOpt.wnd:InterlacedFloors | High Res Floors |
AdVidOpt.wnd:InterlacedFrontWalls | High Res Front Walls |
AdVidOpt.wnd:LockHiResFloors | Lock High Res Floors |
AdVidOpt.wnd:RenderBubbles | Render Bubbles |
AdVidOpt.wnd:RenderGlow | Render Particle Glow |
AdVidOpt.wnd:RenderGUI | Render GUI |
AdVidOpt.wnd:ShowTooltips | Show Tooltips |
AdVidOpt.wnd:TranslucentConsole | Translucent Console |
AdVidOpt.wnd:TranslucentFrontWalls | Translucent Front Walls |
advserv.c:AudCullDesc | Don't send an audio event if its volume is less than %d%% of its maximum. |
advserv.wnd:AudioCull | Sound Effect Threshold |
advserv.wnd:AudioCullTT | Move slider to adjust audio threshold |
advserv.wnd:Average | Average |
advserv.wnd:AverageTT | Simulate the average ping of all clients |
advserv.wnd:Bones | Dead players leave skeletons |
advserv.wnd:BonesTT | Players decay into skeletons after they die |
advserv.wnd:Gestures | Broadcast all players' spell gestures |
advserv.wnd:GesturesTT | Other players can hear a caster's spell gestures |
advserv.wnd:High | 100% |
advserv.wnd:LatComp | Latency Compensation |
advserv.wnd:Low | 0% |
advserv.wnd:Min | Minimum |
advserv.wnd:MinTT | Simulate the minimum ping of all clients |
advserv.wnd:None | None |
advserv.wnd:NoneTT | No Compensation For Client's Pings |
advserv.wnd:Title | Advanced Server Options |
advserv.wnd:User | User (ms) |
advserv.wnd:UserAmountTT | Enter amount of latency (in ms) to simulate on server |
advserv.wnd:UserTT | Simulate a user-defined amount of latency |
aifunc.c:Poisoned | You are poisoned by the spider's venom! |
aifunc.c:PoisonedByScorpion | You are poisoned by the scorpion's sting! |
aifunc.c:PoisonedByWasp | You are poisoned by the wasp's sting! |
aifunc.c:PoisonedByZombie | You are poisoned by the zombie's foul claws! |
armor.c:ArmorEquipClassFail | You are unable to use that armor. Your class prohibits the use of that armor. That armor cannot be used by those of your class. |
armor.c:ArmorEquipStrengthFail | You are not strong enough to use that armor. You have not acquired sufficient strength to wear that armor. You don't have the strength to wear that armor. |
armor.c:CannotPickupDuplicateArmor | This game prohibits you from picking up a second one of those. |
armrlook.c:EnchantedChainmailName | enchanted chainmail |
armrlook.c:EnchantedLeatherArmorName | enchanted leather armor |
armrlook.c:EnchantedLeatherHelmetName | enchanted leather helmet |
armrlook.c:EnchantedSteelBreastplateName | enchanted breastplate |
armrlook.c:EnchantedSteelHelmetName | enchanted helmet |
armrlook.c:EnchantedSteelShieldName | enchanted shield |
armrlook.c:EnchantedWoodenShieldName | enchanted round shield |
armrlook.c:ChainmailName | chainmail |
armrlook.c:LeatherArmorName | leather armor |
armrlook.c:LeatherHelmetName | leather helmet |
armrlook.c:SteelBreastplateName | breastplate |
armrlook.c:SteelHelmetName | helmet |
armrlook.c:SteelShieldName | kite shield |
armrlook.c:WoodenShieldName | round shield |
Arnamain.c:error | Error |
Arnamain.c:WOLAPIINIT_Failed | Westwood Online is not installed on this computer. |
ArnaMain.wnd:LAN | Network |
ArnaMain.wnd:WOLAPI | Westwood Online |
ascii:NoName | No Name |
AtckExec.c:PlayerConfused | You have been confused. The confusion enchantment affects your movement. |
AtckExec.c:PlayerPoisoned | You have been poisoned. Poison courses through your veins. |
AtckExec.c:PlayerStunned | You have been stunned. The stun enchantment hinders your movement. |
bindevent:Action | Action |
bindevent:AutoLoad | Quick Auto Load |
bindevent:AutoSave | Quick Auto Save |
bindevent:DecreaseGamma | Decrease Gamma |
bindevent:DecreaseWindowSize | Decrease Window Size |
bindevent:Chat | Chat |
bindevent:IncreaseGamma | Increase Gamma |
bindevent:IncreaseWindowSize | Increase Window Size |
bindevent:InvertSpellTarget | Invert Spell Target |
bindevent:InvokeSlot1 | Invoke Slot 1 |
bindevent:InvokeSlot2 | Invoke Slot 2 |
bindevent:InvokeSlot3 | Invoke Slot 3 |
bindevent:InvokeSlot4 | Invoke Slot 4 |
bindevent:InvokeSlot5 | Invoke Slot 5 |
bindevent:Jump | Jump |
bindevent:Laugh | Laugh |
bindevent:MapZoomIn | Map Zoom In |
bindevent:MapZoomOut | Map Zoom Out |
bindevent:MoveForward | Move Forward |
bindevent:NextSpellSet | Next Spell Set |
bindevent:NullEvent | |
bindevent:PlaceTrapBomber | Place Trap/Bomber |
bindevent:Point | Point |
bindevent:PreviousSpellSet | Previous Spell Set |
bindevent:QuickCurePoison | Quick Cure Poison |
bindevent:QuickHealth | Quick Health |
bindevent:QuickMana | Quick Mana |
bindevent:ScreenShot | Save Screen Shot |
bindevent:SelectSpellSet | Select Spell Set |
bindevent:SwapWeapons | Swap Weapons |
bindevent:Taunt | Taunt |
bindevent:TeamChat | Team Chat |
bindevent:ToggleBook | Toggle Book |
bindevent:ToggleCameraLock | Toggle Camera Lock |
bindevent:ToggleConsole | Toggle Console |
bindevent:ToggleGUI | Toggle GUI |
bindevent:ToggleInventory | Toggle Inventory |
bindevent:ToggleMap | Toggle Map |
bindevent:ToggleNetstat | Toggle NetGraph |
bindevent:ToggleQuitMenu | Toggle Quit Menu |
bindevent:ToggleRank | Toggle Ranking GUI |
bindevent:ToggleServerMenu | Toggle Server Menu |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin1 | Chapter 1 Shortcut to Ix |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin10 | Chapter 10 The Land of the Dead |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin11 | Chapter 11 Showdown at Grok Torr |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin2 | Chapter 2 Aldwyn the Conjurer |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin3 | Chapter 3 Rescue at the Mana Mines |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin4 | Chapter 4 Beneath the Field of Valor |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin5 | Chapter 5 Ogre Raid at the Hamlet of Brin |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin6 | Chapter 6 The Halberd of Horrendous |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin7 | Chapter 7 The Heart of Nox |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin8 | Chapter 8 The Wierdling |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterBegin9 | Chapter 9 Journey through the Dismal Swamp |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss1 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss10 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss11 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss2 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss3 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss4 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss5 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss6 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss7 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss8 | |
Briefing:ConjurerChapterLoss9 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin1 | Chapter 1 The Fortress of Dun Mir |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin10 | Chapter 10 The Land of the Dead |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin11 | Chapter 11 Battle in the Underworld |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin2 | Chapter 2 The Gauntlet |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin3 | Chapter 3 Trouble in Ix |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin4 | Chapter 4 Beneath the Field of Valor |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin5 | Chapter 5 Ogre Raid at the Hamlet of Brin |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin6 | Chapter 6 The Halberd of Horrendous |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin7 | Chapter 7 The Heart of Nox |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin8 | Chapter 8 The Wierdling |
Briefing:WarriorChapterBegin9 | Chapter 9 Journey through the Dismal Swamp |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss1 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss10 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss11 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss2 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss3 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss4 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss5 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss6 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss7 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss8 | |
Briefing:WarriorChapterLoss9 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin1 | Chapter 1 Horvath the Wizard |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin10 | Chapter 10 The Land of the Dead |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin11 | Chapter 11 Hecubah's Last Stand |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin2 | Chapter 2 Galava Castle |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin3 | Chapter 3 A Dangerous Errand |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin4 | Chapter 4 Beneath the Field of Valor |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin5 | Chapter 5 Ogre Raid at the Hamlet of Brin |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin6 | Chapter 6 The Halberd of Horrendous |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin7 | Chapter 7 The Heart of Nox |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin8 | Chapter 8 The Wierdling |
Briefing:WizardChapterBegin9 | Chapter 9 Journey through the Dismal Swamp |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss1 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss10 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss11 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss2 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss3 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss4 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss5 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss6 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss7 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss8 | |
Briefing:WizardChapterLoss9 | |
BriefingCaption:CON01 | Chapter 1 Shortcut to Ix |
BriefingCaption:CON02 | Chapter 2 Aldwyn the Conjurer |
BriefingCaption:CON03 | Chapter 3 Rescue at the Mana Mines |
BriefingCaption:CON04 | Chapter 4 Beneath the Field of Valor |
BriefingCaption:CON05 | Chapter 5 Ogre Raid at the Hamlet of Brin |
BriefingCaption:CON06 | Chapter 6 The Halberd of Horrendous |
BriefingCaption:CON07 | Chapter 7 The Heart of Nox |
BriefingCaption:CON08 | Chapter 8 The Wierdling |
BriefingCaption:CON09 | Chapter 9 Journey through the Dismal Swamp |
BriefingCaption:CON10 | Chapter 10 The Land of the Dead |
BriefingCaption:CON11 | Chapter 11 Showdown at Grok Torr |
BriefingCaption:WAR01 | Chapter 1 The Fortress of Dun Mir |
BriefingCaption:WAR02 | Chapter 2 The Gauntlet |
BriefingCaption:WAR03 | Chapter 3 Trouble in Ix |
BriefingCaption:WAR11 | Chapter 11 Battle in the Underworld |
BriefingCaption:WIZ01 | Chapter 1 Horvath the Wizard |
BriefingCaption:WIZ02 | Chapter 2 Galava Castle |
BriefingCaption:WIZ03 | Chapter 3 A Dangerous Errand |
BriefingCaption:WIZ11 | Chapter 11 Hecubah's Last Stand |
ccs:HUNT | HUNT |
ccs:IDLE | IDLE |
cdecode.c:CTF_Tie | It's a tie! |
cdecode.c:CTF_Victory | %s has won this round! |
cdecode.c:DM_FemaleVictory | You are the Mistress. |
cdecode.c:DM_Loss | %s has taught you well. |
cdecode.c:DM_MaleVictory | Congratulations! You are the Master! |
cdecode.c:DM_TeamVictory | Your team is victorious. |
cdecode.c:DM_Tie | It's a tie! |
cdecode.c:Eliminated | %s has been eliminated! |
cdecode.c:EnterChat | Entering Chat Area... |
cdecode.c:errorMapfile | Error loading mapfile '%s.' |
cdecode.c:FB_Victory | %s has won the Flag Ball game! |
cdecode.c:HL_Header | Only one survived this battle... |
cdecode.c:HL_Tie | More than one survived this battle... Tie! |
cdecode.c:HL_Victory | And it is %s! |
cdecode.c:HL_You | you |
cdecode.c:HL_YourTeam | your team |
cdecode.c:invalidPass | Incorrect SYSOP password. |
cdecode.c:KeyToChat | Press %s to chat. |
Cdecode.c:NameChange | The server has changed your name to %s. |
cdecode.c:OptionsChanged | The server has modified the options. |
cdecode.c:PlayerJoined | %s has joined the game. |
cdecode.c:PlayerLeft | %s has left the game. |
cdecode.c:PlayerLobby | %s has returned to the lobby. |
cdecode.c:ReadOnly | The local mapfile is read-only! Can't transfer map from server! |
cdecode.c:SH_NearVictory | %s only needs one more treasure to win! |
cdecode.c:SH_TeamVictory | Your team has won the Scavenger Hunt! |
cdecode.c:SH_Victory | %s has won the Scavenger Hunt! |
cdecode.c:startLadder | Get Ready!! A ranked %s ladder game is about to begin. |
cdecode.c:sysopAccess | You now have SYSOP access. |
cdecode.c:Team | Team %s |
cdecode.c:teamformat | Team %s |
cdecode.c:TeamWon | Your team won! |
cdecode.c:TimeLimitReached | Time limit reached! |
cdecode.c:UnknownLeft | Someone has left the game. |
cdecode.c:UnknownLobby | Someone has returned to the lobby. |
client.c:Bandwidth | Bandwidth |
client.c:BytesSentTo | Bytes sent to: |
client.c:Conjurer | Conjurer |
client.c:CSTiming | Client/Server Timing |
client.c:DrawCount | Drawable count = %d |
client.c:FPS | FPS |
client.c:Frame | Frame %d |
client.c:InProgress | Game in progress... |
client.c:LargestSpan | Largest Spanline = %d |
client.c:Latency | Latency = %d, FPS: %d |
client.c:LatePackets | LP = %d, OOP = %d |
client.c:MapLoadError | Error loading mapfile '%S.' |
client.c:MMX | MMX |
client.c:MP_FragLabel | Lessons |
client.c:MP_PlayerLabel | Player |
client.c:MP_RatioLabel | Ratio |
client.c:Muted | %s(muted) |
client.c:NoMMX | No MMX |
client.c:PacketSize | Packet size = %d bytes |
client.c:Ping | Ping |
client.c:PixelSpans | Pixel Spans = %d/%d |
client.c:PlayerInfo | Level: %d Class: %s |
client.c:TransferStats | %d Bps, TH = %d, RI = %d, RPU = %d |
client.c:Warrior | Warrior |
client.c:Wizard | Wizard |
cmd_token:ability | ability |
cmd_token:ai | ai |
cmd_token:all | all |
cmd_token:allow | allow |
cmd_token:armor | armor |
cmd_token:audtest | audtest |
cmd_token:ban | ban |
cmd_token:bind | bind |
cmd_token:bindings | bindings |
cmd_token:broadcast | broadcast |
cmd_token:cable | cable |
cmd_token:cameralock | cameralock |
cmd_token:clear | clear |
cmd_token:console | console |
cmd_token:coop | coop |
cmd_token:create | create |
cmd_token:ctf | ctf |
cmd_token:cycle | cycle |
cmd_token:deaths | deaths |
cmd_token:delete | delete |
cmd_token:dm | dm |
cmd_token:exec | exec |
cmd_token:execrul | execrul |
cmd_token:exit | exit |
cmd_token:extents | extents |
cmd_token:file | file |
cmd_token:force | force |
cmd_token:frameratelimiter | frameratelimiter |
cmd_token:game | game |
cmd_token:gamma | gamma |
cmd_token:god | god |
cmd_token:gold | gold |
cmd_token:goto | goto |
cmd_token:gui | gui |
cmd_token:health | health |
cmd_token:help | help |
cmd_token:hl | hl |
cmd_token:hotpotato | hotpotato |
cmd_token:char | char |
cmd_token:cheat | cheat |
cmd_token:image | image |
cmd_token:info | info |
cmd_token:IP | IP |
cmd_token:isdn | isdn |
cmd_token:join | join |
cmd_token:kick | kick |
cmd_token:kingofthehill | kingofthehill |
cmd_token:LAN | LAN |
cmd_token:lessons | lessons |
cmd_token:level | level |
cmd_token:list | list |
cmd_token:load | load |
cmd_token:lock | lock |
cmd_token:log | log |
cmd_token:macros | macros |
cmd_token:mana | mana |
cmd_token:map | map |
cmd_token:maps | maps |
cmd_token:mem | mem |
cmd_token:menu | menu |
cmd_token:mmx | mmx |
cmd_token:mode | mode |
cmd_token:modem | modem |
cmd_token:monsters | monsters |
cmd_token:motd | motd |
cmd_token:mute | mute |
cmd_token:name | name |
cmd_token:netdebug | netdebug |
cmd_token:netstat | netstat |
cmd_token:ob | ob |
cmd_token:off | off |
cmd_token:on | on |
cmd_token:options | options |
cmd_token:perfmon | perfmon |
cmd_token:players | players |
cmd_token:quality | quality |
cmd_token:ques | ? |
cmd_token:quit | quit |
cmd_token:rank | rank |
cmd_token:respawn | respawn |
cmd_token:sage | sage |
cmd_token:save | save |
cmd_token:savedebugcmd | savedebug |
cmd_token:savemap | savemap |
cmd_token:say | say |
cmd_token:scavenger | scavenger |
cmd_token:set | set |
cmd_token:show | show |
cmd_token:social | social |
cmd_token:spell | spell |
cmd_token:spellpoints | spellpoints |
cmd_token:spells | spells |
cmd_token:staff | staff |
cmd_token:staffs | staffs |
cmd_token:stop | stop |
cmd_token:sysop | sysop |
cmd_token:T1 | T1 |
cmd_token:team | team |
cmd_token:teamdamage | teamdamage |
cmd_token:teams | teams |
cmd_token:telnet | telnet |
cmd_token:time | time |
cmd_token:unbind | unbind |
cmd_token:unlock | unlock |
cmd_token:unmute | unmute |
cmd_token:unset | unset |
cmd_token:user | user |
cmd_token:users | users |
cmd_token:vidopt | vidopt |
cmd_token:watch | watch |
cmd_token:weapon | weapon |
cmd_token:weapons | weapons |
cmd_token:window | window |
ComAblty.c:AwardAbility | The %s ability is now yours! You have gained the %s ability! Your abilities now include %s! |
ComAblty.c:AwardAbilityerror | Invalid Ability! |
ComAblty.c:AwardAbilityToOther | %s now has the %s ability! %s was awarded the %s ability! |
Con01a:Airship | The airship will be here. |
Con01a:ButtonSign | Press the button to activate the elevator. |
Con01a:CaptainGreet | I'll bring you no further, lad. Too many prying eyes the closer we get by air to the Village of Ix. Follow the tunnel which leads to Ix. Find my old friend Aldwyn. He'll help you if he can. Take this staff. Forest beasts will heed its bite should they threaten. Careful as you go, lad. |
Con01a:CaptainProd | Go! Don't just stand there. Get a move on. |
Con01a:JumpSign | Jump over short objects. |
Con01a:Mana | Stand near the Mana Crystal to recharge. |
Con01a:MineSign | Ix Mining Company. DANGER! Mineshaft closed. |
Con01a:NewJournalEntry | A new entry has been added to your journal! |
Con01a:QuakeSign | Caution! Unstable passages ahead! |
Con01a:SpellSign | Collect spell books to gain new spells. |
Con01a:WaterBarrel | Use water to douse flames. |
Con02:BarkeeperDefault | I bet it's been a long day for you, aye mate? So, what's the good word? |
Con02a:AldwinGreeting | Greetings. I am Master Conjurer Aldwyn. And you are sent by the Captain, eh? Well, there is indeed room for one more apprentice, but you must pay 30 in gold for your Charm Creature spell. Do you accept my offer? |
Con02a:AldwinImp | Wild beasts have invaded the Mana Mines, threatening many workers. One from our ranks must go, take charge and tame these abominable creatures. |
Con02a:AldwinPoor | You don't have enough gold. Come back when you have enough. |
Con02a:AldwinProd | Why are you still here? I must return to my studies. Something is strangely amiss in our land and I must learn its cause. |
Con02a:AwardContestPrize | Congratulations to our new Champion Archer! Your prize is 50 gold pieces. |
Con02a:BarkeeperAfterQuest | I heard how you dealt with Mayor Theogrin's spider problem! Well done! |
Con02a:BarkeeperQuest | Aldwyn the Conjurer? Yeah, I know of him. Something of a hermit. Go on the path, east out of town, across the bridge. You'll find it. A hale and hearty greeting, stranger! Have you heard of this evening's archery contest? Heh, heh... Could be easy money! |
Con02a:BarMaiden | You're new around here. Maybe I'll see you again. The Mayor is kind and gentle, but his outbreaks are becoming a nuisance for the whole town. |
Con02a:BarMaiden2 | Sorry, I don't talk to underlings. |
Con02a:BarrelAndGoldSign | Open chests and break barrels to reveal goodies. |
Con02a:BecomeConjurer | Very well! This book has a spell to charm creatures. The scroll is a field guide to spiders, which allows you to charm them. |
Con02a:BecomeConjurer1 | Very well! This book has a spell to charm creatures. The scroll is a field guide to spiders, which allows you to charm them. |
Con02a:BecomeConjurer2 | You must stay nearby when charming a creature. If you move too far away before the charm has set, it will break the spell! Once a creature is charmed, you may banish it from this world, or make it obey your commands. |
Con02a:BecomeConjurer3 | Take the elevator down to the cellar. Then find the tunnel which leads directly to the magic shop in town. You will encounter scores of spiders down there. Practice your new spell on them. |
Con02a:BeginMission | You arrive outside the gates of the Village of Ix |
Con02a:Belfor | Welcome! New here aren't you? Your money is still good with me. Your gold is always welcome here. Greetings, sir! Ya need some new weapons and armor? This is the place! Ah, stranger! Let's get to know each other! Buy something! |
Con02a:BowAddedToInventory | A bow has been added to your inventory! |
Con02a:BridgeGuardGuarding | Sorry, mate, the bridge is washed out! Only way across the stream is there, through the Urchin den. But, if you choose that route, mate, keep your guard up! The Urchins stole my best boots when I was bathing! If you bring 'em back, mate, I'll teach you a damn fine spell. |
Con02a:BridgeGuardReward | My boots! I never thought I'd see them again! I'm eternally grateful, mate. Here's the Spell, as promised. |
Con02a:CallToConjurer | Thank goodness! A Conjurer! |
Con02A:CemetarySign | Ix Cemetery |
Con02a:CemeterySign | Path to the town Cemetery |
Con02a:ConManIdle | Sorry, the bow's been sold. |
Con02a:ConManIdle2 | Nice bow. |
Con02a:ConManNotEnoughGold | Come back when you have 100 gold. |
Con02a:ConManSale | There ya go! That bow was made for you. You can't lose the contest with a bow like that. |
Con02a:ConManSaleFailed | You're making a mistake. Go to Byzanti's and check out the new bows. Then get back here quick -- I've got someone else interested in it too. |
Con02a:ConManSalesPitch | No doubt you're here for the archery contest. I've got a real nice bow for sale. Since I like your face, I'll let it go for 100 gold. Are you interested? |
Con02a:ConManSalesPitch2 | I still have that bow. You want it? |
Con02a:ConManSalesPitch3 | This bow is a beauty. The previous owner only used it on weekends. Over in Byzanti's shop a bow like this would go for 300 gold or more. But since I like your face, I'll let it go for 100. You want it? |
Con02a:Contest0of10 | You didn't hit any! It's a good day to be a barrel, I guess. |
Con02a:Contest10of10 | Exceptional shooting... You hit 10 out of 10! |
Con02a:Contest1of10 | You hit 1 out of 10. Try not to hurt yourself with that bow. |
Con02a:Contest2of10 | You hit 2 out of 10. I guess luck counts for something. |
Con02a:Contest3of10 | You hit 3 out of 10. Maybe we should get bigger barrels for you. |
Con02a:Contest4of10 | You hit 4 out of 10. Maybe you need some spectacles. |
Con02a:Contest5of10 | You hit 5 out of 10. Well, you hit half of them -- but you missed half too. |
Con02a:Contest6of10 | You hit 6 out of 10. Maybe a drink would steady your hand. |
Con02a:Contest7of10 | You hit 7 out of 10. A fair effort. |
Con02a:Contest8of10 | You hit 8 out of 10. Good shooting, but not quite good enough. |
Con02a:Contest9of10 | Excellent shooting... You hit 9 out of 10! |
Con02a:ContestGreeting | I'm today's contest judge. Today's best score is 8 out of 10 hits on the target. You need at least 9 to win. Each entrant gets a quiver with 20 arrows. This one is yours. Take it to the firing line when you're ready. |
Con02a:ContestGuard | Are you entering the archery contest? If so, you'll need your own bow and an entrance fee of 20 in gold. We provide the arrows. Well? Do I enter you or not? |
Con02a:ContestOfficialWaiting | Entrant! Step up to the firing line! |
Con02a:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 2! |
Con02a:EnterContest | Alright. Everything looks in order. Go on in. The official will explain the rules. Good luck. |
Con02a:FoundBoots | You have found the Bridge Guard's boots! |
Con02a:Gatekeeper2Greet | Ahhhh! Welcome to Ix, stranger! If you're here for the Mayor's archery contest, go on in! |
Con02a:Gatekeeper3Greet | A fine tavern is straight ahead! An excellent respite after so long a journey. |
Con02a:GatekeeperGuarding | The Mayor has given permission for your departure. You may pass, Conjurer. |
Con02a:GatekeeperRandomSay | Move on! Go ahead! The gates are open, you may enter. |
Con02a:GatekeeperWaiting | Sorry. You can't leave without Mayor Theogrin's permission. It's meant for your own good. The wilds hold far too many perils for the common man. |
Con02A:HenrickTalk01 | Stand back! I'll handle this! |
Con02A:HenrickTalk02 | I make a good living charming wolves. |
Con02A:HenrickTalk03 | Greetings! My name is Henrick. I charm and tame the local wolves to keep the countryside safe for travelers. |
Con02A:HenrickTalk04 | I heard about the Necromancer that made a surprise visit in town. Very odd, since necromancers have not been seen for nearly 50 years now. Dark times ahead for all of us if the necromancers have returned. |
Con02A:HenrickTalk05 | The Mayor is still locked away in his home. How a man can be that frightened by a little spider is beyond me. |
Con02A:HenrickTalk06 | So you're a Conjurer now! Welcome to the brotherhood! As keepers of the lands, we have many responsibilities. I'm sure you'll honor us through your travels. |
Con02a:HomeOfTheMayor | The home of Mayor Theogrin |
Con02a:ItemsAddedToInventory | New items have been added to your inventory! |
Con02a:ItemShop | Byzanti's General Store |
Con02A:IxCemetary | Ix Cemetery |
Con02A:JailerTalk01 | Welcome to Ix. Stay out of trouble and you won't ever have to see the inside of one of these cells. |
Con02A:JailerTalk02 | Wanna see the inside of a cell? |
Con02A:JailerTalk03 | I don't get many visitors around here. |
Con02A:JailerTalk04 | Don't hassle my prisoners. |
Con02A:JailerTalk05 | Last warning, don't bother the prisoners! |
Con02a:JailSign | Jail |
Con02a:MagicShop | Mystic's Magic shop |
Con02A:Maiden2Talk01 | I hear you're the one who rid us of those pesky urchins! Thank you, Conjurer! |
Con02A:Maiden3Talk01 | Leave the bickering to the Warriors and the Wizards. If you need something done, get a Conjurer. |
Con02A:Maiden3Talk02 | Ew! I watched that huge spider crawl right into the Mayor Theogrin's house! |
Con02A:Maiden6Talk01 | Ew! I watched that huge spider crawl right into Mayor Theogrin's house! |
Con02A:Maiden6Talk02 | I hear you're the one who rid us of those pesky urchins! Thank you, Conjurer! |
Con02A:Maiden6Talk03 | Spiders have infested the mayor's house. I hope someone has gone to fetch Aldwyn. |
Con02a:MayorCall | Finally! A Conjurer has come to my aid! |
Con02a:MayorFree | You did it!? They're gone? Really gone? I'll be right out. |
Con02a:MayorGreeting | These cursed arachnids are worse than the pox! My guard tried to kill them, but they keep coming back! My only hope is that you somehow charm the spiders and drive them out! The spiders are in my study, there, through the double doors. Please, be careful. |
Con02a:MayorProd | I shall not emerge till the spiders are gone! Use your Charm spell to control them! And banish them! Hurry before they multiply again! |
Con02a:MayorsGuard | It's a disaster! Spiders are Mayor Theogrin's greatest fear and a swarm have nested in his study! He's locked himself away and won't come out till the spiders are gone! A Conjurer named Aldwyn lives outside of town, to the East. We need him to charm the spiders and liberate our besieged Mayor. |
Con02a:MayorsGuardIdle | Beautiful weather today, don't you think? |
Con02a:MayorsReward | Brave Conjurer, my deepest thanks! You are worthy of your new title. The guards will be informed that you are now free to come and go from Ix as you please. Take this gold as payment for your service. I insist. |
Con02a:MeetTheMayor | Go on inside, the mayor is still held up in his chambers. |
Con02a:Mystic | Feel free to look around. I'm here if you need anything. The Mystic Brotherhood supplies enchantments and spells to the Conjurers of Ix. We sell only the highest quality in goods. And we have Aldwyn the Master Conjurer's highest approval. Do you know what you want, Stranger? Or are you just killing time here? We use only the best ingredients for our wares, which come from the furthest corners of the land. |
Con02A:NecroTalk01 | Greetings, citizens of Ix! I come bearing gifts for the future subjects of my Queen -- Hecubah! |
Con02A:NecroTalk02 | Aaaaargh! |
Con02A:NecroTalk03 | Get away from me! Filthy peasants! |
Con02a:NoBow | You need your own bow for the contest. Byzanti's shop has them for a fair price. |
Con02a:NoMoreContestTries | You've already competed here. Sorry the rules disallow reentrants. |
Con02a:NotEnoughGold | You don't have enough gold. Come back when you do. |
Con02a:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective; your journal has been updated! |
Con02a:OfficialSEG2 | Ready... |
Con02a:OfficialSEG3 | Set... |
Con02a:OfficialSEG4 | BEGIN! |
Con02a:QuiverAddedToInventory | A quiver has been added to your inventory! |
Con02a:RandomBump | Excuse me. Pardon me. Hello. Good day. |
Con02a:RandomSay | Beautiful weather today don't you think? Good day. Pardon me. Hello. |
Con02a:RetryContest | Here is another arrow quiver. Step up to the firing line when you are ready to begin. |
Con02a:RetryContestChoice | A noble effort. If you want to compete again you must pay another entrance fee of 20 gold pieces. Will you try again? |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperEight | Eight! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperFive | Five! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperFour | Four! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperHit | Hit! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperMiss | Miss! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperNine | Nine! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperOne | One! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperSeven | Seven! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperSix | Six! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperTen | Ten! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperThanks | Thanks for competing and good luck becoming a Conjurer. |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperThatHit | That's a HIT! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperThatMiss | That's a MISS! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperThree | Three! |
Con02a:ScoreKeeperTwo | Two! |
Con02a:Tavern | Tavern |
Con02a:TempleSign | Gateway to the Temple of Ix |
Con02a:TownOfIx | Welcome to the Village of Ix. |
Con02A:Townsman10Talk01 | Dark times that we live in. First urchins settle at the edge of town and now necromancers have returned! |
Con02A:Townsman10Talk02 | Most of us stay away from the river. Nearby urchins will steal the clothes right off you back! |
Con02A:Townsman10Talk03 | That necromancer just vanished before my very eyes! |
Con02A:Townsman13Talk01 | Nice job with the spiders, Conjurer! I hear the Mayor is very impressed! |
Con02A:Townsman13Talk02 | Did you see where the necromancer went? He couldn't have just vanished! |
Con02A:Townsman13Talk03 | Aldwyn was looking for you. Something about trouble at the Mana Mines. |
Con02A:Townsman1Talk01 | I saw a huge spider crawl towards the mayor's house! I hope he's alright -- he's deathly afraid of spiders! |
Con02A:Townsman1Talk02 | Mayor Theogrin has locked himself in his bedroom until someone clears his home of spiders. I hope someone has gone to fetch Aldwyn. He usually just charms the spiders instead of killing them. |
Con02A:Townsman2Talk01 | Dark times that we live in. First, urchins settle at the edge of town and now necromancers have returned! |
Con02A:Townsman2Talk02 | Most of us stay away from the river. Nearby urchins will steal the clothes right off you back! |
Con02A:Townsman2Talk03 | That necromancer just vanished before my very eyes! |
Con02A:Townsman3Talk01 | That necromancer never would have appeared if Aldwyn the Conjurer had been here! |
Con02A:Townsman3Talk02 | Aldwyn the Conjurer tried to warn us about the Necromancers, but none of us would listen. |
Con02A:Townsman3Talk03 | Congratulations! I hear you're the new Archery Champion! |
Con02A:Townsman4Talk01 | Nice job with the spiders, Conjurer! I hear the Mayor is very impressed! |
Con02A:Townsman4Talk02 | Did you see where the necromancer went? He couldn't have just vanished! |
Con02A:Townsman9Talk01 | I just saw a huge spider crawl toward the Mayor's house! I hope he's alright -- he's deathly afraid of spiders! |
Con02A:Townsman9Talk02 | That necromancer never would have appeared if Aldwyn the Conjurer had been here! |
Con02A:Townsman9Talk03 | Congratulations! I hear you're the new Archery Champion! |
Con02a:UndergroundSign | Underground Passage to Ix |
Con02a:UrchinSign | Humans keep out! |
Con03.scr:Hint1 | Heal and Cure Poison spells can be used to aid your friends and charmed creatures. |
Con03a:MineWorkerHelp | Thank you for finding us. |
Con03a:MineWorkerLead | Please lead us out of here. |
Con03a:MineWorkerTake | Take us to the elevator. |
Con03a:MineWorkerThanks | Thank you for coming to our aid. |
Con03A.scr:DunMirGuard1 | Halt! You are forbidden to pass! Only warriors may enter the mountains of Dün Mir! |
Con03A.scr:DunMirGuard2 | The Mana Mines are to the west of the Crossroads. You should return there. |
Con03A.scr:GalavaGuard1 | The Mana Mines are to the west of the Crossroads. Just return along the main path. |
Con03A.scr:GalavaGuard2 | Halt, Conjurer! You're supposed to go to the mines. The Mana shipment will be delayed if you don't get up there. |
Con03A.scr:HermitHappy | My spectacles! You brought them back! May all that is great bless you! And please, take this scroll. It contains all I have learned about bats. It would be invaluable to any conjurer. |
Con03A.scr:HermitMeet01 | Gahhhhhh! No! Don't kill me! Oh. A young man?! I can't see well at all. But I know you're not one of those infernal bandits who stole my spectacles! I'm almost blind without them. If you could get them back, you'd save my life and I'd be eternally grateful. |
Con03A.scr:HermitMeet02 | Have you recovered my spectacles?! Oh.... Well, the rogues who took them have a hideout in the woods nearby. |
Con03A.scr:IxGuard1 | The Mana Mines are to the west of the Crossroads. Just follow this path south to the Crossroads and then head west. |
Con03A.scr:IxGuard2 | Good luck in the mines, boy. Watch out for bandits on the way! |
Con03A.scr:JandorA | Good work with the miners, lad! With the Mana supply reestablished, the wizards of Galava will be busy tonight. But if I know Hecubah, I fear rumors of her practicing the forbidden Black Arts may be true. And it is up to us to journey to the Field of Valor -- where you must find out for sure if she is communing with the Undead through her ancestors' occult art of necromancy. |
Con03A.scr:JandorB | Gather whatever supplies you need from these merchants and return to me when you are ready to leave. |
Con03A.scr:MineGuardA | You have arrived! Lives are at stake! Please hurry to the mines, just west, down the path. The Foreman is waiting for you outside the Miner's Lodge. He'll direct you from there. |
Con03A.scr:MineGuardB | The foreman will tell you the details of our crisis. He waits for you by the entrance of the mines. |
Con03A.scr:MineGuardC | Your valor knows no peer. We all thank you for saving our men. |
Con03A.scr:Mystic01 | Welcome to our hallowed shop. We offer goods for the full range of a Conjurer's needs. |
Con03A.scr:ShopKeep01 | Ah, stranger! Let's get to know each other! Buy something! |
Con03B.scr:GotKey | You have received a key. |
Con03B.scr:Hint1 | Heal and Cure Poison spells can be used to aid your friends and charmed creatures. |
Con03B.scr:Rescued1 | You have rescued the First mine worker! Five more to go. |
Con03B.scr:Rescued2 | You have rescued the Second mine worker! Four more to go. |
Con03B.scr:Rescued3 | You have rescued the Third mine worker! Three more to go. |
Con03B.scr:Rescued4 | You have rescued the Fourth mine worker! Two more to go. |
Con03B.scr:Sign1 | Helmets must be worn beyond this point. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1A | Thank goodness you are here! |
Con03B.scr:Worker1B | Five workers are trapped in the mines below us. If we hurry we may be able to save all of them. Follow me! I can guard and operate the elevators while you search for the workers. Take this key and use it to release the first worker. He will have another key to give you when you free him. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1C | Follow me. I will operate the elevators. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1D | Three workers are trapped on this floor and two below. After you free the first three I'll take you down to find the other two. I'll stay here and keep the area secure. Find the trapped men and bring them back to me. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1Gi | Find the workers from this floor then I'll take you to the next floor below us by the elevator. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1Gii | Well done! Now you need to find the other two workers. When you're done I'll take you to the next floor down by the elevator. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1Giii | Great! There is only one more worker trapped on this floor. Find him and I will activate this elevator to the floor below. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1Hi | Excellent! I'll start the elevator now. Take this key, it's for the locked doors down below. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1ChatA | Let's go. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1ChatB | Follow me. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1ChatC | Over here. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1ChatD | I'll wait here. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1ChatE | There you go. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1Ii | The situation below is even more treacherous. Please, be very careful. Remember, there are two good men down there. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1Iii | Please, hurry and find the remaining worker. |
Con03B.scr:Worker1Ji | Thank you! You saved us all! Please, go see the foreman. I'm sure he has a fine reward for your efforts. |
Con03B.scr:WorkerHurt | Ouch! Uff. Help! Ow! Help! Help! |
Con03B.scr:WorkersRec | I'll follow you. Let's go. Thank you for finding me. Hello, I'll follow you. Help! Help! Lead the way out! |
Con03B.scr:WorkersReturn | I made it. Thank you! I feel much better now. I'm safe. Thank you. That was too close! |
Con03B.scr:WorkersStop | I'm fine here. I'll stop here. |
Con03B.scr:WorkersTalkA | Thank you for finding me. Please take me back to the elevator. |
Con03B.scr:WorkersTalkAKey | Thank you for freeing me! Please, help me back to the elevator. I used this key to lock myself in here. Take it. You need it to release another trapped worker. |
Con03B.scr:WorkersTalkB | I'm fine here. Go and find the other workers. Don't worry about me, I'm safe here. |
Con03B.scr:WorkersTalkC | Thank you. We couldn't have made it without your help. All the workers have been found. Thank you. We are in your debt. You saved our lives. |
Con03C.scr:Dryad1 | You must be the one who killed the creatures in the mines. Hecubah was right, men are evil! Pay for your crimes against Mother Nature! |
Con03C.scr:ForemanA | What took you so long to get here!? We have a horrible problem! Horrific overgrown insects and airborne demons from the underworld have overrun the mines. Mine workers have died in defense of Nox's vital interests! Please, we beg you! Clear the beasts from the mines, rescue my miners and I shall reward you handsomely. This key will unlock the door to the first trapped mine worker. He will help you find the others. I also have a beast scroll which should be quite useful. |
Con03C.scr:ForemanB | Take whatever supplies you find in the lodge. If you need a bow or quiver, you can use the ones found in my quarters. The entrance to the mines is straight down this path. |
Con03C.scr:ForemanC | Return to me after you rescue my men and I will reward you well. |
Con03C.scr:ForemanD | You are truly a hero! My deepest thanks. While you were in the mines, saving my men, the Captain came by, looking for you. He's waiting for you at the Crossroads -- east of here. Before you go, please take this gold as reward. |
Con03C.scr:ForemanE | The Crossroads are to the East. Just follow the main path. |
Con03C.scr:ForemanF | The Captain is a great man. You would be wise to listen to his advice. |
Con03C.scr:GotItems | You have received some new items. |
Con03C.scr:NewTask | You have a new quest! |
Con03C.scr:Sign1 | Western Mana Mines |
Con03C.scr:Sign2 | Miner's Lodge |
Con03C.scr:Sign3 | Foreman |
Con03C.scr:Sign4 | Sleeping Quarters |
Con03C.scr:TaskComplete | You have completed a quest! |
Con03D.scr:Rescued5 | You have rescued the Fifth mine worker! One more to go. |
Con03D.scr:Rescued6 | You have rescued the last mine worker! Great Job!. |
Con04a:CaptainGreet | The entrance to the tombs is in the building at the end of the path. See if Hecubah's been here. You'll know. And careful. Many of the crypts have traps against grave robbers. |
Con04a:CaptainIdle | Enter the Tomb of Valor, lad! We must know if reports of Hecubah's acts are true. Hurry! Go into the crypts to see if Hecubah has already been here. |
Con04a:NecroDies | Arrrggh! You may have stopped me, but you'll never leave this crypt alive. |
Con04a:NecroGloats | Now your flesh will rot and your corpse will serve Hecubah. |
Con04a:NecroSaysDie | DIE, Conjurer! |
Con04a:NecroTaunts | Cling to your life of flesh while you can! You'll soon be free of its shackles. |
Con04a:NecroThreatens | It will be your honor to serve Hecubah, human, but first you need to die. |
Con04a:NecroThreatens2 | To the dust you'll return, only to be raised again in the ranks of our undead army. |
Con04a:NecroWarnsHec | Hecubah, beware, human eyes are upon us. |
Con05:Bartender01 | Have a drink, stranger. The ogres took the women, but at least they left the cider. |
Con05:Bartender02 | Ogres burned the village. Have a drink? |
Con05:Bartender03 | This used to be such a nice neighborhood -- 'till the ogres moved in. |
Con05:Bartender04 | What's that you say? You're going to fight the ogres? Well good luck to ya. It's about time somebody stood up to them. |
Con05:Bartender05 | What can I get ya, stranger? |
Con05:BartenderTalk01 | Have a drink, stranger. The ogres took the women, but at least they left the cider. Ogres burned the village. Have a drink? This used to be such a nice neighborhood -- 'till the ogres moved in. What's that you say? You're going to fight the ogres? Well good luck to ya. It's about time somebody stood up to them. What can I get ya, stranger? |
Con05:OgreKingTalk01 | You are very bold for such a little man. |
Con05:OgreKingTalk02 | Too bad you must die now. |
Con05:OgreKingTalk03 | GUARDS! |
Con05:OgreKingTalk04 | Kill the Intruder! |
Con05:OgreKingTalk05 | I will crush your bones! |
Con05:OgreKingTalk06 | Yummie! Ha ha ha... |
Con05:OgreKingTalk07 | Din' din'. Come and get it! |
Con05:OgreTalk01 | Intruder! Seal off the King's Hut! |
Con05:OgreTalk02 | What 'dat noise? |
Con05:OgreTalk03 | Mmmm... Smells like lunch! |
Con05:OgreTalk04 | Shut 'dem gates! |
Con05:OgreTalk05 | Now let's get 'im! |
Con05:OgreTalk06 | I make little man-thing hurt BIG! |
Con05:OgreTalk07 | You have been quite the trouble maker... Now you must be Punished. |
Con05:OgreTalk08 | This is for your own good. |
Con05:Townsman10Talk01 | Oh no...I've lost everything. |
Con05:Townsman11Talk01 | This is a terrible tragedy. |
Con05:Townsman11Talk02 | My home... gone... all gone. |
Con05:Townsman9Talk01 | The ogres have destroyed everything! Maybe we shouldn't have built so close to the ogre village. |
Con05A.scr:BartenderGreeting | I hope you can toss a few Ogre bodies my way. |
Con05A.scr:BartenderTalk1 | C'mon in, lad! The ale's fresher'n a monkey's butt! |
Con05A.scr:BartenderTalk2 | Name yer poison! What can I get fer you? |
Con05A.scr:BeginMission | You emerge from the crypt just south of Brin. |
Con05A.scr:BeginMission2 | The air is fresher out here and the sun is bright. |
Con05A.scr:BumpBartender | You want a piece of me? You got a problem, buddy? Get on the other side of the bar like everyone else! If yer not gonna buy anything, get the hell outta 'ere! |
Con05A.scr:BumpFarmer | Hey, be careful. What are you doing? Watch it, buddy. Watch it, I'm trying to keep an eye on that dog! Those stupid Ogres turned my wife into a dog! Have you seen my staff? |
Con05A.scr:BumpGypsy | Is there something I can help you with? Is there something you would like to see? Care for some exotic wares from faraway mystical lands? Would you like to purchase something? |
Con05A.scr:BumpMaiden | Hello there! How are you doing? Please, watch your step. |
Con05A.scr:BumpSadVillager | Hey, be careful. What are you doing? Watch it, buddy. Be careful! There are flames everywhere! It's all fun and games until one of us gets burned! Oh, I'm so worried about Lewis! |
Con05A.scr:BumpShopKeeper | Can I help you? Is there something you would like to see? Umm... Normally customers stand on that side of the counter. Are you planning on buying anything or are you just looking? |
Con05A.scr:BumpVillager | Oh, sorry... Excuse me. Watch where you're going! Watch it, buddy! Oh, I didn't see you there! Sorry about that. |
Con05A.scr:CaptainGreeting | The trials in the Tomb of Valor have tested your mettle well, lad. But no time to rest on laurels. You must now recover the Amulet of Teleportation, which the Ogres took from Horvath when they raided the unlucky Hamlet of Brin! With the Ogres on the move and with this as their prize, Hecubah is most certainly behind it all. Horvath is waiting in the village. Now, off with you! |
Con05A.scr:CaptainWaiting | Hurry and find Horvath! He is waiting to talk to you. Be off with you! Hecubah is on the move and we need to stop her! |
Con05A.scr:CityGatesClosed | The gates have been closed. |
Con05A.scr:CityGatesOpen | The gates have been opened. |
Con05A.scr:DrunkGreeting | Hiccup! Huh? Wha'sh your name? Wha'sh that you shay? Eh? Hic! Hic! I don't feel so good... |
Con05A.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 5! |
Con05A.scr:FarmerGreeting | Greetings, brave Adventurer! Please, help me, a horrific fate has befallen my wife! Not long ago, a raving demoness led the Ogres through here. She cast an evil spell, turning my poor wife into a wolf! I could reverse this curse if I only had my magic staff, but I left it in my house northwest of here. I'm afraid if I leave to go retrieve it, my wife will run off! Would you help me by fetching my staff for me, kind sir? I will offer a worthy reward for its timely return. |
Con05A.scr:FarmerHuffy | Fine then, don't return my magical staff! No! Of course I don't need your help to remove the curse on my wife! Some lucky adventurer will get a fine reward, though. Hmmph... It's you again... If you have so much time on your hands, why won't you get my magical staff back from that Ogre? |
Con05A.scr:FarmerIdle | Thanks again, brave Adventurer! Many thanks to you, Wanderer. Your noble deeds will be long remembered in these parts! |
Con05A.scr:FarmerReturned | Oh, thank you so much, brave and kind Adventurer! I can never hope to repay you fully for your service, but please take this as a token of our appreciation! |
Con05A.scr:FarmerWaiting | What are you waiting for? I need my magical staff! Please hurry, sir! My wife needs help immediately! Get my staff back soon and I shall give you a nice reward! |
Con05A.scr:FarmerWifeGreeting | The curse is broken! The curse has been broken! I'm free!!!! |
Con05A.scr:FarmerWifeIdle | A thousand thanks for your kindness! We will never forget your selfless deeds! Good luck on your journey, kind stranger! |
Con05A.scr:FrogFollowing | Hurry! Lead me to safety! The fires are getting hotter! |
Con05A.scr:FrogGreeting | Fine! I will follow you, just get me out of here! |
Con05A.scr:FrogIdle | You know, I've been thinking... being a frog isn't half bad! It's not easy being green. |
Con05A.scr:FrogTalk1 | Oh no, is that you again? |
Con05A.scr:FrogTalk2 | Whatcha waitin' for? Rescue me! |
Con05A.scr:FrogTalk3 | Hello again! *RIBBIT* |
Con05A.scr:FrogThanks | Thanks again for saving me! |
Con05A.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
Con05A.scr:GypsyGreeting | You're not going to find anybody around here with better prices. |
Con05A.scr:GypsyTalk1 | EXOTIC WARES! Get your exotic wares here!! |
Con05A.scr:GypsyTalk2 | All of my goods have been imported from faraway lands! What can I interest you in? |
Con05A.scr:Hint | You have discovered a Hint; your journal has been updated. |
Con05A.scr:HorvathGreeting | Greetings, Adept! I am thankful you are here at last, for we are in dire need of your help. The Ogre forces overran Brin a short time ago and robbed me of the Amulet of Teleportation! Please go to the Ogre village in the northeast and retrieve the precious artifact as soon as possible! |
Con05A.scr:HorvathIdle | Thanks again, Apprentice, for all of your help. Thanks to your efforts, the Amulet has been returned safe and sound. Congratulations on your success, Apprentice! |
Con05A.scr:HorvathReturned | Congratulations, brave Apprentice! Many thanks for your aid in rescuing the Amulet! With its return, we will finally be able to thwart that foul demoness' plans once and for all! Here, these bottles of Mana and the Infravision spell will come in handy... sooner than you think. |
Con05A.scr:HorvathWaiting | Hurry and find the Amulet! Please go swiftly! For given the chance, Hecubah will use the Amulet for the darkest purposes, indeed! Find the precious Amulet of Teleportation and return it safely! That cursed Ogre village is somewhere northeast of here. |
Con05A.scr:HoundGreeting | Arf, Arf! Grrrrrrrrrr. Pant, Pant... Woof! Woof! Oww-Woooooooooo! |
Con05A.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
Con05A.scr:MaidenGreeting | The Ogres just ran off with my father's precious cloak! If I don't get it back, he'll be destroyed. He's supposed to arrive soon! Please, help me, kind sir! I think the Ogres who took it went to the docks. Could you... would you get it back for us? |
Con05A.scr:MaidenIdle | Thanks again, brave Wanderer! Hello there again! You're welcome in my house anytime! Thank you so much for helping me! |
Con05A.scr:MaidenReturned | Oh thank you so much! Please accept this as a token of my appreciation! |
Con05A.scr:MaidenWaiting | Please hurry, kind sir! My father will be home soon! I hope you find the cloak soon. If you can get my Father's cloak back, I have something I can give you as a reward! Do you have my Father's cloak yet? I think the Ogres ran off toward the docks! You will probably find the cloak with some Ogres out near the docks. |
Con05A.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new Quest, your journal has been updated. |
Con05A.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective, your journal has been updated! |
Con05A.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Quest Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
Con05A.scr:PlayerDeath | Unfortunately, you have perished. Mission Incomplete. |
Con05A.scr:SadVillagerDead | WHAT? Lewis is... DEAD? |
Con05A.scr:SadVillagerDeadIdle | Please, don't speak to me again. I'm inconsolable. |
Con05A.scr:SadVillagerGreeting | Please, help me, kind stranger! The Ogres have set my house on fire and my poor frog, Lewis, is trapped by the flames in the other room! Rescue him and I'll forever be indebted to you! |
Con05A.scr:SadVillagerIdle | Thanks again, kind stranger! Hello there! Many thanks for saving my precious frog! Hello again, Wanderer! |
Con05A.scr:SadVillagerReturned | Thank goodness, you saved him! How can I ever repay you for your bravery?! What's that you say? Loads and loads of money? Well, if that's what you require, please take this as a sign of my appreciation. |
Con05A.scr:SadVillagerWaiting | Anything you find in that room you may keep! Just hurry and rescue Lewis! Please, save my frog, Lewis, from the fire! Hurry! The fires are raging! I can barely stand the smoke in here! Please, save Lewis! |
Con05A.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
Con05A.scr:ShopKeeperGreeting | Our goods are guaranteed to work under all circumstances. |
Con05A.scr:ShopKeeperTalk1 | Welcome, Wanderer! We carry the finest wares in all of Nox! |
Con05A.scr:ShopKeeperTalk2 | Well... Maybe not the finest exactly... But damn good nonetheless! |
Con05A.scr:Sign1 | This way to the Village of Brin. |
Con05A.scr:Sign10 | Residence of Matilda |
Con05A.scr:Sign11 | Crypt of Azeruth |
Con05A.scr:Sign12 | Residence of Gavin |
Con05A.scr:Sign2 | Welcome To Brin! |
Con05A.scr:Sign3 | Residence of Gerard and his talking frog, Lewis. |
Con05A.scr:Sign4 | Vegetable Garden |
Con05A.scr:Sign5 | Inn of the Urchin's Ear |
Con05A.scr:Sign6 | Ye Olde Magic Shop |
Con05A.scr:Sign7 | This way to the docks. |
Con05A.scr:Sign8 | Path to Grok Torr -- Travelers beware! |
Con05A.scr:Sign9 | Residence of Thavius |
Con05A.scr:SwordsmanEnd | Oh, it's you again. Hey if you see any Ogres 'round here, lead 'em to us, ok? My sword arm needs some action. My arm's crampin' up. I wish there were some monsters to fight. A gypsy -- name of Loproc -- just passed through here recently. If you hurry up to Brin, you might catch him before he moves on. |
Con05A.scr:SwordsmanGreeting | Greetings, Wanderer. A friendly warning if you are traveling north; we have been stationed here to guard against Ogre attacks. A large band of these foul creatures just laid waste to the poor Village of Brin north of here... |
Con05A.scr:VillagerGreeting | The whole town fought bravely against the barbaric invasion! Watch out for the Ogre War Lord, he throws shurikens! Everything was fine till those wretched Ogres showed up... Those Ogre brutes are huge! Don't you have more important things to be doing? The gypsy Loproc is in town again! Did you hear what happened to poor Thavius' wife? Those damn Ogres made off with almost everything! |
Con05B.scr:BeginMission | You have just entered the swamp between Brin and Grok Torr. |
Con05B.scr:BeginMission2 | Watch out for Ogre guard posts! |
Con05B.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 5! |
Con05B.scr:FoundAmulet | You have found the Amulet of Teleportation! |
Con05B.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
Con05B.scr:Guard1 | There he is! Get 'em! |
Con05B.scr:Guard2 | Protect the King! |
Con05B.scr:Hint | You have discovered a Hint; your journal has been updated. |
Con05B.scr:HorvathIdle | Thanks again, Apprentice, for all of your help. Thanks to your efforts, the Amulet has been returned safe and sound. Congratulations on your success, Apprentice! |
Con05B.scr:HorvathReturned | Congratulations, brave Apprentice! Many thanks for your aid in rescuing the Amulet! With its return, we will finally be able to thwart that foul demoness' plans once and for all! Here, these bottles of Mana and the Infravision spell will come in handy -- sooner than you think. |
Con05B.scr:HorvathWaiting | Hurry and find the Amulet! Please travel swiftly, for given the chance, Hecubah could use the Amulet for the darkest purposes, indeed! Find the precious Amulet of Teleportation and return it safely! That cursed Ogre village is somewhere northeast of here. |
Con05B.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
Con05B.scr:King1 | Guards! |
Con05B.scr:King2 | Kill the Intruder! |
Con05B.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new objective, your journal has been updated. |
Con05B.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective, your journal has been updated! |
Con05B.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Objective Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
Con05B.scr:Ogre1 | Intruder! Seal off the King's Hut! |
Con05B.scr:OgreCageUnlocked | The Ogre Cage has been unlocked. |
Con05B.scr:OgreCaveUnlocked | The Ogre Cave doors have been unlocked. |
Con05B.scr:OgreEngage | Mmmm... Lunch! Come here ya little runt! Get in my belly! Time to die! Catch that human! Mmmm... The other, OTHER white meat! |
Con05B.scr:OgreKing1 | You are very bold for such a little man. |
Con05B.scr:OgreKing2 | Too bad you must die now. |
Con05B.scr:OgreKing3 | GUARDS! |
Con05B.scr:OgreKing4 | Kill the Intruder! |
Con05B.scr:OgreRetreat | Ogre... Needs food... Badly... Where are all the others? Where is everybody? Help! Run for it! He's stronger than he looks! Watch out! He has mighty magic! |
Con05B.scr:OgreTaunt | That didn't hurt at all! Didn't even scratch me! Keep it comin', little man! That didn't even leave a mark! Arr! At last, a challenge! You think your puny weapons can hurt me? I will squash you like a bug! I will break you! |
Con05B.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
Con05B.scr:Sign1 | Dungeon Entrance Dungeon Entrance: Abandon all hope ye who enter here! Dungeon Entrance: This Dungeon has been inspected by Dungeon Inspector Number 9. Dungeon Entrance: Your Dungeon taxes at work. Future dungeon expansion planned. Dungeon Entrance: Consult your local utility company before digging. Dungeon Entrance: Constructed by dungeon building firm: Lee, Hanson, Beaumont and Pedriana, Ltd. Dungeon Entrance: Wipe you feet before entering. Dungeon Entrance: Report all hazards to 1-800-IXTOWN Dungeon Entrance: No Shirt or Shoes: No Service! Dungeon Entrance: If you were imprisoned here, you'd be home by now. Dungeon Entrance: This sign handcrafted by Eric The Signmaker and Notary Public. Dungeon Entrance: Stop reading this sign and GET ON WITH IT! |
Con05C.scr:BeginMission | You arrive just south of Brin. |
Con05C.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 5! |
Con05C.scr:FirstGate | The first gate has been opened. |
Con05C.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
Con05C.scr:GoldDoorsUnlocked | All Slave Doors have been unlocked. |
Con05C.scr:Hint | You have discovered a Hint, your journal has been updated. |
Con05C.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
Con05C.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new objective, your journal has been updated. |
Con05C.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective; your journal has been updated! |
Con05C.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Objective Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
Con05C.scr:Ogre | What 'dat noise? |
Con05C.scr:Ogre1 | What 'dat noise? |
Con05C.scr:Ogre2 | Mmmm... Smells like lunch! |
Con05C.scr:Ogre3 | Shut 'dem gates! |
Con05C.scr:Ogre4 | Now let's get 'im! |
Con05C.scr:OgreEngage | Get 'em! Mmmm... Lunch! Come here ya little runt! Get in my belly! Time to die! Catch that human! Mmmm... The other, OTHER white meat! |
Con05C.scr:OgreRetreat | Ogre... Needs food... Badly... Where are all the others? Where is everybody? Help! Run for it! He's stronger than he looks! Watch out! He has mighty magic! |
Con05C.scr:OgreTaunt | That didn't hurt at all! Didn't even scratch me! Keep it comin', little man! That didn't even leave a mark! Arr! At last, a challenge! You think your puny weapons can hurt me? I will squash you like a bug! I will break you! |
Con05C.scr:SecondGate | The second gate has been opened. |
Con05C.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
Con05C.scr:Sign1 | Ogre Slave Mine Entrance |
Con05C.scr:Sign2 | Slave Quarters |
Con05C.scr:Sign3 | Guard Room -- Do not disturb! |
Con05C.scr:StoneBlocksOpened | The Stone Blocks have been opened. |
Con06:SaveDunMir01 | We have saved the Fortress! Now we must drive the undead from all of Dün Mir! |
Con06:SaveDunMir02 | No, we cannot rest while the undead threaten Dün Mir! |
Con06:SaveDunMir03Conjurer | Don't lose faith now, Conjurer, the undead will fall before our steel! |
Con06:SaveDunMir03Warrior | Don't lose faith now, Warrior, the undead will fall before our steel! |
Con06:SaveDunMir04 | Dün Mir must not fall to the undead. Fight on for the glory of Horrendous! |
Con06:SaveDunMir05 | We must press on and avenge those that have fallen this day! |
Con06:SaveDunMir06Conjurer | We will assemble here, but you must report to Horrendous in the Throne Room. Thanks for your help, brave Conjurer! |
Con06:SaveDunMir06Warrior | We will assemble here, but you must report to Horrendous in the Throne Room. May your flame burn bright on this dark night, Fire Knight! |
Con06a:BoastfulHorrendous | Worry not, I am in complete control of the situation. I shall take the field wherever Hecubah pleases, it does not matter where. But then I shall throw down the challenge of single combat which no one may refuse. Once I alone face her, she shall understand the true meaning of Warlord. |
Con06a:CityGuardSpeak1 | Dün Mir is under siege. The sorceress, Hecubah, has attacked us with an army of Undead. All hands to the fortress! We must safeguard Horrendous. Hecubah must NOT get his halberd. Go to the fortress and report! |
Con06a:CityGuardSpeak2 | It is the curse of the necromancer come to haunt Nox again! Hecubah has the power to raise the dead. We must stop her before she grows stronger. We must defend the fortress! Defense of the fortress is imperative! Go! |
Con06a:NecroAttackJack | You were warned. Now the price of this folly will be your gravestone! |
Con06a:NecroDies | A curse on your blood forever! |
Con06a:TownspeopleSpeak2 | Out of my way! You're supposed to defend us, you coward! We need the fortress to hold strong! What will this do to our economy? Dün Mir is falling! All is lost! |
Con07:HecRaisesDead | No living creature would side with Hecubah, so she raises the dead to do her bidding. How do we stop someone that death cannot? |
Con07:LeavingGalava1 | The Ogres are marching to destroy us. The smart people have already left Galava. If you're smart you'll leave Galava, too. |
Con07:LeavingGalava2 | Hecubah's undead army is coming to take the Heart of Nox. Let them take it, I say. |
Con07:MiscMage01 | Lead on, brave Conjurer. Our combined Magics will repel these vile creatures. |
Con07:MiscMage02 | You must stop them before they reach the Heart of Nox. Its power must not fall into evil hands! |
Con07:MiscMage03 | Hecubah must have discovered the secrets of teleportation. One minute the tower was clear and the next it was flooded with ogres and demons! They want the Heart of Nox. |
Con07:SaveDunMir07 | We have done it! The Fire Knights have never burned so brightly as on this glorious day! Now we must gather our flame around Horrendous and bring the fight to Hecubah herself! TO THE FORTRESS! HORRENDOUS WILL LEAD US TO VICTORY! |
Con07A.scr:Jandor01 | Here we are, lad -- Galava. The Heart of Nox is located in the topmost floor of the Tower of Illusion. Hecubah's ogres have already overrun the lower portions of the Tower. Guildmaster Horvath has not been heard from since the invasion began. You'll be on your own. Once you retrieve the Heart of Nox, get back here as quickly as you can. Good luck! |
Con07B.scr:AppleManTalk01 | Pssst! Over here! You in need of a new bow? Some arrows, maybe? |
Con07B.scr:BookVendorTalk01 | Welcome to Books For Less. I think I may have a few Conjurer spells on hand. |
Con07B.scr:BrightBladesTalk01 | Those Ogres invading the tower won't have a chance against my weapons. I've got the finest assortment of arms in the South! |
Con07B.scr:GrillfTalk01 | Haven't seen many Conjurers lately. Galava isn't exactly a vacation spot right now, what with Ogres running rampant in the Tower. |
Con07B.scr:LoremanTalk01 | Hello, Conjurer. I'm just about ready to pick up and move out. Everything's on sale, if you're interested. |
Con07B.scr:MageVendorTalk01 | Planning to help out my colleagues in the Tower, eh? You're going to need magical help, lad. I'm willing to lower my prices if you think you can reclaim our Tower for us. |
Con07B.scr:MaidenTalk01 | Hello, friend Conjurer. |
Con07B.scr:MaidenTalk02 | Is it true what they say about Conjurers? |
Con07B.scr:MaidenTalk03 | If the Tower falls to Hecubah, Galava will be lost! |
Con07B.scr:MaxWelcome01 | Welcome to Maximillian's! The finest Inn of the Southern Lands! |
Con07B.scr:MlurghTalk01 | Conjurer, eh? You'd best get back home. No doubt Hecubah will be attacking Ix soo, too! Chaotic times we live in, isn't it? The Wizards locked the gates to their Tower and all kinds of strange sounds have been coming out of there. Something's horribly wrong. I hear Hecubah's armies are on the march. Time for me to think about setting up shop elsewhere. |
Con07B.scr:PriestTalk01 | No matter if Hecubah's Ogre minions break into our town! These grounds are safe haven. Even Ogres wouldn't violate the sanctity of St. Allistor's church! |
Con07B.scr:ShopkeeperTalk01 | Trouble's brewing, lad. I can't believe the wizards lost control of their Tower. Bad tidings indeed! Better stock up while you can! |
Con07B.scr:TowerSign | Tower of Illusion: Home of the Wizards' Guild |
Con07B.scr:UndertakerTalk01 | Welcome, Conjurer! I hope you can toss a few Ogre bodies my way. I wouldn't mind burying a few of them myself! |
Con07B.scr:WardenTalk01 | It is the worst of horrors! The Ogres have taken over the Tower! I have heard the Heart of Nox has a complex and dangerous security system. Watch out for Ember demons. Their fireballs are lethal! |
Con07C.scr:ClassSign | Do Not Disturb: Class In Session |
Con07C.scr:OpeningHelp | Conjurer! Please help us! |
Con07C.scr:StairSign1 | To Second Floor: Advanced Invisibility |
Con07D:Sign01 | To Third Floor: Fun with Electricity |
Con07E.scr:MuseumSign | Museum of Mystical Wonder |
Con07H.scr:HecubahTalk01 | Be gone, witch! The Heart of Nox is beyond your reach! You do not want to face me in combat! |
Con07H.scr:HecubahTalk02 | By the Dark Vow, etched in my Necromancer's blood! I command thee! Obliterate him! |
Con07H.scr:HecubahTalk03 | You should have made certain that Jandor obeyed your murderous orders years ago! You can't stop me Horvath! I have the power to destroy you now -- worthless old fossil! |
Con07H.scr:HecubahTalk04 | We shall meet again! And next time, you will not have Horvath's lackeys to protect you! |
Con07H.scr:HONTada | You have retrieved the Heart of Nox! |
Con07H.scr:HorvathTalk01 | Be gone, witch! The Heart of Nox is beyond your reach! You do not want to face me in combat! |
Con07H.scr:HorvathTalk02 | My life may be ending, but you still don't have what you seek, foul witch. There is another, more powerful than me, who now stands in your way. |
Con07H.scr:MarikTalk01 | Horvath is lost to us, lad, but his death will be avenged! The Heart of Nox is here. Go, with the blessings of the Mages' Guild. |
Con07H.scr:MarikTalk02 | It is truly a tragic day for Galava and the Southern Lands. With Horvath gone, Hecubah will now have greater freedom to create deadly havoc! You must quickly retrieve the Heart of Nox for the staff. Good luck, Conjurer. |
Con08:AldwynProd | Go now! Our time grows short. |
Con08:AldwynProd2 | I am proud to see a Conjurer carry the weapon which can bring an end to Hecubah's madness. |
Con08a:AldwynGreet | With the Halberd of Horrendous and Heart of Nox incorporated, the staff is now prepared to convey the Weirdling Beast. The Beast is housed in the Temple of Ix, guarded by the Conjurers and kept by the sacred Order of Oblivion. You must go to the temple and speak to the priests. Here is the key to unlock the gate which blocks passage to the temple. |
Con08a:CaptainProd | This is as close as I can bring you. The Temple of Ix lies north of the village. You must make your way quickly, but you may need the help of Aldwyn to get there. Retrieve the Weirdling Beast and meet me back here in this clearing. Move smartly lad! |
Con08a:CemeterySign | Cemetery closed until further notice. Curse Hecubah! |
Con08a:GuardGreet | Welcome home, young Conjurer. Aldwyn is looking for you. |
Con08a:Mystic | So, now you have both the Halberd of Horrendous and our Heart of Nox. Well done, young Conjurer! |
Con08a:Mystic2 | Perhaps you could use a scroll or potion? |
Con08a:PriestGreet | We have been expecting your arrival. The sacred Order of Oblivion are the caretakers and devout guardians of the Weirdling. Once you reach the Weirdling the beast will cling to the staff, since the Heart of Nox contains the richest source of energy it requires -- much more than the meager offerings in the pools. |
Con08a:PriestProd | The Weirdling thrives on pure energy, which it receives from the Xon Pools in the remote depths of our subterranean temple. |
Con08a:PriestProd2 | With the energy provided by the staff, the Weirdling Beast can channel the very forces of life itself. It is a weapon without peer and will even channel a bit of your adversaries' life into your own. |
Con08a:PriestProd3 | It is time to resume your quest, lad, Hecubah grows more powerful with each passing minute. |
Con08a:TempleSign | Temple of Ix |
Con08b:InversionBoyTalk01 | Ready for your lesson on Spell Inversion? I'll require 100 gold to cover the cost of your spellbook. |
Con08b:InversionBoyTalk02 | Very good. Now when my assistant casts a spell you invert it back. Use the mana obelisk to recharge. Be careful, we don't unlock the gates until you invert them all. |
Con08b:InversionBoyTalk03 | Excellent. Try a few more. |
Con08b:InversionBoyTalk04 | I'm sorry but you need 100 gold. |
Con08b:InversionBoyTalk04a | Hmmm, too bad. Basic training isn't for everyone. |
Con08b:InversionBoyTalk05 | Very good. |
Con08b:InversionSign | Inversion lessons - Today only! |
Con08f:WeirdTada | You have retrieved the Weirdling Beast! |
Con09:DryadThreat1 | Hecubah said your kind would come here seeking to destroy her, but I'll put an end to your little plan! |
Con09:DryadThreat2 | Step no closer, human! I knew you'd come to defile this place -- just like everything else you touch. |
Con09:DryadThreat3 | You are no match for my magic. The creatures at my command are more than you can handle. |
Con09a:AidanStop | Good luck, Conjurer. |
Con09a:GainedBow | Jandor's Bow and Quiver have been added to your inventory! |
Con09a:GainedBowAlt | Jandor's Crossbow and Quiver have been added to your inventory! |
Con09a:MordwynHome | Make yourself at home, I'll be right back. |
Con09a:MordwynHome2 | Ah, here they are... some of the most prized possessions in Nox. My brother brought them here for safekeeping, in the event Ix was overrun. They may prove most useful against the dangers you'll surely face to the North. |
Con09a:NecroThreat1 | Your quest is futile, weakling! You'll not contaminate our land with your cursed living flesh! |
Con09a:NecroThreat2 | Pathetic Slug... In this mire you will remain! |
Con09a:NecroThreat3 | No living thing dare sets foot within the halls of Hecubah's hallowed temple. |
Con09a:NecroThreat4 | Choose death now and join the front lines of the proud Fallen... or die hideously, only to become a shameful, mangled lackey. |
Con09a:NecroThreat5 | I will NOT bring shame upon my Mistress. That vile pink flesh of yours will soon return to the earth. |
Con10B.scr:BeginMission | After following Hecubah's teleport wake, you arrive just south of Grok Torr. |
Con10B.scr:DefeatHecubah | You have defeated Hecubah, Queen of the Undead! |
Con10B.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 10! |
Con10B.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahDefeat6 | So near, but so far! You failed to stop me -- the All Powerful Necromancer Queen -- in Grok Torr. So now, the Ogres will feed on your flesh tonight! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahDialog1 | Know your limits, mortal... You are on my land now. Meddle any further into my business and you'll pay with your life. |
Con10B.scr:HecubahDialog2 | Ah, you are a bold but foolish one indeed! Now you must pay the ultimate price for your insolence. My minions will teach you a harsh lesson -- you'll sadly have scant time to remember since your pathetic death is imminent! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahDialog3 | Is your insane pride so towering that you think you can defeat me in my own domain?! This time you sorely over- estimate yourself! Unfortunately you'll not live long enough to comprehend the depths of your hearty foolishness! My minions and I will destroy you with ease! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine1 | Guards, dispose of this nuisance! This time you've crossed the line -- puny mortal! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine10 | Your arrogance will be your downfall. |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine11 | Guards, eliminate this petty distraction. |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine12 | Hah, hah, hah... That puny stick is not going to help you here |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine13 | You presume to think you can defeat me? |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine14 | The Orb will not aid you here. You're in my domain now! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine15 | The Orb will not aid you here. You're in my domain now! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine16 | Nooooooooo! It CANNOT end like this! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine2 | This time you have crossed the line, puny mortal! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine3 | You shall pay for this intrusion with your worthless life! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine4 | I summon you!... Come to me, my Dark Minions of Pain! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine5 | Now... ATTACK! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine6 | Your feeble spells are no match for my boundless power! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine7 | Now you shall feel the scourge of my unbridled wrath! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine8 | Now you shall feel the scourge of my unbridled wrath! |
Con10B.scr:HecubahLine9 | Now you will learn the true meaning of agony! |
Con10B.scr:Hint | You have discovered a hint; your journal has been updated. |
Con10B.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
Con10B.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new objective, your journal has been updated. |
Con10B.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective; your journal has been updated! |
Con10B.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Objective Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
Con10B.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
Con10B.scr:TheEnd | THE END |
Conntype.wnd:Title | My Connection Type: |
console.c:CantOpenLog | Can't open file 'log'!! |
console.c:Fatalerror | Fatal Error |
console.c:FatalerrorHeader | FATAL ERROR: |
console.c:OK | OK |
console.c:WarningHeader | WARNING: |
console.c:Warningmessage | Warning Message |
CourtYrd.scr:Anchormessage | You are enchanted with the ANCHOR spell. |
CourtYrd.scr:Hastemessage | The HASTE spell has been cast upon you. |
CourtYrd.scr:Healmessage | Your wounds have been healed. |
CourtYrd.scr:Infravisionmessage | You have been enchanted with INFRAVISION. |
CourtYrd.scr:Invisibilitymessage | You have been enchanted with INVISIBILITY. |
CourtYrd.scr:Invulnerabilitymessage | You have been enchanted with INVULNERABILITY. |
CourtYrd.scr:ProtectionFromFiremessage | You are enchanted with the PROTECTION FROM FIRE spell. |
CourtYrd.scr:Shockmessage | The SHOCK spell has been cast upon you. |
CourtYrd.scr:Vampirismmessage | The VAMPIRISM spell has been inflicted upon you. |
creature:AlbinoSpider | Cave Spider |
creature:Bat | Bat |
creature:Bear | Bear, Grizzly |
creature:Beholder | Beholder |
creature:BlackBear | Bear, Black |
creature:BlackWolf | Wolf, Black |
creature:Bomber | Bomber |
creature:CarnivorousPlant | Carnivorous Plant |
creature:Demon | Demon Lord |
creature:EmberDemon | Ember Demon |
creature:EvilCherub | Gargoyle |
creature:FlyingGolem | Mechanical Flyer |
creature:Ghost | Ghost |
creature:GiantLeech | Giant Leech |
creature:GruntAxe | Ogress |
creature:Imp | Imp |
creature:Lich | Lich |
creature:LichLord | Lich Lord |
creature:MechanicalGolem | Mechanical Golem |
creature:Mimic | Mimic |
creature:OgreBrute | Ogre |
creature:OgreWarlord | Ogre Lord |
creature:Polyp | Polyp |
creature:Scorpion | Scorpion |
creature:Shade | Shade |
creature:Skeleton | Skeleton |
creature:SkeletonLord | Skeleton Lord |
creature:SmallAlbinoSpider | Cave Spider, Small |
creature:SmallSpider | Spider, Small |
creature:Spider | Spider |
creature:SpittingSpider | Spider, Spitting |
creature:StoneGolem | Stone Golem |
creature:Troll | Troll |
creature:Urchin | Urchin |
creature:UrchinShaman | Urchin Shaman |
creature:VileZombie | Zombie, Vile |
creature:Wasp | Wasp |
creature:WhiteWolf | Wolf, White |
creature:WillOWisp | Will O' Wisp |
creature:WizardGreen | Dryad |
creature:Wolf | Wolf |
creature:Zombie | Zombie |
creature_desc:AlbinoSpider | Ranging in the darkness, these gigantic arachnids await new victims with venomous fangs. |
creature_desc:Bat | Seek deep and dark places to find these leathery winged flyers of the night. By themselves they are an annoyance, but in a swarm they can rip you to bits in seconds. |
creature_desc:Bear | More powerful than its common cousin, the grizzly bear can be a ferocious killer in close quarters. |
creature_desc:Beholder | Death, not beauty, is in the eye of the Beholder. A bolt of pure energy emanates from these ocular guardians. |
creature_desc:BlackBear | Shambling and slow, the bear is a terror for those who come too close. |
creature_desc:BlackWolf | Lithe and dark, the black wolf is vicious and powerful. They can only be found in the frozen wastelands of Nox. |
creature_desc:Bomber | No Description |
creature_desc:CarnivorousPlant | Camouflaged in the dismal swamps, beware these gluttonous, insatiable pods of death. |
creature_desc:Demon | Flee for your life should you find this hell-eyed, spell casting lord of darkness. |
creature_desc:EmberDemon | Though diminutive in stature, give proper respect to these razor-clawed terrors. They hurl pure fire and, when near death, will explode in a furious blaze. |
creature_desc:EvilCherub | These little monsters are pure evil, bringing death with each arrow they let sail. |
creature_desc:FlyingGolem | A crude mockery with wings, these flittering beasts shoot arrows. |
creature_desc:Ghost | Stay clear of this specter's chilling grasp, else be paralyzed with fear. |
creature_desc:GiantLeech | Wherever you find water, keep an eye out for this black-slimed parasitic menace. |
creature_desc:GruntAxe | Appallingly ugly, these piggish females are quite deft at swinging their bloody axes. |
creature_desc:GUIDE_INVALID | No Description |
creature_desc:Imp | Bewinged, blue and swift, the common imp can deliver uncommon suffering with its flare spitting tongue. |
creature_desc:Lich | Servants once in Galava, these undead sorcerers are a force to be reckoned with. Their Lord harnesses the force of nature in his staff. |
creature_desc:LichLord | Servants once in Galava, these undead sorcerers are a force to be reckoned with. Their Lord harnesses the force of nature in his staff. |
creature_desc:MechanicalGolem | The necromancer's homemade version of the Stone Golem. They are faster and more powerful than their natural counterpart. |
creature_desc:Mimic | Often cloaked in the guise of a prize they dimly resemble, mind this cyclopean creature's snapping claws. |
creature_desc:OgreBrute | Noisome and hideously huge, the adult ogre deals misery with its gnarled, warty fists. |
creature_desc:OgreWarlord | Scarred with running sores and baring terrifying fangs, this armored gladiator should be avoided whenever possible. |
creature_desc:Polyp | Part plant, part animal, these gas filled beasties emit a poisonous spore cloud when disturbed. |
creature_desc:Scorpion | Beware this wagon-sized monstrosity and the poisonous lash of its tail. |
creature_desc:Shade | Shun the shadows of swamps to avoid this skittering undead aberration. |
creature_desc:Skeleton | Though bereft of skin and sinew, the skeleton is still quite able to wield its sword and shield with skill. |
creature_desc:SkeletonLord | Undead warriors all, the skeleton lords are fearsome fighters. |
creature_desc:SmallAlbinoSpider | Creeping usually in lightless caves, the small cave spider is more nuisance than menace. |
creature_desc:SmallSpider | Lurking often in the underbrush, the common ground spider is easily dealt with. |
creature_desc:Spider | Give this hairy horror wide berth to forestall its unpleasant, poisonous bites. |
creature_desc:SpittingSpider | Even at a distance, the spitting spiders of Nox can slow even the fastest of fighters with their sticky projectiles. |
creature_desc:StoneGolem | Little understood, few have survived a thrashing at the hands of these immense sentinels. |
creature_desc:Troll | Trolls always show up at the wrong time. Awkward and slow, their kick packs a wallop. Don't hang around after one dies, their stench is noxious. |
creature_desc:Urchin | Cowardly, rock-lobbing denizens of the world beneath, urchins are best experienced face to face. |
creature_desc:UrchinShaman | Sneaky and skilled, these aged urchin wizards have little patience with visitors. |
creature_desc:VileZombie | Seething with fleshy corruption, these vile creatures can infect with a touch. They are much more dangerous than the common zombie. |
creature_desc:Wasp | Though small, the common wasp can deliver a poisonous sting. |
creature_desc:WhiteWolf | Majestic with its snowy coat and gleaming fangs, the white wolf can be a cunning ally or a deadly foe. |
creature_desc:WillOWisp | These charming little glow balls will often lead you to a surprise -- not always pleasant. They are much more dangerous than they appear. |
creature_desc:WizardGreen | These winged nymphs are the protectors of the wild. They have little love for humans. |
creature_desc:Wolf | Content usually to guard their dens, avoid crossing these lupine predators. Skilled conjurers can train them to hunt. |
creature_desc:Zombie | The Zombie is a tireless foe, methodically pursuing the living. They are the sad foot soldier of the Undead. |
CScrFunc.c:AwardSpellError | *** ERROR: AwardSpell(): Invalid spell parameter |
CScrFunc.c:EnchantObjectError | *** ERROR: EnchantObject(): Invalid enchantment type |
demo:Demo | Demo |
demo:ResolutionLimit | Only 640x480 is available in the demo version. |
demo:SummonLimit | Only the Urchin, Gargoyle, and Stone Golem may be summoned in the demo version. |
Dialog.wnd:Done | GoodBye |
Dialog.wnd:Empty | |
Dialog.wnd:Next | Next |
Dialog.wnd:No | No |
Dialog.wnd:Replay | Repeat |
Dialog.wnd:Text | Test |
Dialog.wnd:Yes | Yes |
DialogEx.scr:PlayerAlreadyTalking | ...thinking... Guess I'll have to wait a bit to talk. |
die.c:Accomplice | , with help from %s. |
Die.c:ArmorBreak | Your %s breaks into pieces. |
die.c:ArmorDieCloth | Your %s collapses into dust! Your %s splits its seams and collapses! Your %s falls apart! Your %s is destroyed! |
die.c:ArmorDieClothPlural | Your %s collapse into dust! Your %s split its seams and collapses! Your %s fall apart! Your %s are destroyed! |
die.c:ArmorDieGeneric | Your %s is destroyed! |
die.c:ArmorDieGenericPlural | Your %s are destroyed! |
die.c:ArmorDieHide | Your %s collapses into dust! Your %s splits its seams and collapses! Your %s falls apart! Your %s is destroyed! |
die.c:ArmorDieHidePlural | Your %s collapse into dust! Your %s split its seams and collapses! Your %s fall apart! Your %s are destroyed! |
die.c:ArmorDieMetal | Your %s crumbles to dust! Your %s falls off and breaks apart! Your %s pops its rivets, becoming a useless hunk of metal! Your %s breaks! |
die.c:ArmorDieMetalPlural | Your %s crumble to dust! Your %s fall off and break apart! Your %s pop their rivets, becoming useless hunks of metal! Your %s break! |
die.c:ArmorDieWood | Your %s splinters apart! Your %s shatters into sawdust! Your %s cracks apart! Your %s breaks into splinters! |
die.c:ArmorDieWoodPlural | Your %s splinter apart! Your %s shatter into sawdust! Your %s crack apart! Your %s break into splinters! |
die.c:AttackerCreature | creature |
die.c:AttackerMissile | missile |
die.c:AttackerNasty | nasty thing |
die.c:DeathBite | %s munched %s%s %s chewed up %s%s %s minced %s%s |
die.c:DeathBlade | %s hacked %s%s %s chopped up %s%s %s sliced and diced %s%s |
die.c:DeathClaw | %s shredded %s%s %s ripped apart %s%s %s carved up %s%s |
die.c:DeathCrush | %s crushed %s%s %s smashed %s%s %s splattered %s%s |
die.c:DeathDeath | %s was struck down by the finger of Death %s %s was the victim of Death magic %s %s was crushed in the icy clutches of Death %s |
die.c:DeathDrain | %s drained of life %s%s %s killed %s%s |
die.c:DeathElectric | %s shocked %s%s %s zapped %s%s %s crisped %s%s |
die.c:DeathExplosion | %s blasted %s%s %s blown up %s%s %s destroyed %s%s |
die.c:DeathFlame | %s fried %s%s %s torched %s%s %s barbequed %s%s |
die.c:DeathImpact | %s struck %s%s %s whacked %s%s %s beaned %s%s |
die.c:DeathImpale | %s impaled %s%s %s skewered %s%s %s punctured %s%s |
die.c:DeathLava | %s was broiled by molten lava %s %s was incinerated in a fiery lava bath %s %s was vaporized by red-hot lava %s |
die.c:DeathMagic | %s zapped %s%s %s enchanted %s%s %s zinged %s%s |
die.c:DeathPoison | %s poisoned %s%s %s envenomed %s%s %s killed %s%s |
die.c:KillerAnObject | by an %s |
die.c:KillerAObject | by a %s |
die.c:KillerOwnedObject | by %s's %s |
die.c:KillerPlayer | by %s |
die.c:LocalizeAssistant | , Assistant: %s. |
die.c:LocalizeAttacker | , Attacker: %s |
die.c:LocalizeAttackerObject | , Attacker: %s (%s) |
die.c:LocalizeVictim | Victim: %s |
die.c:NULLPlayer | **NULL PLAYER NAME** |
die.c:OtherDied | %s was |
die.c:OtherSelfKill | %s has learned a valuable lesson. |
die.c:Period | . |
die.c:SelfDied | You were |
die.c:SelfKill | You have learned a valuable lesson. |
Die.c:WeaponBreak | Your %s breaks into pieces. Your %s has broken. |
die.c:WeaponDieGeneric | Your %s breaks! |
die.c:WeaponDieMetal | Your %s crumbles to dust! Your %s breaks apart! Your %s breaks! Your %s has broken! |
die.c:WeaponDieWood | Your %s splinters apart! Your %s cracks apart! Your %s breaks into splinters! Your %s breaks! |
discon.wnd:Exit | Exit |
discon.wnd:message | The server is not responding. Do you want to wait or exit now? |
discon.wnd:Wait | Wait |
dlg.wnd:Discon | Disconnect |
dlg.wnd:Help | Help |
doorcirc.c:DoorWrongTeam | Only members of the %s team may enter. |
drop.c:CantDropThat | You cannot drop that item. |
drop.c:DropCrown | King %s has lost his crown! |
drop.c:DropNotAllowed | You cannot drop something there. |
drop.c:DropTeamCrown | King %s, of team %s, has lost his crown! |
drop.c:FlagDropNotice | %s has dropped the %s flag! |
drop.c:OutOfReach | You cannot reach that far. |
Dxinput.c:IM_AquireFailed | Acquire(SysMouse) failed. |
Dxinput.c:IM_CreateDeviceFailed | CreateDevice(SysMouse) failed. |
Dxinput.c:IM_CreateFailed | Unable to create DirectInput instance. |
Dxinput.c:IM_SetCoopFailed | SetCooperativeLevel(SysMouse) failed. |
Dxinput.c:IM_SetFormatFailed | SetDataFormat(SysMouse, dfDIMouse) failed. |
Dxinput.c:IM_SetPropertyFailed | SetProperty for buffer length (SysMouse) failed. |
Dxinput.c:OK_AquireFailed | Acquire(SysKeyboard) failed. |
Dxinput.c:OK_CreateDeviceFailed | CreateDevice(SysKeyboard) failed. |
Dxinput.c:OK_CreateFailed | Unable to create DirectInput instance (Keyboard). |
Dxinput.c:OK_SetCoopFailed | SetCooperativeLevel(SysKeyboard) failed. |
Dxinput.c:OK_SetFormatFailed | SetDataFormat(SysKeyboard, dfDIKeyboard) failed. |
Dxinput.c:OK_SetPropertyFailed | SetProperty for buffer length (SysKeyboard) failed. |
ExecDur.c:GreaterHealNoTarget | Target near a creature or person with the pointer to heal it. |
ExecDur.c:NeedClearLOSForSwap | You need a clear line of sight to your target in order to swap locations. |
ExecDur.c:UnseenTarget | You cannot see that spot. |
execspel.c:DoorAlreadyLocked | The door is already magically locked by someone else. |
execspel.c:PoisonClean | Your body is cleansed of the poison. |
execspel.c:PoisonCure | You neutralize the poison. |
execspel.c:SpellNotAllowed | You cannot cast that spell during this game. |
execspel.c:SpellsCancelled | All of your readied spells were cancelled. |
execspel.c:TooManyFists | You have too many fists in play already. |
execspel.c:TooManyMeteors | You have too many meteors in play already. |
execspel.c:UnseenTarget | You cannot see that spot. |
experience:Conjurer0 | Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer1 | Initiate Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer10 | Legendary Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer11 | Legendary Conjurer Lord |
experience:Conjurer12 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 2 |
experience:Conjurer13 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 3 |
experience:Conjurer14 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 4 |
experience:Conjurer15 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 5 |
experience:Conjurer16 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 6 |
experience:Conjurer17 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 7 |
experience:Conjurer18 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 8 |
experience:Conjurer19 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 9 |
experience:Conjurer2 | Apprentice Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer20 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 10 |
experience:Conjurer21 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 11 |
experience:Conjurer22 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 12 |
experience:Conjurer23 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 13 |
experience:Conjurer24 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 14 |
experience:Conjurer25 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 15 |
experience:Conjurer26 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 16 |
experience:Conjurer27 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 17 |
experience:Conjurer28 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 18 |
experience:Conjurer29 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 19 |
experience:Conjurer3 | Novice Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer30 | Legendary Conjurer Lord, Level 20 |
experience:Conjurer4 | Adept Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer5 | Veteran Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer6 | Expert Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer7 | Master Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer8 | Great Conjurer |
experience:Conjurer9 | Arch-Conjurer |
experience:Warrior0 | Warrior |
experience:Warrior1 | Initiate Warrior |
experience:Warrior10 | Legendary Warrior |
experience:Warrior11 | Legendary Warrior Lord |
experience:Warrior12 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 2 |
experience:Warrior13 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 3 |
experience:Warrior14 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 4 |
experience:Warrior15 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 5 |
experience:Warrior16 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 6 |
experience:Warrior17 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 7 |
experience:Warrior18 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 8 |
experience:Warrior19 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 9 |
experience:Warrior2 | Apprentice Warrior |
experience:Warrior20 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 10 |
experience:Warrior21 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 11 |
experience:Warrior22 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 12 |
experience:Warrior23 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 13 |
experience:Warrior24 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 14 |
experience:Warrior25 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 15 |
experience:Warrior26 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 16 |
experience:Warrior27 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 17 |
experience:Warrior28 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 18 |
experience:Warrior29 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 19 |
experience:Warrior3 | Novice Warrior |
experience:Warrior30 | Legendary Warrior Lord, Level 20 |
experience:Warrior4 | Adept Warrior |
experience:Warrior5 | Veteran Warrior |
experience:Warrior6 | Expert Warrior |
experience:Warrior7 | Master Warrior |
experience:Warrior8 | Great Warrior |
experience:Warrior9 | Arch-Warrior |
experience:Wizard0 | Wizard |
experience:Wizard1 | Initiate Wizard |
experience:Wizard10 | Legendary Wizard |
experience:Wizard11 | Legendary Wizard Lord |
experience:Wizard12 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 2 |
experience:Wizard13 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 3 |
experience:Wizard14 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 4 |
experience:Wizard15 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 5 |
experience:Wizard16 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 6 |
experience:Wizard17 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 7 |
experience:Wizard18 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 8 |
experience:Wizard19 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 9 |
experience:Wizard2 | Apprentice Wizard |
experience:Wizard20 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 10 |
experience:Wizard21 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 11 |
experience:Wizard22 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 12 |
experience:Wizard23 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 13 |
experience:Wizard24 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 14 |
experience:Wizard25 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 15 |
experience:Wizard26 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 16 |
experience:Wizard27 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 17 |
experience:Wizard28 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 18 |
experience:Wizard29 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 19 |
experience:Wizard3 | Novice Wizard |
experience:Wizard30 | Legendary Wizard Lord, Level 20 |
experience:Wizard4 | Adept Wizard |
experience:Wizard5 | Veteran Wizard |
experience:Wizard6 | Expert Wizard |
experience:Wizard7 | Master Wizard |
experience:Wizard8 | Great Wizard |
experience:Wizard9 | Arch-Wizard |
expLevel.c:LevelUP | You have achieved the next level! |
FLAGBALL_TEMP:TempLabel01 | %s has scored a goal for team %s! |
FLAGBALL_TEMP:TempLabel02 | %s of team %s has the ball... |
FLAGBALL_TEMP:TempLabel03 | The ball has returned to the center of the field. |
FLAGBALL_TEMP:TempLabel04 | You were defeated by team %s! |
FLAGBALL_TEMP:TempLabel05 | Your team is victorious! |
focus.c:MallocFailed | Unable to malloc in AddFocusFuncs. |
Fortress:GatesLocked | The cell gates are locked |
Fortress:GatesUnlocked | The cell gates are unlocked |
gamedisk.c:BuddyText | The Solo Game is only available with the Nox Primary CD. |
gamedisk.c:BuddyTitle | Solo Game |
gamedisk.c:CDFailText | The game CD must be in your CD-ROM drive in order to play Nox. |
gamedisk.c:CDFailTitle | Nox CD Missing! |
gamedisk.c:DevFailText | Nox has detected that another program is using your CD-ROM drive. Please close all other applications and restart Nox. |
gamedisk.c:DevFailTitle | CD-ROM Drive In Use. |
gameloop.c:OverwriteReadOnly | Your local map is read-only and needs to be updated. Do you wish to overwrite? |
gameloop.c:Warning | Warning! |
gamewin.c:TooltipTooLong | Tooltip too long. |
Gauntlet.c:WarpRestrictedMulti | Warp failed because nobody in your party has ever completed the destination stage before. |
Gauntlet.c:WarpRestrictedSolo | Warp failed because you have never completed the destination stage before. |
General.c:Cable | Cable |
General.c:ISDN | ISDN |
General.c:Modem | Modem |
General.c:T1 | T1 |
general.wnd:AdvancedTT | Advanced Server Options |
General.wnd:CamperAlarm | Use camper alarm. |
General.wnd:CamperAlarmTT | Players who don't move will emit an alarm sound |
General.wnd:Description | Choose your connection type. You may use the slider to adjust the rate at which data is sent to other players. |
General.wnd:Fastest | Fastest |
General.wnd:ForceRespawn | Force Player Respawn |
General.wnd:ForceRespawnTT | Force players to automatically respawn after being killed |
general.wnd:ItemRespawn | Weapons and armor respawn. |
general.wnd:ItemRespawnTT | Weapons and armor respawn shortly after being picked up |
General.wnd:Mapcycle | Use the mapcycle.txt file to cycle through maps. |
General.wnd:MapcycleTT | Automatically cycles through a predefined list of maps |
General.wnd:ShowMOTD | Show Message of the Day |
General.wnd:ShowMOTDTT | Display Message of the Day for server and clients |
General.wnd:SliderTitle | Adjust the rate at which data is sent. |
General.wnd:Slowest | Slowest |
General.wnd:Title | General Server Options |
General.wnd:TypeLabel | My connection type: |
GeneralDialog:MaidenHello | Hello there again! |
GeneralDialog:TownsmanHello | Hello there! Hello again, Wanderer! |
GeneralPrint:AdvanceToStage1 | This Warp Gate leads to stage %d. All players must enter to warp. |
GeneralPrint:AdvanceToStage2 | To Warp, one or more active players must have previously completed the destination stage or higher. |
GeneralPrint:AllKeysDropped | All Silver Keys have been dropped on the floor. Share next time! |
GeneralPrint:AllSilverDoorsOpen | All of the silver door locks have been opened! |
GeneralPrint:BadCoOpPenalize | You have been penalized for your lack of cooperation! You have been punished for your lack of cooperation! |
GeneralPrint:BluePotion | Use blue potions to refresh mana. |
GeneralPrint:Bomber | Congratulations Conjurer, you now have the ability to summon Bombers. See your Journal for details. |
GeneralPrint:CantJoinGetExpansion | You need to download the FREE Nox Expansion Pack from in order to join a Nox Quest game. |
GeneralPrint:ConjureNoSpellWarning1 | You can not cast any spells while observing your creatures. |
GeneralPrint:EliminationCantJoin | Players have already been eliminated, you must wait until the next map to join. |
GeneralPrint:FindScroll | You have a new Beast Scroll! |
GeneralPrint:FindSpell | You have a new Spell Book! |
GeneralPrint:FunctionNotAvailable | This feature is not available in this game mode. |
GeneralPrint:GainedItem | An item has been added to your inventory! |
GeneralPrint:GainedKey | A key has been added to your inventory! |
GeneralPrint:CharmHint | Doors will unlock after you have charmed a spider. |
GeneralPrint:IllegalItem | Illegal items were detected on your character and have been removed. |
GeneralPrint:IllegalItemOther | Illegal items were detected on %s and have been removed. |
GeneralPrint:InformExpansion | You need to download the FREE Nox Expansion Pack from in order to play a Nox Quest game. |
GeneralPrint:InvalidCharKick | You have been kicked due to an invalid character file. |
GeneralPrint:KeyShared1 | One of your Silver Keys has been used by another player to unlock a door. |
GeneralPrint:KeyShared2 | The Silver Keys have now been shared amongst the party. |
GeneralPrint:KeySharingOff | Key Sharing Mode is now OFF - Players no longer share Silver Keys. |
GeneralPrint:KeySharingOn | Key Sharing Mode enabled due to inactivity. Players now share Silver Keys. A door with a Silver Lock can be opened as long as ANY player holds a Silver Key. Key sharing does not apply to Treasure Chests, or Gold Locks. |
GeneralPrint:LockBroken1 | The lock has been broken! |
GeneralPrint:LockBroken2 | You have broken the lock! |
GeneralPrint:LockBroken3 | %s has broken the lock! |
GeneralPrint:MapNameAncientFortress | The Ancient Fortress |
GeneralPrint:MapNameAncientRuins | The Ancient Ruins |
GeneralPrint:MapNameCitadel | The Fireknight's Citadel |
GeneralPrint:MapNameDarkCaves | The Dark Caves |
GeneralPrint:MapNameFrozenLands | The Frozen Lands |
GeneralPrint:MapNameGuilds | The Guilds |
GeneralPrint:MapNameHauntedRuins | The Haunted Ruins |
GeneralPrint:MapNameHecubahLair | Hecubah's Lair |
GeneralPrint:MapNameIceCaves | The Ice Caves |
GeneralPrint:MapNameLab | The Wizard's Lab |
GeneralPrint:MapNameLostTomb | The Lost Tomb |
GeneralPrint:MapNameMarkets | The Markets |
GeneralPrint:MapNameOasis | The Oasis |
GeneralPrint:MapNameRivers | The River |
GeneralPrint:MapNameSanturary | The Conjurer's Santurary |
GeneralPrint:MapNameSewers | The Sewers |
GeneralPrint:MapNameStockade | The Stockade |
GeneralPrint:MapNameStronghold | The Stronghold |
GeneralPrint:MapNameTowerIllusion | The Towers of Illusion |
GeneralPrint:MiscMaxStageCompleted | Max Stage Completed |
GeneralPrint:MiscMonstersKilled | Monsters Killed |
GeneralPrint:MiscObelisksDestroyed | Obelisks Destroyed |
GeneralPrint:MiscPenality | Your score has been reset to zero, and you have lost %d gold and %d items. |
GeneralPrint:MiscQContPenalized | You have been penalized for resurrecting without an Ankh... |
GeneralPrint:MiscQuestionQDeath | You have no extra life Ankhs! Would you like to pay a penalty and continue, or quit the game? |
GeneralPrint:MiscSecretsFound | Secrets Found |
GeneralPrint:MiscStagesCompleted | Stages Completed |
GeneralPrint:MiscThisStage | This Stage |
GeneralPrint:MiscTotal | Total |
GeneralPrint:MsgDoorLock | A door has been locked. |
GeneralPrint:MsgDoorUnlock | A door has been unlocked. |
GeneralPrint:MsgElevOff | An elevator has just been disabled. |
GeneralPrint:MsgElevOn | An elevator has just been activated. |
GeneralPrint:MsgFarWallClosed | Somewhere, a secret wall has been closed. |
GeneralPrint:MsgFarWallOpen | Somewhere, a secret wall has been opened. |
GeneralPrint:MsgPitClose | A pit has been closed. |
GeneralPrint:MsgPitOpen | A pit has been opened. |
GeneralPrint:MsgScrollQuest | Lore Scrolls can only be used by Conjurers in the Quest game. |
GeneralPrint:MsgSeWallClose | A secret wall has been closed. |
GeneralPrint:MsgSeWallOpen | A secret wall has been opened. |
GeneralPrint:MsgTrapOff | A trap has been disarmed. |
GeneralPrint:MsgTrapOn | A trap has been armed. |
GeneralPrint:MsgWallLowered | A wall has been lowered. |
GeneralPrint:MsgWallRaised | A wall has been raised. |
GeneralPrint:NoSpellWarningGeneral | You can not cast any spells while in this mode. |
GeneralPrint:PlayerJoinQuest | %s has joined the Quest. |
GeneralPrint:PlayerQuitConfirmQuest | If you quit now, you will lose your keys and current stage score. Quit now? |
GeneralPrint:PlayerQuitQuest | %s has quit the Quest. |
GeneralPrint:PressKey | Press any key to continue. |
GeneralPrint:QuestAllExit | All players must enter the Exit to continue. |
GeneralPrint:QuestDeath | You have no extra life Ankhs! Your score has been reset and a character penalty has been assessed. Would you like to continue or quit the game? |
GeneralPrint:QuestGameFull | Sorry, this Quest game is full. You will not be able to join the adventure until someone leaves the game. |
GeneralPrint:QuestResetGame | Reset Game |
GeneralPrint:QuestShop1 | Loproc's |
GeneralPrint:QuestShop2 | Loproc's Bog Shop |
GeneralPrint:QuestShop3 | Loproc's Shop of Fiery Doom |
GeneralPrint:QuestShop4 | Loproc's Shop of Wonders |
GeneralPrint:QuestShop5 | Loproc's Goodies Emporium |
GeneralPrint:QuestShop6 | Loproc's Gift Shop |
GeneralPrint:QuestShop7 | Loproc's Outpost |
GeneralPrint:QuestShop8 | Loproc's Pawn Shop |
GeneralPrint:QuestShop9 | Loproc's House 'O Armament |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash1 | HOW TO PLAY |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash10a | COOPERATE WITH YOUR FRIENDS |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash10b | for more firepower. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash11a | GET A HIGH SCORE |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash11b | by clearing the most maps of monsters and Summoning Obelisks. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash12 | Click to Continue |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash13 | All players must click to continue. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash2a | DESTROY SUMMONING OBELISKS |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash2b | to stop the horde of monsters. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash3a | FIND THE EXIT |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash3b | to complete a map and return you to safety. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash4a | TOUCH SOUL GATES |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash4b | and you will reappear there if you die and have an Ankh. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash5a | COLLECT ITEMS |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash5b | to increase your power. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash6a | COLLECT TREASURES |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash6b | to increase your wealth. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash7a | TOUCH ANKHS |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash7b | to gain extra lives. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash8a | FIND KEYS |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash8b | to open locked doors and chests. |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash9a | FIND HIDDEN AREAS |
GeneralPrint:QuestSplash9b | for extra treasure and increased score. |
GeneralPrint:QuestVote | Vote to reset the game |
GeneralPrint:QuestVoteInProgress | Vote in progress... |
GeneralPrint:RedPotion | Use red potions to restore health. |
GeneralPrint:Respawn | Your soul has been returned to the World of Nox. You have just used up one of your Ankhs. |
GeneralPrint:SecretFound | You have uncovered a secret area! |
GeneralPrint:SecretFoundOther | %s has uncovered a secret area! |
GeneralPrint:SecretsFound | You found %d of them. |
GeneralPrint:SecretsFoundByFriends | Your friends found %d of them. |
GeneralPrint:SecretsNoneFound | You found none of them. |
GeneralPrint:SecretsNoneFoundByFriends | Your friends found none of them. |
GeneralPrint:SecretsTotal | There were %d secret areas on the map. |
GeneralPrint:ShopHints | Fighting hordes of monsters alone may be overwhelming. Try to stay close to your friends and fight as a team. Your combined efforts will be much more powerful. Don't hog all your loot! If you share the wealth with your friends, they will be able to buy better equipment, which will make the whole party stronger. Sell me any items you don't need, or can't use. You can then use the gold to buy better equipment for yourself. Buy all the potions you can carry! Adventures can be long, and help may be hard to find. Summoning Obelisks must be destroyed or they will spawn hordes of evil monsters and overwhelm you! Try to destroy Summoning Obelisks right away, then fight any monsters that are left behind. If you don't, the Obelisks may create more monsters before you defeat the first ones! Match your attacks with your foes. Some monsters are immune to certain attacks, such as fire. If you are clever, fight from afar. Warriors shouldn't forget their shurikens and chakram. There are secret areas hidden everywhere! Some are hidden behind breakable sections of walls, others across dangerous terrain, and others require a clever mind... If you find yourself overwhelmed by evil monsters, run away to fight another day. Also make sure you never run into unfamiliar areas - there may be even more dangerous foes that way! Search for magical Ankhs! If you find one, you will gain an extra life. Once your last Ankh is used, your adventure is over. It is wise to protect your friends so they can protect you in return. Use your keys wisely. Gold keys are very rare, and are used to enter special areas. You will find both riches and danger behind gold doors, however. Use your automap to keep track of your friends and find mana. It is also useful for locating areas you have yet to visit. Sometimes I sell different items to each player. Shop with your friends - you might find more than you expected. Beware of Hecubah and her Necromancer minions! Eat food and use red potions to keep yourself healthy and strong at all times. You never know what may be lurking around the next corner... During your adventures, search everywhere. If you take the obvious path, you may miss out on great treasures! Always drink from the magic wells. They provide many wondrous powers. Did you know that most Summoning Obelisks only spawn monsters if they can see you? Make sure you touch any Soul Gates you find. That way, if you die you will be resurrected next to the last one you touched. If you cast the Blink spell, it will also teleport you to your last Soul Gate. If you need to trade gold with your friends, buy and sell Trade Gems. If a high score is what you're after, destroy as many Summoning Obelisks as you can! Beware purple sentry rays! Even the slightest touch brings instant death! Did you know that some buttons can be activated by shooting at them? Everyone can use magical potions! These special potions supply their users with exceptionally long lasting enchantments such as Invisibility and Haste. Just because you have adventured in a map before it doesn't mean it will be the same as you remember. You may encounter different monsters, different Summoning Obelisks, and even the exit may be in a new location! There are many spellbooks waiting to be found. Blue spellbooks contain Wizardly spells, green ones are for Conjurers, and orange spellbooks can be used by either class. The more adventures you complete, the more difficult things become. However, the rewards also increase in value and power. How far can you go? Use your abilities to help your friends. If you are a magic user, heal your friends if they are hurt. Enchantments such as Force Field and Vampirism are also very helpful. Some dangerous traps have hidden areas behind their mechanisms. You can find great treasures there if you are brave enough! |
GeneralPrint:SoloQuest | Solo Quest |
GeneralPrint:SpellHint | Doors will unlock after you have retrieved the spellbook. |
GeneralPrint:SpiderHint | Use your Charm spell to gain control of spiders. |
GeneralPrint:StageCompleteMessageQuest | Congratulations! You have survived this stage! Your stage score has been saved. |
GeneralPrint:Summon | Congratulations Conjurer, you now have the ability to Summon Beasts. See your Journal for details. |
GeneralPrint:TheEnd | THE END |
GeneralPrint:TooltipKeyIcon | Players now share Silver Keys when unlocking silver locked doors. |
GeneralPrint:Trap | Congratulations Wizard, you now have the ability to create Traps. See your Journal for details. |
GeneralPrint:UnofficialMap | This is an UNOFFICIAL map, not created by Westwood Studios. Westwood Studios has no control over the content or quality of this unofficial map, and is unable to offer technical support for this map. |
GeneralPrint:VoteInProgress | Vote in progress |
GeneralPrint:VoteQuestGo | All active players have voted to restart the game. Game will now restart at Stage One. |
GeneralPrint:VoteQuestNoGo | All active players have voted... There aren't enough votes to restart the game. |
GeneralPrint:WarpClosed | The Warp Gate is closed. |
GeneralPrint:WellDry1 | The Magic Well has run dry. |
GeneralPrint:WellDry2 | You have drained the well. |
GeneralPrint:WellSign | Magical Well |
GeneralPrint:WellSignRefresh | You feel refreshed after drinking from the well. The cool water from the well rejuvenates you. |
GeneralPrint:WishingWellExperience | The wishing well has imparted new knowledge upon you! |
GeneralPrint:WishingWellNotEnoughGold | You don't have enough gold to wish from this well! |
GeneralPrint:WishingWellPrintEnchantment | The wishing well has granted you an enchantment! |
GeneralPrint:WishingWellSign100Gold | 100 gold will grant you a wish from the well. |
GeneralPrint:WishingWellSign25Gold | 25 gold will grant you a wish from the well. |
GeneralPrint:WishingWellSign50Gold | 50 gold will grant you a wish from the well. |
GeneralPrint:WishingWellSign75Gold | 75 gold will grant you a wish from the well. |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder1 | Nox Game |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder10 | Class |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder11 | End Ranking |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder12 | Game Score |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder13 | Total Kills |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder14 | Total Deaths |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder15 | Total Self-Kills |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder16 | Wizards |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder17 | Conjurers |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder18 | Warriors |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder19 | Wizard Kills |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder2 | Name |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder20 | Conjurer Kills |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder21 | Warrior Kills |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder22 | Ladder Points |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder23 | Ladder Point Change |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder24 | Completion Status |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder25 | Time In Game |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder26 | Clan |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder27 | IP |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder28 | Game |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder29 | Map |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder3 | Date |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder30 | Duration |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder31 | Score |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder32 | Kills |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder33 | Deaths |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder34 | Self kills |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder35 | IP |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder36 | Game Details |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder37 | Player List |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder38 | Player Details |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder39 | Clan List |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder4 | Scenario |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder40 | Clan Details |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder41 | Nox Gold |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder42 | Nox Expansion Pack |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder43 | Quest Game |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder44 | Co-op |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder5 | Game Style |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder6 | Max Players |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder7 | Player Count |
GeneralPrint:WOLQLadder8 | Game Duration |
gfxDdraw.c:DXWarning | Nox did not detect a compatible version of DirectX. Nox requires DirectX 3 or greater. To install or update DirectX, please run dxsetup.exe from the Nox CD. |
GGOver.wnd:AnkhsUsed | Ankhs Used: %d |
GGOver.wnd:ConsecutiveStages | Consecutive Stages: %d |
GGOver.wnd:ContinueOrQuit | Continue with a fresh character or quit? |
GGOver.wnd:GameOver | Game Over |
GGOver.wnd:GeneratorsDestroyed | Summoning Obelisks: %d |
GGOver.wnd:HighStage | Highest Stage: %d |
GGOver.wnd:Kills | Kills: %d |
GGOver.wnd:NumSecretsFound | Secrets Found: %d |
GGOver.wnd:Quit | Quit |
GGOver.wnd:Restart | Restart |
GGOver.wnd:SessionInfo | Session Info: |
glyph.c:CantCastGlyph | No spells available to place in spell set. |
glyph.c:NotEnoughMana | You don't have enough mana to create an explosive trap. |
glyph.c:TooManyGlyphs | You have reached your limit on traps. You have too many traps in play to create any more. |
group.c:Undefined | GetGroupType: Undefined Group Type. |
group.c:undefinedGroup | GetGroupType: undefined group type |
gui.c:ToolTipReadiedSpells | Currently readied spells. |
gui_ctf.c:FlagAwayTT | The flag is in the field |
gui_ctf.c:FlagHomeTT | The flag is at its starting location |
gui_ctf.c:TheirFlagCarriedTT | Your team has the enemy's flag |
gui_ctf.c:YourFlagCarriedTT | The enemy has your flag |
guiabil.c:NoIcon | No Icon |
guibook.c:CastingGesture | Casting Gesture: |
guibook.c:EmptyBook | You have no entries in your Book Of Knowledge. Your Book Of Knowledge is empty. |
guibook.c:Large | Large |
GuiBook.c:ManaCost | Mana Cost: |
guibook.c:ManaCostHigh | Mana cost: High |
guibook.c:ManaCostLow | Mana cost: Low |
guibook.c:ManaCostModerate | Mana cost: Moderate |
guibook.c:ManaCostNone | Mana cost: None |
guibook.c:ManaCostVeryHigh | Mana cost: Very High |
guibook.c:Medium | Medium |
guibook.c:PowerLevel | Your Power: %d |
guibook.c:Size | Size: |
guibook.c:Small | Small |
guibook.c:SpellAtLocation | Occurs at pointer. |
guibook.c:SpellHostile | Hostile in nature. |
guibook.c:SpellInstant | Takes effect instantly. |
guibook.c:SpellTargeted | Tracks nearby targets. |
guibook.c:ToolTipAbilityTab | Click to go to Ability Table of Contents. |
guibook.c:ToolTipGuideTab | Click to go to Beast Scroll Table of Contents. |
guibook.c:ToolTipReadySpell | Click to ready this spell. |
guibook.c:ToolTipSpellTab | Click to go to Spell Table of Contents. |
GUIBrief.c:AnkhsUsed | Ankhs Used |
GUIBrief.c:ConsecutiveStages | Stages |
GUIBrief.c:GauntletStatTitle | Game Results |
GUIBrief.c:GeneratorsDestroyed | Obelisks |
GUIBrief.c:Kills | Monsters |
GUIBrief.c:MaxStage | Max Stage |
GUIBrief.c:numSecretsFound | Secrets |
GUIBrief.c:TotalScore | Score |
GuiCon.c:ConsoleUnlocked | You may now enter console commands. When you re-open the console, it will prompt again for the password. |
GuiCon.c:EnterPassword | The console is locked. Enter the password to unlock. |
GuiCon.c:Internalerror | INTERNAL ERROR: NULL string passed to ConsolePrint. |
GuiCon.c:InvalidPassword | INVALID PASSWORD! |
guicurs.c:GRAB | GRAB |
guicurs.c:PICKUP | PICK UP |
guicurs.c:REPAIR | REPAIR |
guicurs.c:TALK | TALK |
guicurs.c:USE | USE |
GuiDemo.c:DemoOverMessage | You have completed the Nox demo. The full retail game includes dozens of solo-play chapters and a host of multiplayer adventures. See your local retailer to purchase Nox, or visit for more information. |
GuiDemo.c:DemoOverTitle | Demo Complete! |
guifb.c:BallAwayTT | The ball is in the field |
guifb.c:BallBlueTT | The blue team has the ball |
guifb.c:BallHomeTT | The ball is at its starting location |
guifb.c:BallRedTT | The red team has the ball |
guigen.c:Assembling | Constructing the map... |
guigen.c:Generating | Thinking about the map... |
guigen.c:Populating | Decorating and populating the map... |
guiinv.c:ArmorValueLabel | Armor Value: %d |
guiinv.c:ArmorValueLabelNA | Armor Value: * |
guiinv.c:BaseDamageLabel | Base: %.2f |
guiinv.c:CloseInventoryTT | Close Inventory |
guiinv.c:CloseSpellbookTT | Close Book Of Knowledge |
guiinv.c:DollRegionError | *** ERROR: Position not in any portrait region *** |
GuiInv.c:DollWeight | Weight: |
guiinv.c:DrawablesExhausted | *** ERROR: Drawables exhausted in inventory GUI *** |
guiinv.c:DropLabel | Drop |
guiinv.c:DroppedNotFound | *** ERROR: Dropped item not found in inventory GUI *** |
GuiInv.c:Durability | Durability |
GuiInv.c:ElaborateNameFormat | %s the %s |
guiinv.c:ElectricalDamageLabel | Shock: %.2f |
guiinv.c:EquippedNotFound | *** ERROR: Equipped item not found in inventory GUI *** |
guiinv.c:FireDamageLabel | Fire: %.2f |
guiinv.c:Grab | Grab |
guiinv.c:GrabInstruction | Select item to grab onto from the environment... |
GuiInv.c:IdentifyDurability | Durability: %d / %d |
GuiInv.c:IdentifyDurabilityIndestructable | Durability: Indestructible |
GuiInv.c:IdentifyDurabilityModerate | Moderately damaged |
GuiInv.c:IdentifyDurabilityNoDamage | Undamaged |
GuiInv.c:IdentifyDurabilitySevere | Severely damaged |
GuiInv.c:IdentifyDurabilitySlight | Slightly damaged |
GuiInv.c:IdentifyItem | Item: |
GuiInv.c:IdentifySpecialAttributes | Enchantments: |
GuiInv.c:IdentifyUnknown | Unknown |
GuiInv.c:IdentifyWeight | Weight: %d |
guiinv.c:InventoryFull | *** ERROR : No room in inventory GUI for item *** |
guiinv.c:InventoryModeTT | Switch to Inventory |
guiinv.c:JournalModeTT | Switch to Journal |
GuiInv.c:MinMaxFormat | %d / %d |
GuiInv.c:NoArmsInfo | No arms info for '%S.' |
guiinv.c:NoObject | There is nothing there. |
guiinv.c:ObjectTooFar | You can't reach that. |
guiinv.c:OpenInventoryTT | Open Inventory |
guiinv.c:OpenSpellbookTT | Open Book Of Knowledge |
guiinv.c:PaperDollModeTT | Switch to Portrait |
GuiInv.c:ShopRepair | Do you want me to repair this? |
GuiInv.c:StatsArmor | %d%% |
GuiInv.c:StatsArmorLabel | Armor: |
GuiInv.c:StatsEXP | EXP: %d / %d |
GuiInv.c:StatsHealth | Health: |
GuiInv.c:StatsLevel | Level: %d |
GuiInv.c:StatsMana | Mana: |
guiinv.c:StatsModeTT | Switch to Stats |
GuiInv.c:StatsName | Name: |
GuiInv.c:StatsSpeed | Speed: |
GuiInv.c:StatsStrength | Strength: |
guiinv.c:StrengthDamageLabel | Strength: %.2f |
guiinv.c:ToolTipAutomap | Toggle the Automap |
guiinv.c:ToolTipDrag | Drag items on and off to equip. |
guiinv.c:ToolTipGrab | Pull items around |
guiinv.c:ToolTipPotionArea | Quick Potion Slot |
guiinv.c:ToolTipWeapon2Area | Secondary Weapon Slot |
guiinv.c:ToolTipWielded | Your Wielded Weapon |
guiinv.c:TooManyEquipped | *** ERROR: Too many equipped items *** |
GuiInv.c:WarriorRepair | Do you want to repair this? |
GuiInv.c:Weapon2CantUse | You can't use that weapon yet. |
guiinv.c:WeaponDamageLabel | Total Damage: %.2f |
guiinv.c:WeaponDamageLabelNA | Total Damage: -- |
guiinv.c:WeaponDamageLabelUnknownPlus | Total Damage: %.2f + ? |
GuiMeter.c:CurePoisonSlotTT | Cure Poison Item Slot |
GuiMeter.c:HealthSlotTT | Health Item Slot |
GuiMeter.c:ManaSlotTT | Mana Item Slot |
guimeter.c:ToolTipCurWeapon | Currently wielded weapon |
guimeter.c:ToolTipHealth | Your Health |
guimeter.c:ToolTipCharges | The number of weapon charges |
guimeter.c:ToolTipMana | Your Mana |
GuiMsg.c:SystemMsg | system> %s |
guiobs.c:observermode | Observer mode |
guiobs.c:permanentObsMode | Permanent observer mode |
GUIQuit.c:CannotAccessMap | Cannot access map file '%S.' |
GUIQuit.c:maploaded | %S loaded. |
GUIQuit.c:MultiplayerSaveLabel | Save Character |
GUIQuit.c:ReallyLoadMessage | Are you sure you want to load this game? |
GUIQuit.c:ReallyQuitMessage | Are you sure you want to leave this game? |
GUIQuit.c:ReallyQuitTitle | Really Quit |
GUIQuit.c:SaveBeforeQuit | Save Game? |
GUIQuit.c:SaveBeforeQuitTitle | Save Game |
GUIQuit.c:ServerManualShutdown | Server shutdown manually. |
guiquit.c:ShuttingDown | Shutting down server... |
GUIQuit.c:SoloSaveLabel | Save / Load |
guiquit.c:Vote | Vote |
guirank.c:Ball | Ball |
Guirank.c:blue | blue |
Guirank.c:class | Class |
guirank.c:Conjurer | CON |
guirank.c:Flag | Flag |
Guirank.c:green | green |
GUIRank.c:HealthHeading | Health |
GUIRank.c:KeyHeading | Keys |
guirank.c:King | King |
guirank.c:LessonLimit | Lesson Limit : %d |
GUIRank.c:LivesHeading | Lives |
Guirank.c:ping | Ping |
Guirank.c:player | Player |
guirank.c:Rank | Rank |
Guirank.c:rankings | Rankings |
Guirank.c:red | red |
Guirank.c:score | Lessons |
Guirank.c:team | TEAM |
guirank.c:TeamPlayerRank | Teams and Players |
guirank.c:Teams | Teams |
guirank.c:TimeRemaining | Time Remaining : %d:%02d |
guirank.c:Top3 | Top 3 Players |
guirank.c:WAIT | Wait |
guirank.c:Warrior | WAR |
Guirank.c:white | white |
guirank.c:Wizard | WIZ |
guirank.c:WolRank | Westwood Online Rankings |
Guirank.c:yellow | yellow |
Guirank.c:yourrank | Your Rank : |
Guirank.c:yourteamrank | Your Team Rank : |
GUISave.c:AutoSaveDeleteNotAllowed | You cannot delete the AutoSave game. |
GUISave.c:AutoSaveDeleteTitle | Delete AutoSave |
GUISave.c:AutoSaveLabel | Auto Save |
GUISave.c:Conjurer | Conjurer |
GUISave.c:DeleteCharacterMessage | Delete character? |
GUISave.c:DeleteCharacterTitle | Delete Character |
GUISave.c:DeleteSaveMessage | Delete save game? |
GUISave.c:DeleteSaveTitle | Delete Save Game |
guisave.c:EmptySlot | Empty Slot |
GUISave.c:ExperienceLabel | EXP |
GUISave.c:ChapterSave | Chapter %d Save |
GUISave.c:LoadLabel | Load Game |
GUISave.c:NewSaveFile | New Save File |
GUISave.c:OverwriteSaveMessage | Overwrite save game? |
GUISave.c:OverwriteSaveTitle | Overwrite Save Game |
GUISave.c:Quest | Solo Quest |
GUISave.c:SaveErrorMessageGeneric | There was a problem saving your game. There may be too many save games and you are out of disk space. It is recommended that you clear some hard drive space and save your game manually from the menu so that your progress is not lost. |
GUISave.c:SaveErrorTitle | Save Error |
GUISave.c:SaveGUICancel | Cancel |
GUISave.c:SaveGUILoad | Load |
GUISave.c:SaveGUIQuit | Quit |
GUISave.c:SaveGUISave | Save |
GUISave.c:SaveLoadLabel | Save/Load Game |
guisave.c:the | %s the %s |
GUISave.c:Warrior | Warrior |
GUISave.c:Wizard | Wizard |
guiserv.c:Applymessage | Select a map to play next. |
guiserv.c:Arena | Arena |
guiserv.c:AutoAssignOffTT | Players choose their own teams |
guiserv.c:AutoAssignOnTT | Automatically assign players to teams |
guiserv.c:ClanTeams | This option will replace your current teams with clan teams. |
guiserv.c:CTF | Capture The Flag |
guiserv.c:Flagball | Flag Ball |
guiserv.c:gameType | Current game Type: |
guiserv.c:gameTypeIs | Current game Type Is %s |
guiserv.c:Gomessage | Select a map to play, then click 'Go!' |
guiserv.c:Highlander | Elimination |
guiserv.c:KotH | King of the Hill |
guiserv.c:KotR | King of the Realm |
guiserv.c:ladderhelp | Only enabled in chat maps. |
guiserv.c:NeedTeams | This game type requires that two teams exist. Would you like the remaining teams to be automatically created? |
guiserv.c:NewGameDeferred | This will not take effect until the current game finishes. |
guiserv.c:NextgameType | Next game Type: |
guiserv.c:NextgameTypeIs | Next game Type Is %s |
guiserv.c:NextOptsmessage | Next Game Options |
guiserv.c:NextSettingsMsg | Next game settings for '%S': |
guiserv.c:Notice | Notice |
guiserv.c:NumTeamsMsg | Current number of teams: %d |
guiserv.c:Optsmessage | Current Game Options |
guiserv.c:Quest | Quest |
guiserv.c:RecPlayers | %S %d-%d Players |
guiserv.c:Scavenger | Scavenger Hunt |
guiserv.c:SettingsMsg | game settings for '%S': |
guiserv.c:TeamDamageOffTT | Players cannot injure friends |
guiserv.c:TeamDamageOnTT | Players can injure friends |
guiserv.c:TooManyTeams | There is a two team limit for this game type. |
GUIShop.c:BuyLabel | Buy |
GUIShop.c:NotEnoughGold | You need %d more gold pieces. |
GUIShop.c:RepairInstructions | Click on an item in your inventory to repair it. |
GUIShop.c:RepairLabel | Repair |
GUIShop.c:SellInstructions | Click on an item in your inventory to sell it. |
GUIShop.c:SellLabel | Sell |
GUIShop.c:ShopEach | each |
GUIShop.c:ShopInformationTitle | Shop |
GUISpell.c:CloseSpellbookTT | Close Book Of Knowledge |
guispell.c:NoIcon | No Icon |
guispell.c:OneSpellPerTrap | You can only put one of each spell type in a single trap. |
GUISpell.c:OpenSpellbookTT | Open Book Of Knowledge |
GuiSpell.c:RestrictedTrapSpell | You can not place that spell in a trap. |
GUISpell.c:SpellSet | Spell Set #%d |
guispell.c:ToolTipAllSpellSets | Show all spell sets |
guispell.c:ToolTipCastAtOther | Cast on others |
guispell.c:ToolTipCastOnMe | Cast on self |
guispell.c:ToolTipLayTrap | Lay a trap |
guispell.c:ToolTipNextSpellSet | Next spell set |
guispell.c:ToolTipNextTrap | Next Trap |
guispell.c:ToolTipPrevSpellSet | Previous spell set |
guispell.c:ToolTipPrevTrap | Previous Trap |
guispell.c:ToolTipSummonBomber | Summon a bomber |
guispell.c:ToolTipTrapConstruct | Construct a trap |
guispell.c:TRAP | TRAP |
guispell.c:TrapError | You have no spell selected for the trap. |
GUISpell.c:TrapSet | Trap Set #%d |
guisumn.c:ToolTipSummon | Your summoned creatures. |
GUITrade.c:TotalValueLabel | ??? |
GUITrade.c:TradeCancel | Cancel trading |
GUITrade.c:TradeGUIItemNotFound | *** ERROR: Trade item not found in GUI *** |
GUITrade.c:TradeMain | The Trade Window |
GUITrade.c:TradePlayerAccept | Accept trade |
GUITrade.c:TradePlayerName | Your name |
GUITrade.c:TradePlayerTotal | Your offer total |
GUITrade.c:TradeVendorAccept | They accept trade |
GUITrade.c:TradeVendorName | Who you are trading with |
GUITrade.c:TradeVendorTotal | Their offer total |
GUIVote.c:NotAllowedVote | Only active players can participate in a vote. |
GUIVote.c:SelectVoteTopic | Select a topic to vote on: |
GUIVote.c:VoteBanPlayer | Ban Player |
GUIVote.c:VoteKickPlayer | Kick Player |
GUIVote.c:VoteResetServer | Reset Server |
GUIVote.c:VoteTopicLabel | Topic: |
health.c:gainpoints | You gained %d experience points! |
health.c:PoisonFade | You are no longer poisoned. |
health.c:ResistPoison | You feel yourself resisting poison. |
HORDE_TEMP:TempLabel01 | Enemies are approaching... |
HORDE_TEMP:TempLabel02 | Danger! Enemies are near your flag! |
HORDE_TEMP:TempLabel03 | You were overrun by the Horde! The flag was protected for %d minutes. |
HORDE_TEMP:TempLabel04 | You were victorious in defeating the Horde! The flag was protected for %d minutes. |
chaticon.c:chatmode | Chat Mode |
chklimit.c:AutoExitToNextMap | Time limit expired, exiting to the next adventure. |
InputCfg.c:MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT | Left Mouse Button |
InputCfg.c:MOUSE_BUTTON_MID | Middle Mouse Button |
InputCfg.c:MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT | Right Mouse Button |
InputCfg.wnd:ApplyButton | Apply |
InputCfg.wnd:DefaultsButton | Defaults |
InputCfg.wnd:Done | Done. |
InputCfg.wnd:LeftButton | Left |
InputCfg.wnd:MiddleButton | Middle |
InputCfg.wnd:PressKey | Press Key or Mouse Button for |
InputCfg.wnd:ResetButton | Reset |
InputCfg.wnd:RightButton | Right |
InputCfg.wnd:SelectPickup | Specify Pickup Mouse Button |
Journal:ArchivistBook | Deliver the Book of Oblivion to the Library Archivist. |
Journal:ArrestMorgan | Bring Morgan Lightfingers to justice. |
Journal:ArrestRogues | Bring that gang of Rogues to justice. |
Journal:BanishSpiders | Charm and banish the spiders in the Mayor's home. |
Journal:BomberHint | You can place up to 3 different spells into a Bomber by dragging them from your Book of Knowledge into the Bomber contents bar. To summon a Bomber, select the Summon Bomber button next to your Spell bar. When the Bomber is summoned a Creature Cage rolls down on the right side of the screen. You can give the Bomber commands by selecting its image within the cage. |
Journal:CompletedLabel | COMPLETED: |
Journal:Con03AHermitQuest | Recover the hermit's stolen spectacles from the bandits. |
Journal:Con03FindAirshipCap | Return to the Crossroads and speak with the Captain. |
Journal:Con03Hint1 | Heal and Cure Poison spells can be used to aid your friends and charmed creatures. Just click on the blue arrow above the spell icon to set the spell to target others. Click the arrow again to target yourself. |
Journal:Con03RescueMineWorkers | Charm or kill all the monsters in the mines. Rescue the 6 trapped mine workers. |
Journal:Con05BridgeGuard | NOTE: According to a pair of bridge guards, a large band of Ogres just marauded through this area -- and laid waste to the Village of Brin! |
Journal:Con05Quest1 | Retrieve the Amulet of Teleportation. |
Journal:Con05Quest1B | Find and learn the Unlock spell in order to free Horvath. The Spell Book is most likely in the Ogre King's Hut. |
Journal:Con05Quest2 | Retrieve Matilda's cloak from an Ogre near the docks of Brin. |
Journal:Con05Quest3 | Retrieve Farmer Thavius' magical staff from his home in Brin. |
Journal:Con05Quest4 | Save Lewis the Talking Frog from a burning building in Brin. |
Journal:Con08Bombers | Drag runes from your spell book into the trap bar to place those spells within a bomber. |
Journal:Con10Quest1 | Defeat Hecubah once and for all! |
Journal:Con6fortress | Battle your way to the fortress of Horrendous and help defend it against the Undead. |
Journal:Con6Horrendous | Enter the fortress and find Horrendous. |
Journal:Con6Necro | Chase down the Necromancer and recover the Halberd of Horrendous. (Hint: Check your map.) |
Journal:FindHorvath | Find Horvath the Arch-Mage. |
Journal:FindHorvathApprentice | Discover the fate of Horvath's apprentice. |
Journal:FindLOTD | Find the entrance to the Land of the Dead. |
Journal:FindMordwyn | Find Aldwyn's Conjurer brother, Mordwyn, who lives in the swamp. |
Journal:FindOutpost | Find the Ogre Outpost at the northeast end of the swamp. This leads into the tunnel pass through the mountains and onto the Wasteland. |
Journal:FindQuarterMaster | Show the Quartermaster proof that you have a sponsor. |
Journal:FindTunnel | Find Morgan's escape tunnel. |
Journal:FirstQuest | Locate the Gauntlet in Dün Mir. |
Journal:GauntletQuest | Survive the Gauntlet. |
Journal:GetAmuletOfClarity | Retrieve the Amulet of Clarity for Horvath. |
Journal:GetBookOfOblivion | Retrieve the Book of Oblivion for Horvath. |
Journal:GetHON | Retrieve the Heart of Nox from the Tower of Illusion |
Journal:GetNecromancer | Regain the Book of Oblivion stolen by the Necromancer. |
Journal:HintApples | Eating food will restore health. |
Journal:HintDoors | Some doors require a key to open. |
Journal:HintElevators | Step on Elevators to travel between levels. |
Journal:HintLabel | HINT: |
Journal:Chapter4Escape | Find a way to escape from the Tomb of Valor. |
Journal:Chapter4SearchCrypts | Search the Tomb of Valor for traces of Hecubah's presence. |
Journal:Chapter8IxPriest | Speak to one of the Priests within the Temple of Ix. |
Journal:Chapter8LocateAldwyn | Request passage to the Temple of Ix from Aldwyn the Conjurer. |
Journal:Chapter8MeetCaptain | Rendezvous with the Captain in the clearing outside the abandoned mine. |
Journal:Chapter8Wierdling | Retrieve the Weirdling beast from the depths of the Temple. |
Journal:CharmHint | You can Charm any beast in your Book of Knowledge. Once the beast is charmed a Creature Cage rolls down on the right side of the screen. You can give the beast commands by selecting its image within the cage. |
Journal:LocateAldwyn | Find Aldwyn's cottage in the Village of Ix. |
Journal:LocateMineForeman | Go to the mines and locate the mine foreman. |
Journal:MeetHorvath | Meet Horvath in the Tower of Illusion. |
Journal:OrchardQuest | Kill the Urchin terrorizing the Dün Mir Orchard. |
Journal:Quest1End | Quest completed! Welcome to Dün Mir! |
Journal:QuestLabel | QUEST: |
Journal:RescueMorgan | Break Morgan Lightfingers out of jail. |
Journal:ReturnBridgeGuardsBoots | Find the boots stolen from the bridge guard by the Urchins and return them to him. |
Journal:ReturnToGearhart | Locate Gearhart in the Machinery Room. |
Journal:ReturnToHorvath | Return the Amulet and the Book to Horvath. |
Journal:SaveGearhart | Rescue Gearhart from the Sewers of Dün Mir. |
Journal:SponsorQuest | Find someone to sponsor you for The Gauntlet. |
Journal:SummonHint | You can Summon any beast in your Book of Knowledge. Drag the the spell from a page in the Beast section to your spell bar and select it. Once the beast is summoned a Creature Cage rolls down on the right side of the screen. You can give the beast commands by selecting its image within the cage. |
Journal:TrapHint | You can place up to 3 different spells into a Trap by dragging them from your Book of Knowledge into the Trap contents bar. To lay a Trap, select the Place Trap button next to your Spell bar. You can pick up your traps and drop them anywhere. |
Journal:War03aIxQuest | Go to Mayor Theogrin in the Village of Ix. |
Journal:War03bGetScepter | Retrieve the Mayor's scepter from the Urchins. |
Journal:War05BridgeGuard | NOTE: According to a pair of bridge guards, a large band of Ogres just marauded through this area -- and laid waste to the Village of Brin! |
Journal:War05Hint | The best way to greet an Ogre is with a Berserker Charge. |
Journal:War05Hint1 | The best way to greet an Ogre is with a Berserker Charge! |
Journal:War05Hint4 | There are three groups of women. |
Journal:War05Hint7 | Be watchful of the maidens. If their health wanes, perhaps give them something to eat! |
Journal:War05Quest1 | Escort the first group of kidnapped villagers to safety. |
Journal:War05Quest10 | Rescue the last group of kidnapped villagers. |
Journal:War05Quest2 | Escort the second group of kidnapped villagers to safety. |
Journal:War05Quest3 | Escort the last group of kidnapped villagers to safety. |
Journal:War05Quest4 | Rescue Glynda and the women of Brin held captive in Grok Torr. |
Journal:War05Quest5 | Rescue Ingrid's sister from the Ogre dungeons. |
Journal:War05Quest6 | Rescue two more groups of women from Grok Torr. |
Journal:War05Quest7 | Retrieve Matilda's cloak from an Ogre near the docks of Brin. |
Journal:War05Quest8 | Retrieve Farmer Thavius' magical staff from his home in Brin. |
Journal:War05Quest9 | Save Lewis the Talking Frog from a burning building in Brin. |
Journal:War05SisterFound | Ingrid's sister has just been found, but the only door out has been closed and locked. Maybe there's some other way out... |
Journal:War10aOrbQuest | Retrieve the Orb to complete the Staff of Oblivion. |
Journal:War11Drain | Something is siphoning energy from the teleporter -- locate and destroy it! |
Journal:War11FinalBattle | Stop Hecubah's plans... for good. |
Journal:War11Hecubah | Defeat Hecubah. |
Journal:War11ChaseHec | Energize the teleporter and follow Hecubah. |
Journal:War2Academy | Find the Warrior Academy and speak to Horrendous. |
Journal:War2Gauntlet | Survive the Gauntlet! |
Journal:War2Ix | Leave Dün Mir and travel to the Village of Ix. |
Journal:War2Sewer | Go into the sewers beneath Dün Mir and rescue Gearhart. |
Journal:War6Fortress | Battle your way to the Fortress and help defend it against the Undead. |
Journal:War6Horrendous | Enter the Fortress and find Horrendous. |
Journal:War6Necro | Chase down the Necromancer and recover the Halberd of Horrendous. (Hint: Check your map.) |
Journal:WarMission1 | Find a way into Dün Mir. |
Journal:Wiz03aGetAmulet | Retrieve the Amulet of Teleportation which Stravas has created. |
Journal:Wiz05BridgeGuard | NOTE: According to a pair of bridge guards, a large band of Ogres just marauded through this area -- and laid waste to the Village of Brin! |
Journal:Wiz05Quest1 | Go to Grok Torr and rescue Horvath. |
Journal:Wiz05Quest1B | Find and learn the MAGIC_UNLOCK spell in order to free Horvath. The Spell Book is most likely in the Ogre King's Hut. |
Journal:Wiz05Quest2 | Retrieve Matilda's cloak from an Ogre near the docks of Brin. |
Journal:Wiz05Quest3 | Retrieve Farmer Thavius' magical staff from his home in Brin. |
Journal:Wiz05Quest4 | Save Lewis the Talking Frog from a burning building in Brin. |
Journal:Wiz05Quest5 | Retrieve Sapphire Key from Ogre Lord's hut. |
Journal:Wiz07EscapeUnderworld | Escape from the Underworld. |
Journal:Wiz6Bull | Find Bull Byzanti's shop and buy supplies. |
Journal:Wiz6Escape | Follow the Wizards to a secret passage in the dungeon. |
Journal:Wiz6fortress | Find the fortress of Horrendous and sneak in. |
Journal:Wiz6Halberd | Take the Halberd of Horrendous. |
Journal:Wiz6SneakIn | Sneak into Dün Mir through the sewers. |
Journal:Wiz6ThroneRoom | Find Horrendous' throne room. |
Journal:Wiz6Wizards | Free the wizards held captive in Horrendous' throne room. |
jstick.c:ReadCapsFailed | Unable to read capabilities from joystick: %d. It may not be configured correctly. |
keybind:[ | [ |
keybind:] | ] |
keybind:0 | 0 |
keybind:1 | 1 |
keybind:2 | 2 |
keybind:3 | 3 |
keybind:4 | 4 |
keybind:5 | 5 |
keybind:6 | 6 |
keybind:7 | 7 |
keybind:8 | 8 |
keybind:9 | 9 |
keybind:A | A |
keybind:Apos | ` |
keybind:B | B |
keybind:Back | Back |
keybind:Bslash | \ |
keybind:C | C |
keybind:Caps | Caps |
keybind:Comma | , |
keybind:CtrlPrtSc | CtrlPrtSc |
keybind:D | D |
keybind:Del | Del |
keybind:Down | Down |
keybind:E | E |
keybind:End | End |
keybind:Enter | Enter |
keybind:Equal | = |
keybind:Esc | Esc |
keybind:F | F |
keybind:F1 | F1 |
keybind:F10 | F10 |
keybind:F11 | F11 |
keybind:F12 | F12 |
keybind:F2 | F2 |
keybind:F3 | F3 |
keybind:F4 | F4 |
keybind:F5 | F5 |
keybind:F6 | F6 |
keybind:F7 | F7 |
keybind:F8 | F8 |
keybind:F9 | F9 |
keybind:G | G |
keybind:H | H |
keybind:Home | Home |
keybind:I | I |
keybind:Ins | Ins |
keybind:J | J |
keybind:K | K |
keybind:Kp0 | KP0 |
keybind:Kp1 | KP1 |
keybind:Kp2 | KP2 |
keybind:Kp3 | KP3 |
keybind:Kp4 | KP4 |
keybind:Kp5 | KP5 |
keybind:Kp6 | KP6 |
keybind:Kp7 | KP7 |
keybind:Kp8 | KP8 |
keybind:Kp9 | KP9 |
keybind:KpEnter | KPEnter |
keybind:KpMinus | KP- |
keybind:KpPeriod | KPDel |
keybind:KpPlus | KP+ |
keybind:KPSlash | KP/ |
keybind:KpStar | KP* |
keybind:L | L |
keybind:LAlt | LAlt |
keybind:LCtrl | LCtrl |
keybind:Left | Left |
keybind:LeftMouse | Mouse 1 |
keybind:LShift | LShift |
keybind:M | M |
keybind:MiddleMouse | Mouse 3 |
keybind:Minus | |
keybind:MouseWheelDown | MWheel Dn |
keybind:MouseWheelUp | MWheel Up |
keybind:N | N |
keybind:NA | |
keybind:NumLck | NumLck |
keybind:O | O |
keybind:P | P |
keybind:Pause | Pause |
keybind:Period | . |
keybind:PgDn | PgDn |
keybind:PgUp | PgUp |
keybind:Q | Q |
keybind:R | R |
keybind:RAlt | RAlt |
keybind:RCtrl | RCtrl |
keybind:Right | Right |
keybind:RightMouse | Mouse 2 |
keybind:RShift | RShift |
keybind:S | S |
keybind:Scroll | Scroll |
keybind:SemiColon | ; |
keybind:ShiftPrtSc | ShiftPrtSc |
keybind:Slash | / |
keybind:Space | Space |
keybind:Squote | ' |
keybind:SysReq | SysReq |
keybind:T | T |
keybind:Tab | Tab |
keybind:U | U |
keybind:Up | Up |
keybind:V | V |
keybind:W | W |
keybind:X | X |
keybind:Y | Y |
keybind:Z | Z |
Kingdoms:GuardEnemy | Intruder alert, intruder alert! Intruder! Kill him! Intruders! Sound the alarm! |
Kingdoms:GuardFriendly | Good day, sir! Beautiful sunset today! Back from battle, eh? Hello, sir. |
KOTR_TEMP:TempLabel01 | %s is now King! |
KOTR_TEMP:TempLabel02 | King %s has been defeated! |
KOTR_TEMP:TempLabel03 | %s has stolen the crown from %s! |
KOTR_TEMP:TempLabel04 | Congratulations! You are the King of the Realm! |
KOTR_TEMP:TempLabel05 | You bow in servitude to King %s! |
Legal.wnd:ClickMessage | Click to Continue |
Legal.wnd:LegalText | © Copyright 2000 Electronic Arts. Westwood Studios is a trademark or registered trademark of Electronic Arts in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved. Westwood Studios is an Electronic Arts company. |
lobby.c:PlayerTimeoutNotice | %s has suffered a network timeout and was removed from the game. |
locale.c:Australia | Australia |
locale.c:Austria | Austria |
locale.c:Belgium | Belgium |
locale.c:Canada | Canada |
locale.c:Denmark | Denmark |
locale.c:Finland | Finland |
locale.c:France | France |
locale.c:Germany | Germany |
locale.c:China | China |
locale.c:Israel | Israel |
locale.c:Italy | Italy |
locale.c:Japan | Japan |
locale.c:Malaysia | Malaysia |
locale.c:Netherlands | Netherlands |
locale.c:NewZealand | NewZealand |
locale.c:Norway | Norway |
locale.c:Other | not listed |
locale.c:Singapore | Singapore |
locale.c:SouthAfrica | South Africa |
locale.c:SouthKorea | South Korea |
locale.c:Spain | Spain |
locale.c:Sweden | Sweden |
locale.c:Switzerland | Switzerland |
locale.c:Taiwan | Taiwan |
locale.c:UK | United Kingdom |
locale.c:Unknown | Unknown |
locale.c:USA | United States |
Locale.wnd:SetCountry | Set your country |
main.c:Version | V:%S Demo |
MainBG.wnd:Loading | Loading... |
mainmenu.c:caution | This game is only available in a Primary installation. |
mainmenu.c:solo | Solo Game |
MainMenu.wnd:Credits | Credits |
MainMenu.wnd:Multiplay | Multiplay |
MainMenu.wnd:PlayIntro | Play Intro |
MainMenu.wnd:Solo | Solo |
mapdnld.wnd:Cancel | Abort download |
mapdnld.wnd:Decompressing | Decompressing map |
mapdnld.wnd:MapDownload | Downloading a new map |
mapdnld.wnd:Percent | 0% |
mapdnld.wnd:Progress | Progress bar |
mapsend:InProgress | Sends still in progress: %d |
mapsend.c:BadState | Error, bad client state! |
mapsend.c:CompressFail | Failed to load compressed file! |
MapSend.c:downloadaborted | Aborted download to client #%d, reasoncode = %d. |
MapSend.c:downloadcancelled | Download to %s cancelled by client. |
MapSend.c:downloaddone | Downloaded %d bytes (%d packets) (%d bytes/sec, %d seconds) to %s. |
MapSend.c:DownloadingMap | Downloading %S to %s. |
mapsend.c:ForceCopy | Forced to copy mapdata for a client. |
mapsend.c:InProgress | Map send complete, %d map sends still in progress. |
mapsend.c:Sending | Was Already Sending! |
mmissile.c:TooManyMissiles | You have too many magic missiles in play already. |
modifier.db:ArcherArrowDesc | Arrow |
modifier.db:ArcherBoltDesc | Bolt |
modifier.db:ArmorQuality1Desc | Flimsy |
modifier.db:ArmorQuality2Desc | Sturdy |
modifier.db:ArmorQuality3Desc | Mighty |
modifier.db:ArmorQuality4Desc | Grand |
modifier.db:ArmorQuality5Desc | Titan |
modifier.db:ArmorQuality6Desc | Divine |
modifier.db:BattleAxeDesc | Battle Axe |
modifier.db:BowDesc | Bow |
modifier.db:BreastplateDesc | Breastplate |
modifier.db:BrillianceItemEnchantDesc | Light |
modifier.db:ConjurerHelmDesc | Conjurer Helm |
modifier.db:ContinualReplenishment1Desc | of Replenishment |
modifier.db:ContinualReplenishment1IdentifyDesc | Continual Recharge |
modifier.db:ContinualReplenishment1SecondDesc | and Replenishment |
modifier.db:CrossbowDesc | Crossbow |
modifier.db:DeathRayWandDesc | Wand of Death |
modifier.db:EchantBrilliance1IdentifyDesc | Light |
modifier.db:EchantBrilliance1SecondDesc | and the Sun |
modifier.db:EchantBrilliance4Desc | of the Sun |
modifier.db:EchantBrilliance4Dese | of the Sun |
modifier.db:EchantBrilliance4IdentifyDesc | Light |
modifier.db:EchantBrilliance4SecondDesc | and the Sun |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing1Desc | of Mana Singe |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Ring of Mana Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing1SecondDesc | and Mana Singe |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing2Desc | of Mana Scorch |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Ring of Mana Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing2SecondDesc | and Mana Scorch |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing3Desc | of Mana Burn |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Ring of Mana Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing3SecondDesc | and Mana Burn |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing4Desc | of Mana Storm |
modifier.db:EnchantBlueFireRing4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Ring of Mana Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantBrilliance1Desc | of the Stars |
modifier.db:EnchantBrilliance1IdentifyDesc | Light |
modifier.db:EnchantBrilliance1SecondDesc | and the Stars |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse1Desc | of Bewilderment |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Confuse |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse1SecondDesc | and Bewilderment |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse2Desc | of Dazing |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Confuse |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse2SecondDesc | and Dazing |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse3Desc | of Stupor |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Confuse |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse3SecondDesc | and Stupor |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse4Desc | of Confusion |
modifier.db:EnchantConfuse4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Confuse |
modifier.db:EnchantFire1Desc | of Embers |
modifier.db:EnchantFire1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFire1SecondDesc | and Embers |
modifier.db:EnchantFire2Desc | of Flame |
modifier.db:EnchantFire2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFire2SecondDesc | and Flame |
modifier.db:EnchantFire3Desc | of Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFire3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFire3SecondDesc | and Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFire4Desc | of Inferno |
modifier.db:EnchantFire4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect1Desc | of the Dragon's Scale |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Fire Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect1SecondDesc | and the Dragon's Scale |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect2Desc | of the Dragon's Claw |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Fire Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect2SecondDesc | and the Dragon's Claw |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect3Desc | of the Dragon's Hide |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Fire Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect3SecondDesc | and the Dragon's Hide |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect4Desc | of the Dragon's Heart |
modifier.db:EnchantFireProtect4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Fire Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing1Desc | of Lesser Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Ring of Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing1SecondDesc | and Lesser Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing2Desc | of Greater Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Ring of Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing2SecondDesc | and Greater Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing3Desc | of Cleansing Flame |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Ring of Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing3SecondDesc | and Cleansing Flame |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing4Desc | of Firestorm |
modifier.db:EnchantFireRing4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Ring of Fire |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact1Desc | of Collision |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Impact |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact1SecondDesc | and Collision |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact2Desc | of Force |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Impact |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact2SecondDesc | and Force |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact3Desc | of Impact |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Impact |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact3SecondDesc | and Impact |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact4Desc | of Concussion |
modifier.db:EnchantImpact4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Impact |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning1Desc | of Spark |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Shock |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning1SecondDesc | and Spark |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning2Desc | of Zap |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Shock |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning2SecondDesc | and Zap |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning3Desc | of Shock |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Shock |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning3SecondDesc | and Shock |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning4Desc | of Electrocution |
modifier.db:EnchantLightning4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Shock |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect1Desc | of Anti-Spark |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Shock Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect1SecondDesc | and Anti-Spark |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect2Desc | of Anti-Zap |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Shock Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect2SecondDesc | and Anti-Zap |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect3Desc | of Anti-Shock |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Shock Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect3SecondDesc | and Anti-Shock |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect4Desc | of Anti-Lightning |
modifier.db:EnchantLightningProtect4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Shock Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal1Desc | of Lesser Mana Drain |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Drain Mana |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal1SecondDesc | and Lesser Mana Drain |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal2Desc | of Mana Drain |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Drain Mana |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal2SecondDesc | and Mana Drain |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal3Desc | of Greater Mana Drain |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Drain Mana |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal3SecondDesc | and Greater Mana Drain |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal4Desc | of Mana Vampire |
modifier.db:EnchantManaSteal4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Drain Mana |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect1Desc | of the Wasp's Bane |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Poison Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect1SecondDesc | and the Wasp's Bane |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect2Desc | of the Spider's Bane |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Poison Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect2SecondDesc | and the Spider's Bane |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect3Desc | of the Polyp's Bane |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Poison Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect3SecondDesc | and the Polyp's Bane |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect4Desc | of the Scorpion's Bane |
modifier.db:EnchantPoisonProtect4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Poison Protection |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration1Desc | of Cure Wounds |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Regeneration |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration1SecondDesc | and Cure Wounds |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration2Desc | of Healing |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Regeneration |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration2SecondDesc | and Healing |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration3Desc | of Greater Healing |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Regeneration |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration3SecondDesc | and Greater Healing |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration4Desc | of Regeneration |
modifier.db:EnchantRegeneration4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Regeneration |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed1Desc | of Haste |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Haste |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed1SecondDesc | and Haste |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed2Desc | of Running |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Haste |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed2SecondDesc | and Running |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed3Desc | of Leaping |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Haste |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed3SecondDesc | and Leaping |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed4Desc | of the Wind |
modifier.db:EnchantSpeed4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Haste |
modifier.db:EnchantStun1Desc | of Numbness |
modifier.db:EnchantStun1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Stun |
modifier.db:EnchantStun1SecondDesc | and Numbness |
modifier.db:EnchantStun2Desc | of Stunning |
modifier.db:EnchantStun2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Stun |
modifier.db:EnchantStun2SecondDesc | and Stunning |
modifier.db:EnchantStun3Desc | of Immobility |
modifier.db:EnchantStun3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Stun |
modifier.db:EnchantStun3SecondDesc | and Immobility |
modifier.db:EnchantStun4Desc | of Paralysis |
modifier.db:EnchantStun4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Stun |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism1Desc | of the Mosquito |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Vampirism |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism1SecondDesc | and the Mosquito |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism2Desc | of the Tick |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Vampirism |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism2SecondDesc | and the Tick |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism3Desc | of the Leech |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Vampirism |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism3SecondDesc | and the Leech |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism4Desc | of the Vampire |
modifier.db:EnchantVampirism4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Vampirism |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom1Desc | of the Wasp |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Poison |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom1SecondDesc | and the Wasp |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom2Desc | of the Spider |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Poison |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom2SecondDesc | and the Spider |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom3Desc | of the Polyp |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Poison |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom3SecondDesc | and the Polyp |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom4Desc | of the Scorpion |
modifier.db:EnchantVenom4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Poison |
modifier.db:FanChakramDesc | Shuriken |
modifier.db:FireProtectItemEnchantDesc | Resistance to Fire |
modifier.db:FireStormWandDesc | Triple Fireball Staff |
modifier.db:FlagDesc | Flag |
modifier.db:ForceWandDesc | Lightning Staff |
modifier.db:GreatSwordDesc | Great Sword |
modifier.db:ChainCoifDesc | Chain Coif |
modifier.db:ChainLeggingsDesc | Chainmail Leggings |
modifier.db:ChainTunicDesc | Chainmail Tunic |
modifier.db:InfinitePainWandDesc | Force of Nature Staff |
modifier.db:LeatherArmbandsDesc | Leather Armbands |
modifier.db:LeatherArmorDesc | Leather Tunic |
modifier.db:LeatherArmoredBootsDesc | Armored Boots |
modifier.db:LeatherBootsDesc | Leather Boots |
modifier.db:LeatherHelmDesc | Leather Helm |
modifier.db:LeatherLeggingsDesc | Leather Leggings |
modifier.db:LesserFireballWandDesc | Fireball Staff |
modifier.db:LightningProtItemEnchantDesc | Resistance to Lightning |
modifier.db:LongswordDesc | Long Sword |
modifier.db:Material1Desc | Copper |
modifier.db:Material2Desc | Iron |
modifier.db:Material2IdentifyDesc | standard durability |
modifier.db:Material3Desc | Bronze |
modifier.db:Material4Desc | Silver |
modifier.db:Material5Desc | Gold |
modifier.db:Material6Desc | Titanium |
modifier.db:Material7Desc | Diamond |
modifier.db:MaterialTeamBlackDesc | Black |
modifier.db:MaterialTeamBlueDesc | Blue |
modifier.db:MaterialTeamCyanDesc | Cyan |
modifier.db:MaterialTeamGreenDesc | Green |
modifier.db:MaterialTeamOrangeDesc | Orange |
modifier.db:MaterialTeamRedDesc | Red |
modifier.db:MaterialTeamVioletDesc | Violet |
modifier.db:MaterialTeamWhiteDesc | White |
modifier.db:MaterialTeamYellowDesc | Yellow |
modifier.db:MedievalCloakDesc | Cloak |
modifier.db:MedievalPantsDesc | Medieval Pants |
modifier.db:MedievalShirtDesc | Medieval Shirt |
modifier.db:MorningStarDesc | Mace |
modifier.db:OblivionHalberdDesc | Halberd of Horrendous |
modifier.db:OblivionHeartDesc | Halberd with the Heart of Nox |
modifier.db:OblivionOrbDesc | Staff of Oblivion |
modifier.db:OblivionWierdlingDesc | Halberd with the Heart Of Nox and the Weirdling |
modifier.db:OgreAxeDesc | Ogre Axe |
modifier.db:OrnateHelmDesc | Knight's Helm |
modifier.db:PlateArmsDesc | Plate Arms |
modifier.db:PlateBootsDesc | Plate Boots |
modifier.db:PlateLeggingsDesc | Plate Leggings |
modifier.db:PoisonProtectItemEnchantDesc | Resistance to Poison |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed1Desc | of Swift Bolt |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Bolt Speed |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed1SecondDesc | and Swift Bolt |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed2Desc | of Fast Bolt |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Bolt Speed |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed2SecondDesc | and Fast Bolt |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed3Desc | of Speeding Bolt |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Bolt Speed |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed3SecondDesc | and Speeding Bolt |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed4Desc | of Charging Bolt |
modifier.db:ProjectileSpeed4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Bolt Speed |
modifier.db:QuiverDesc | Quiver |
modifier.db:Readiness1Desc | of Readiness |
modifier.db:Readiness1IdentifyDesc | Level 1 Readiness |
modifier.db:Readiness1SecondDesc | and Readiness |
modifier.db:Readiness2Desc | of Swiftness |
modifier.db:Readiness2IdentifyDesc | Level 2 Readiness |
modifier.db:Readiness2SecondDesc | and Swiftness |
modifier.db:Readiness3Desc | of Reaction |
modifier.db:Readiness3IdentifyDesc | Level 3 Readiness |
modifier.db:Readiness3SecondDesc | and Reaction |
modifier.db:Readiness4Desc | of Quickening |
modifier.db:Readiness4IdentifyDesc | Level 4 Readiness |
modifier.db:RegenerationItemEnchantDesc | Regeneration |
modifier.db:Replenishment1Desc | of Recharge |
modifier.db:Replenishment1IdentifyDesc | Rechargeable |
modifier.db:Replenishment1SecondDesc | and Recharge |
modifier.db:RoundChakramDesc | Chackrum |
modifier.db:SpeedItemEnchantDesc | Speed |
modifier.db:StaffWoodenDesc | Staff |
modifier.db:SteelHelmDesc | Plate Helm |
modifier.db:SteelShieldDesc | Kite Shield |
modifier.db:StreetPantsDesc | Pants |
modifier.db:StreetShirtDesc | Shirt |
modifier.db:StreetSneakersDesc | Sneakers |
modifier.db:SulphorousFlareWandDesc | Sulphurous Flare Staff |
modifier.db:SulphorousShowerWandDesc | Sulphurous Shower Staff |
modifier.db:SwordDesc | Sword |
modifier.db:TeamBaseDesc | Team Base |
modifier.db:WarHammerDesc | War Hammer |
modifier.db:WeaponPower1Desc | Flimsy |
modifier.db:WeaponPower2Desc | Sturdy |
modifier.db:WeaponPower3Desc | Mighty |
modifier.db:WeaponPower4Desc | Grand |
modifier.db:WeaponPower5Desc | Titan |
modifier.db:WeaponPower6Desc | Divine |
modifier.db:WizardHelmDesc | Wizard Helm |
modifier.db:WizardRobeDesc | Wizard Robe |
modifier.db:WoodenShieldDesc | Round Shield |
monutil.c:escorting | Escorting... |
monutil.c:guarding | Guarding... |
monutil.c:hunting | Hunting... |
monutil.c:idle | I am idle. |
MortonRoom:OblivionSign | The Book of Oblivion |
Motd.c:MOTD | Message of the Day |
Motd.c:OK | OK |
Motd.wnd:MotdTitle | Message of the Day |
Multi:CTF01 | Your team has taken the enemy's flag! |
Multi:CTF02 | Your team has dropped the enemy flag! |
Multi:CTF03 | Your team retrieved your flag! |
Multi:CTF04 | Your flag was safely returned. |
Multi:CTF05 | Your team's flag is back home! |
Multi:CTF06 | Your flag is secure! |
Multi:CTF07 | Your flag is safe! |
Multi:CTF08 | The enemy has taken your flag! |
Multi:CTF09 | The enemy has dropped your flag! |
Multi:CTF10 | The enemy flag is back in their base. |
Multi:CTF11 | The enemy has retreived their flag. |
Multi:Elimination01 | You have been eliminated! |
Multi:Elimination02 | Careful! One more and you're out! |
Multi:Elimination03 | You have one more chance! |
Multi:Elimination04 | You have two chances left! |
Multi:Elimination05 | You have three chances left! |
Multi:Elimination06 | One enemy remains. |
Multi:Elimination07 | Two enemies remain. |
Multi:Elimination08 | Three enemies remain. |
Multi:General01 | Excellent! |
Multi:General02 | Impressive! |
Multi:General03 | Good shot! |
Multi:General04 | Masterful! |
Multi:General05 | Very nice! |
Multi:General06 | That was interesting... |
Multi:General07 | That looked painful... |
Multi:General08 | Perhaps you should try again... |
Multi:General09 | That was a valiant effort... |
Multi:General10 | Hmmm.... |
Multi:General11 | Ehewaha hahahahahaahahahaha... |
Multi:General12 | Eha ha ha ha hahahahahahaha... |
Multi:General13 | Ha ha hahaha! |
Multi:General14 | Welcome, Warrior! |
Multi:General15 | Welcome, Conjurer! |
Multi:General16 | Welcome, Wizard! |
Multi:KingRealm01 | There is a new King! |
Multi:KingRealm02 | A new King has been crowned! |
Multi:KingRealm03 | The crown has been captured! |
Multi:KingRealm04 | Your team has the crown! |
Multi:KingRealm05 | Protect the new King! |
Multi:KingRealm06 | The King has been vanquished! |
Multi:KingRealm07 | The King has lost his crown! |
Multi:KingRealm08 | The crown has returned home. |
Multi:KingRealm09 | You are the King of the Realm! |
Multi:KingRealm10 | All hail the King of the Realm! |
Multi:KingRealm11 | All hail the King and Nobles of the Realm! |
Multi:KingRealm12 | You have lost! Kneel before the King of the Realm! |
Multi:KingRealm13 | Kneel to the King of the Realm, traitor! |
Multi:KingRealm14 | The King has scored! |
Multi:KingRealm15 | Your uprising has failed. The kingdom is lost! |
Multi:NoxBall01 | The ball has returned home. |
Multi:NoxBall010 | Your team is victorious! |
Multi:NoxBall02 | The enemy has the ball! |
Multi:NoxBall03 | Your team has the ball! |
Multi:NoxBall04 | You have the ball! |
Multi:NoxBall05 | The ball was destroyed! |
Multi:NoxBall06 | Your team has scored! |
Multi:NoxBall07 | You have scored! |
Multi:NoxBall08 | Goal! |
Multi:NoxBall09 | The enemy has scored! |
Multi:NoxBall11 | Your team has won! |
Multi:NoxBall12 | Your team has been defeated! |
Multi:NoxBall13 | Your team has lost! |
Multi:NoxBall14 | Congratulations! You are the Master! |
Multi:NoxBall15 | You have won! |
Multi:NoxBall16 | You have been taught a lesson! |
Multi:NoxBall17 | You have been defeated. |
Multi:NoxBall18 | You have lost. |
Multi:NoxBall19 | Hurry! Time is nearly up! |
Multi:NoxBall20 | One more to go! |
Multi:NoxBall21 | Two more to go! |
Multi:NoxBall22 | Three more to go! |
Multi:NoxBall23 | The orb has returned home! |
Multi:NoxBall24 | The enemy has the orb! |
Multi:NoxBall25 | Your team has the orb! |
Multi:NoxBall26 | You have the orb! |
Multi:NoxBall27 | The orb was destroyed! |
Multi:NoxBall28 | The skull has returned home! |
Multi:NoxBall29 | The enemy has the skull! |
Multi:NoxBall30 | Your team has the skull! |
Multi:NoxBall31 | You have the skull! |
Multi:NoxBall32 | The skull was destroyed! |
netclint.c:ConnectAckTimeout | Internal Error -- Timeout waiting for connection acknowledgement! |
netclint.c:ConnectionError | Connection Error! |
netclint.c:InvalidAddress | Internal Error -- Invalid address! |
netclint.c:InvalidHandle | Internal Error -- Invalid handle! |
netclint.c:InvalidPort | Internal Error -- Invalid port! |
netclint.c:JoinConnRefused | Connection refused by server! |
netclint.c:JoinConnTooManyUsers | The server is full, please try again later! |
netclint.c:JoinConnUserBanned | You have been banned from this server! |
netclint.c:JoinConnUserNotAllowed | You are already connected! If this is in error, try again in 30 seconds. |
netclint.c:SocketCreate | Internal Error -- Unable to create a socket! |
netclint.c:Timeout | Connection timed out. |
netclint.c:UnknownConnerror | Unknown Error. |
netclint.c:VersionConflict | Your version number does not match the server's version number. |
netclint.c:WinsockInit | Internal Error -- Unable to initialize winsock! |
netclint.c:WolPage | Page from Westwood Online user %S: %S |
netserv.c:InObservationMode | You are in Observation Mode. |
netserv.c:LogLogin | logged in. |
netserv.c:LogLogout | logged out. |
netserv.c:PlayerTimeout | %s has suffered a network timeout and was removed from the game. |
netserv.c:PressJump | To play, press the ATTACK key. |
netserv.c:Unknown | unknown |
nox:credits | N O X (tm) is a Westwood Studios game --C R E W-- -Executive Producer and Creative Direction- John Hight -Technical Director and Original Concept- Michael S. Booth -Producers- Mark Skaggs Frank Hsu Ken Allen --PROGRAMMING-- -Lead Programmer- Michael S. Booth -Programmers- Colin Day Jerod M. Bennett Robin Keir Steve Ganem Thomas Rolfs Stephen J. Martin -Network and Security Lead Programmer- Jeff Brown -Additional Programming- Michael Morrison Sondra Iverson Dean Iverson -Installer Programming- Maria del Mar McCready Legg --ART AND ANIMATION-- -Lead Artist- Phil Robb -Artists- Khanh Nguyen Stone Perales Brad Grace Josh Taylor T. J. Frame -Character Animator- Jason Zirpolo -Installer and Chapter Illustrations- Thomas M. Baxa -Additional Art- Dan Lyons Gary Freeman Heuristic Park, Inc, Atlanta GA --DESIGN, STORY AND SOUND-- -Design Direction- John Hight Michael S. Booth Brett Sperry -Senior Level Designer- Chris Bauer -Level Design- Bryan Hansen John Lee Eric Beaumount Mical Pedriana Tim Campbell Jeremiah Cohn -Story- John Hight -Dialogue- Patrick Barry -Design Testers- Shawn Roberts Brad Burnham Frank Yu Kiet Han Brandon Norris Michael H. Celmer Joseph UG. Lee -Lead Sound Designer- Mical Pedriana -Sound Designer- David Fries -Original Score- Frank Klepacki -Manual Writer- Neal Halford -Manual Editor- Chris Bauer --CINEMATICS-- -Dramatic Asset Producer and Casting- Donny Miele -Dramatic Asset Director- Joe Kucan -Cinematic Sound Design- Dwight K. Okahara -Video Editing- Curt Weintraub -Visual Effects- Kevin Becquet -Audio Direction-- Paul Mudra -Computer Graphics- Eric Gooch Kevin Quattro Terrence Walker Jim May Chuck Carter Jason Zirpolo Tim Fritz --QUALITY ASSURANCE AND TESTING-- -QA Directors- Glenn Sperry Mike Meischeid -Lead Testers- Mike Smith Steve Shockey -QA Database Administrator- Rhoda Anderson -QA Technicians- Troy Leonard Beau Hopkins -QA Testers- Shane Dietrich D'Andre Campbell Randy Greenback Jon Hall Alex Colom Chad Fletcher Chris Blevens Clinton Autrey Dave Shuman DeMarlo Lewis Errol Campbell Jason Campbell Justin Bloom Levi Luke Michael Chatterton Paul Winegardner Randy Stafford Richard Rasmussen Steve Laity Steve Tarantino Shawn Roberts Lloyd 'Leachy' Bell --MARKETING-- -Vice President, Marketing- Laura Miele -Marketing Product Manager- Lincoln Hershberger -Public Relations Director- Aaron Cohen -Public Relations Coordinator- Chris Rubyor -Product Demonstrations- Ken Murphy Mike Bell -Online Director- Ted Morris -Director of Creative Services- Victoria Hart --WESTWOOD ONLINE-- -Technical Director- Steve Wetherill -Online Programmers- Neal Kettler Joe Howes Kevin Scruggs Gavin Snyder --ELECTRONIC ARTS-- --HARDWARE COMPATIBILITY & TESTING LAB-- -EA CAT Manager- David Koerner -EA CAT Lab Techs- Jay Miller Mike Elliott Mike Jung --ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT-- -MIS Manager- Wayne Hall -MIS Technicians- Glenn Burtis Mick Love -Office Manager- Christine Lundgren -Adminstrative Assistance- Julie Brugman Tanya Pereira -Legal Assistance- Jennifer Hoge --LOCALIZATION-- -Localization Project Managers, Electronic Arts, Europe- Sam Yazmadjian David Lapp -Localization Project Manager, Electronic Arts / SquareSoft, Japan- Junetsu Kakuta -Localization Technical Assistance, Electronic Arts / SquareSoft, Japan- Hitoshi Ikeda -Localization Project Manager, Electronic Arts, South Korea- Taewon Yun -Localization Administrative Assistance, South Korea- Jungwon Hahn Christine Kong -Language Testers- French Lionel (noremorse) Berrodier German Lars (VEYATZD) Berinbrinker Italian Leonardo Gajo Japanese Junitsu Kakuta Korean Mickey Kim --SPECIAL THANKS-- Bing Gordon Louis Castle Douglas Evans Michael Bartelme Jim Stoner Adam Rhodes Ryan Chapman Dave Eliasberg Jessica Cecena Masataka Nemoto Restaurants On The Run, Irvine, CA Buzzy's Recording, Hollywood, CA --C A S T-- Joanna Cassidy Hecubah Alan Oppenheimer Captain, Necromancer 1, Lewis Seann Scott Jack Susan Chesler Tina Mark Rolston Horrendous, Guard 1, Townsman 3 Ian Abercrombie Horvath & Loproc Bill Woodsen Narrator & Mordwyn Lee Perry Mayor Theogrin, Guard 2, Rogue, Townsman 1, Barkeeper Neil Ross Mystic, Guard 1, Mine Worker 1 Erik Thompson Shopkeeper, Guard 3, Townsman 2 Susan Blakeslee Woman 1, 2 & 3 Warren Burton Aldwyn, Mine Worker 2, Morgan Paul Mercier Quartermaster, Aidan, Henrick, Necromancer 2, Mineworker 5 Michael S. Booth Gearhart John Hight Archivist, Townsman 4, Guard 4 Julie Brugman Woman 4 & 5, Dryad David Fries Guard 5, Townsman 7, Apprentice Mark Skaggs Townsman 5 Glenn Burtis Townsman 6 Tanya Pereira Woman 6 Christine Lundgren Woman 7 --MOTION CAPTURE PERFORMERS-- Regina Coffman Hecubah and Tina Dale Clemons Captain Josh Musselman Jack Adrian Sharp Ogre 1 Diab Shetayh Ogre 2 - - Fondly dedicated to our loving families and dear friends who waited patiently for us as we toiled into the night...- - Julie, Christopher, and William Hight Kristen Booth Robin, Josh, and Beth Brown Jennifer Robb Lisa Bucek Janna Zirpolo Evercody Terri, Jackie, and Pepper Lee Laura, Ben, and Jack Skaggs Mallory Foland Ernest and Evelyn Beaumont Melissa Beaumont Christine Palma Tim Donley Kosal and Brianna Martin Susan Fries Robert Fries Alicia Campbell Kim Kelley Laura Keir Audrey & Shannon Hsu Kevin Potter and... Nemo the Wonder Dog --Thank you for playing Nox.-- |
nox:creditscast01 | C A S T Joanna Cassidy Hecubah Alan Oppenheimer Captain, Necromancer 1, Lewis Seann Scott Jack Susan Chesler Tina |
nox:creditscast02 | |
nox:creditscast03 | Mark Rolston Horrendous, Guard 1, Townsman 3 Ian Abercrombie Horvath & Loproc Bill Woodsen Narrator & Mordwyn Lee Perry Mayor Theogrin, Guard 2, Rouge, Townsman 1, Barkeeper Neil Ross Mystic, Guard 1, Mine Worker 1 Erik Thompson Shopkeeper, Guard 3, Townsman 2 |
nox:creditscast04 | |
nox:creditscast05 | Susan Blakeslee Woman 1, 2 & 3 Warren Burton Aldwyn, Mine Worker 2, Morgan Paul Mercier Quartermaster, Aidan, Henrick, Necromancer 2, Mineworker 5 |
nox:creditscast06 | |
nox:creditscast07 | Michael S. Booth Gearhart John Hight Archivist, Townsman 4, Guard 4 Julie Brugman Woman 4 & 5, Dryad David Fries Guard 5, Townsman 7, Apprentice Ken Allen Townsman 7 Mark Skaggs Townsman 5 Glenn Burtis Townsman 6 Tanya Pereira Woman 6 Christine Lundgren Woman 7 |
nox:creditscast08 | |
nox:creditscast09 | MOTION CAPTURE PERFORMERS Regina Coffman Hecubah and Tina Dale Clemons Captain Josh Musselman Jack Adrian Sharp Ogre 1 Diab Shetayh Ogre 2 |
nox:creditscast10 | |
nox:creditscrew01 | C R E W Executive Producer and Creative Direction John Hight Technical Director and Original Concept Michael S. Booth Producers Mark Skaggs Ken Allen Frank Hsu |
nox:creditscrew02 | |
nox:creditscrew03 | PROGRAMMING Lead Programmer Michael S. Booth Programmers Colin Day Jerod M. Bennett Robin Keir Steve Ganem Thomas Rolfs Stephen J. Martin Network and Security Lead Programmer Jeff Brown Additional Programming Michael Morrison Sondra Iverson Dean Iverson Installer Programming Maria del Mar McCready Legg |
nox:creditscrew04 | |
nox:creditscrew05 | ART AND ANIMATION Lead Artist Phil Robb Artists Khanh Nguyen Stone Perales Brad Grace Josh Taylor T. J. Frame Character Animator Jason Zirpolo Installer and Mission Illustrations Thomas M. Baxa Additional Art Dan Lyons Gary Freeman Heuristic Park, Inc, Atlanta GA |
nox:creditscrew06 | |
nox:creditscrew07 | DESIGN, STORY AND SOUND Design Direction John Hight Michael S. Booth Brett Sperry Senior Level Designer Chris Bauer Design Team Bryan Hansen John Lee Eric Beaumount Mical Pedriana Tim Campbell Jeremiah Cohn Story John Hight Dialogue Patrick Barry |
nox:creditscrew08 | |
nox:creditscrew09 | Design Testers Shawn Roberts Brad Burnham Frank Yu Kiet Han Lead Sound Designer Mical Pedriana Sound Designer David Fries Original Score Frank Klepacki Manual Writer Neal Halford Manual Editor Chris Bauer |
nox:creditscrew10 | |
nox:creditscrew11 | CINEMATICS Dramatic Asset Producer and Casting Donny Miele Dramatic Asset Director Joe Kucan Cinematic Sound Design Dwight K. Okahara Video Editing Curt Weintraub Visual Effects Kevin Becquet Audio Direction Paul Mudra |
nox:creditscrew12 | |
nox:creditscrew13 | Computer Graphics Eric Gooch Kevin Quattro Terrence Walker Jim May Chuck Carter Jason Zirpolo |
nox:creditscrew14 | |
nox:creditscrew15 | QUALITY ASSURANCE AND TESTING QA Directors Glenn Sperry Mike Meischeid Lead Testers Lloyd 'Leachy' Bell Mike Smith Steve Shockey QA Database Administrator Rhoda Anderson QA Technicians Troy Leonard Beau Hopkins |
nox:creditscrew16 | |
nox:creditscrew17 | QA Testers Shane Dietrich D'Andre Campbell Randy Greenback Jon Hall Alex Colom Chad Fletcher Chris Blevens Clinton Autrey DeMarlo Lewis Errol Campbell Jason Campbell Justin Bloom Levi Luke Michael Chatterton Paul Winegardner Randy Stafford Richard Rasmussen Steve Laity Steve Tarantino Shawn Roberst |
nox:creditscrew18 | |
nox:creditscrew19 | MARKETING Vice President, Marketing Laura Miele Marketing Product Manager Lincoln Hershberger Public Relations Director Aaron Cohen Public Relations Coordinator Chris Rubyor Product Demonstrations Ken Murphy Mike Bell Online Director Ted Morris Director of Creative Services Victoria Hart |
nox:creditscrew20 | |
nox:creditscrew21 | WESTWOOD ONLINE Technical Director Steve Wetherill Online Programmers Neal Kettler Joe Howes Kevin Scruggs Gavin Snyder Electronic Arts Hardware Compatibility & Testing Lab EA CAT Manager David Koerner EA CAT Lab Techs Jay Miller Mike Elliott Mike Jung |
nox:creditscrew22 | |
nox:creditscrew23 | ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT MIS Manager Wayne Hall MIS Technicians Glenn Burtis Mick Love Office Manager Christine Lundgren Adminstrative Assistance Julie Brugman Tanya Pereira Legal Assistance Jennifer Hoge |
nox:creditscrew24 | |
nox:creditscrew25 | SPECIAL THANKS Bing Gordon Louis Castle Douglas Evans Michael Bartelme Jim Stoner Adam Rhodes Ryan Chapman Dave Eliasberg Jessica Cecena Restaurants On The Run, Irvine, CA Buzzy's Recording, Hollywood, CA |
nox:creditscrew26 | |
nox:creditsded01 | Fondly dedicated to our loving families and dear friends who waited patiently for us as we toiled into the night... |
nox:creditsded02 | |
nox:creditsded03 | Julie, Christopher, and William Hight Kristen Booth Robin, Josh, and Beth Brown Jennifer Robb Lisa Bucek Janna Zirpolo Evercody Terri, Jackie, and Pepper Lee Laura, Ben, and Jack Skaggs Mallory Foland Ernest and Evelyn Beaumont Melissa Beaumont Christine Palma Tim Donley Kosal and Brianna Martin Susan Fries |
nox:creditsded04 | |
nox:creditsded05 | Robert Fries Alicia Campbell Kim Kelley Laura Keir Audrey & Shannon Hsu and... Nemo the Wonder Dog |
nox:creditsded06 | |
nox:creditsend | Thank you for playing Nox. |
Nox:Language | English |
nox.str:Conjurer | Conjurer |
nox.str:Warrior | Warrior |
nox.str:Wizard | Wizard |
NoxDemo:BuyNox | Buy Nox Now! |
NoxDemo:NotAvailable | Not Available In Demo |
NoxDemo:Quote1 | "Nox's fast action is fueled by a combat system that's easy to use yet gives players tremendous play depth and infinite possibilities." - Gamer's Source |
NoxDemo:Quote2 | "One of the most innovative multiplayer experiences we've ever seen. We can't stop playing this game!" - IGN PC |
NoxDemo:Quote3 | This is all the action you can handle! For more information about Nox check out: |
NoxDemo:WWLogoLegalText | Westwood Studios is an Electronic Arts Company. |
Noxworld.c:Arena | Arena |
Noxworld.c:AttemptingConn | Attempting to connect to server... |
Noxworld.c:Clan | Clan |
Noxworld.c:ConChatServ | Connecting to Chat Server... |
Noxworld.c:Connected | Connected! |
Noxworld.c:Connerror | Access Denied! |
Noxworld.c:CreateMsg | Place your game on the map. Or hit ESC to cancel. |
Noxworld.c:CreationArea | Select a region on which to post your server. Or hit ESC to cancel. |
Noxworld.c:CTF | CTF |
Noxworld.c:DisabledArmor | Disabled Armor: |
Noxworld.c:DisabledSpells | Disabled Spells: |
Noxworld.c:DisabledWeapons | Disabled Weapons: |
Noxworld.c:Empty | |
Noxworld.c:ErrBanned | You have been banned. |
Noxworld.c:ErrClosed | This server is closed. |
Noxworld.c:ErrDupSerial | Each player must have his own copy of Nox. |
Noxworld.c:ErrFindFailed | User not found. |
Noxworld.c:ErrFull | Server is full. |
Noxworld.c:ErrHighLevel | You are too experienced. |
Noxworld.c:ErrHighPing | Your ping time is too high. |
Noxworld.c:ErrChangedClass | You may not rejoin a Ranked Game with a different Class or Clan. |
Noxworld.c:ErrIllegalClass | Your Character Class is not allowed. |
Noxworld.c:ErrLowLevel | You are not experienced enough. |
Noxworld.c:ErrLowPing | Your ping is too low. |
Noxworld.c:ErrNeedRefresh | User not found. Refresh your Server List |
Noxworld.c:error | ERROR! |
Noxworld.c:ErrRegistry | Your Nox installation is corrupt. You must reinstall Nox. |
Noxworld.c:ErrTimeout | Timed-out trying to connect to server. |
Noxworld.c:ErrWrongPassword | Password Incorrect. |
Noxworld.c:ErrWrongVer | Your version does not match the server's. |
Noxworld.c:FilterMsg | Choose your game filters. |
Noxworld.c:Find | Find User in a Game |
Noxworld.c:Finding | Finding User... |
Noxworld.c:FindText | Enter user's Westwood Online login name. |
Noxworld.c:Flagball | Flag Ball |
Noxworld.c:Forming | Noxworld |
Noxworld.c:Full | Full |
Noxworld.c:GameHost | Host: |
Noxworld.c:gameType | Game Type: |
Noxworld.c:Highlander | Elimination |
Noxworld.c:Chat | Chat |
Noxworld.c:ChooseArea | Select a region of the map on which you would like to zoom. |
Noxworld.c:Individual | Individual |
Noxworld.c:JoinServer | Join a server by clicking on its icon. |
Noxworld.c:Kicked | You have been kicked! |
Noxworld.c:KickedDemo | Your game session time limit has expired. |
Noxworld.c:KotH | KotH |
Noxworld.c:KotR | KotR |
Noxworld.c:Ladder | Ladder |
Noxworld.c:ListJoinServer | Join a server by choosing it from the list. |
Noxworld.c:Loadinggames | Downloading game list from server... |
Noxworld.c:Map | Map: |
Noxworld.c:Name | Name: |
Noxworld.c:None | None |
Noxworld.c:Notification | Notice: |
Noxworld.c:Occupancy | Occupancy: |
Noxworld.c:Open | Open |
Noxworld.c:Password | Password |
Noxworld.c:PasswordRequired | This is a Private Server. Password required. |
Noxworld.c:Ping | Ping: |
Noxworld.c:Quest | Quest |
Noxworld.c:Resolution | Server's Resolution: |
Noxworld.c:Scavenger | Scavenger Hunt |
Noxworld.c:Searching | Searching... |
Noxworld.c:Stage | Stage: |
Noxworld.c:TestCon | Testing Connection... |
Noxworld.c:Timeout | The server has stopped responding or you have timed out. |
Noxworld.wnd:1024 | 1024 x 768 |
Noxworld.wnd:800 | 800 x 600 |
Noxworld.wnd:Action | Action Games |
Noxworld.wnd:Back | Back |
Noxworld.wnd:Cancel | Cancel |
Noxworld.wnd:Closed | Closed |
Noxworld.wnd:Crossroads | Crossroads |
Noxworld.wnd:DefaultFilter | Default Filter: Filter out games for which you do not qualify. |
Noxworld.wnd:DismalSwamp | Dismal Swamp |
Noxworld.wnd:DunMir | Fortress Of Dün Mir |
Noxworld.wnd:Empty | |
Noxworld.wnd:FieldValor | Field of Valor |
Noxworld.wnd:FilterClosed | Closed Games |
Noxworld.wnd:FilterOut | Filter Out: |
Noxworld.wnd:FilterPing | Games with ping over |
Noxworld.wnd:FilterPrivate | Private Games |
Noxworld.wnd:Filters | Filters |
Noxworld.wnd:Find | Find |
Noxworld.wnd:Galava | Galava Castle |
Noxworld.wnd:gameDesc | Game Description |
Noxworld.wnd:gameType | Type |
Noxworld.wnd:GrokkTorr | Grok Torr |
Noxworld.wnd:HamletBrin | Hamlet of Brin |
Noxworld.wnd:Host | Host Game |
NoxWorld.wnd:HostQuest | Host Quest |
Noxworld.wnd:Join | Join |
Noxworld.wnd:Ladder | Ladder games |
Noxworld.wnd:LandDead | Land Of The Dead |
Noxworld.wnd:LimitRes | Games that limit my maximum resolution to less than |
Noxworld.wnd:List | List |
Noxworld.wnd:Map | Map |
Noxworld.wnd:Mines | Mines |
Noxworld.wnd:Modified | Games not using default map options |
Noxworld.wnd:Name | Name |
Noxworld.wnd:NoFilter | No Filter |
Noxworld.wnd:NonLadder | Non-Ladder Games |
Noxworld.wnd:NotReady | Not Ready |
Noxworld.wnd:Occupancy | Occupancy |
Noxworld.wnd:Ok | OK |
Noxworld.wnd:Password | Private Game : Enter Password |
Noxworld.wnd:Ping | Ping |
Noxworld.wnd:Private | Private |
Noxworld.wnd:Quest | Quest Games |
Noxworld.wnd:Ready | Ready |
Noxworld.wnd:Refresh | Refresh List |
Noxworld.wnd:Status | Status |
Noxworld.wnd:TempleIx | Temple Of Ix |
Noxworld.wnd:UserDefinedFilter | User-Defined Filter |
Noxworld.wnd:VillageIx | Village of Ix |
Noxworld.wnd:Wastelands | Wastelands |
NPC:Aidan | Aidan |
NPC:AirshipCaptain | Airship Captain |
NPC:Albi | Albi |
NPC:Aldwyn | Aldwyn, Master Conjurer |
NPC:Alex | Alex |
NPC:Archivist | Archivist |
NPC:Barkeeper | Barkeeper |
NPC:BayouByzanti | Bayou Byzanti |
NPC:Beatrice | Beatrice |
NPC:Belfor2 | Belfor Byzanti |
NPC:BelforByzanti | Belfor Byzanti |
NPC:BiffordByzanti | Bifford Byzanti |
NPC:Bing | Bing |
NPC:BookVendor | Book Vendor |
NPC:Brenneth | Brenneth |
NPC:BridgeGuard | Bridge Guard |
NPC:Brigadin | Brigadin |
NPC:BrightBlades | Bright Blades |
NPC:BrightBladesA | Bright Blades |
NPC:Bruce | Bruce |
NPC:Bryan | Bryan |
NPC:C2Maiden | Kristen |
NPC:C6Necromancer | Kylerean |
NPC:C6Townswoman1 | Lisa |
NPC:C6Townswoman2 | Margaret |
NPC:Cain | Cain |
NPC:Cain2 | Cain |
NPC:Captain | Captain |
NPC:Claude | Claude |
NPC:Clyde | Clyde |
NPC:ContestGuard | Contest Guard |
NPC:ContestOfficial | Contest Official |
NPC:Daniel | Daniel |
NPC:Delwin | Delwin |
NPC:Dorian | Dorian |
NPC:Drunk | Drunkard |
NPC:Dryad | Dryad |
NPC:Dudley | Dudley |
NPC:Ed | Ed |
NPC:Eowynn | Eowynn |
NPC:Eric | Eric |
NPC:Evelyn | Evelyn |
NPC:F1Mallory | Mallory |
NPC:F1Rogan | Rogan |
NPC:F1Rogue | Rogue |
NPC:F2Bartender | Rust |
NPC:F2Bull | Bull Byzanti |
NPC:F2Dant | Dant |
NPC:F2Fire1 | Campbell |
NPC:F2Fire10 | Jason |
NPC:F2Fire2 | Cohn |
NPC:F2Fire3 | Colin |
NPC:F2Fire4 | Hansen |
NPC:F2Fire5 | Lee |
NPC:F2Fire6 | Khanh |
NPC:F2Fire7 | Mical |
NPC:F2Fire8 | Stone |
NPC:F2Fire9 | Robb |
NPC:F2Gearhart | Gearhart |
NPC:F2ChickenShirt | Delwin |
NPC:F2RedShirt | Eelram |
NPC:F2Sargent | Bennett |
NPC:F6Elite1 | Allen |
NPC:F6Elite2 | Bauer |
NPC:F6Elite3 | Valkor |
NPC:F6Elite4 | Booth |
NPC:F6Elite5 | Hight |
NPC:F6Elite6 | Skaggs |
NPC:F6FireGuard1 | Baxa |
NPC:F6FireGuard10 | Rolfs |
NPC:F6FireGuard11 | Dan |
NPC:F6FireGuard2 | Brown |
NPC:F6FireGuard3 | Burtis |
NPC:F6FireGuard4 | David |
NPC:F6FireGuard5 | Ganem |
NPC:F6FireGuard6 | Wayne |
NPC:F6FireGuard7 | Keir |
NPC:F6FireGuard8 | Mick |
NPC:F6FireGuard9 | Martin |
NPC:F6Guard1 | Bonin |
NPC:F6Guard10 | Simon |
NPC:F6Guard2 | Brug |
NPC:F6Guard3 | Frame |
NPC:F6Guard4 | Frank |
NPC:F6Guard5 | Laramore |
NPC:F6Guard6 | Lund |
NPC:F6Guard7 | Graham |
NPC:F6Guard8 | Taylor |
NPC:F6Guard9 | Henry |
NPC:F6Necromancer | Alark |
NPC:F6Townsman1 | Daniel |
NPC:F6Townsman2 | Jesse |
NPC:F6Townsman3 | Raag Fenton |
NPC:F6Townsman4 | Marcus Zor |
NPC:F6Townsman5 | Jacob D'vance |
NPC:F6Townsman6 | Jerome David |
NPC:F6Townsman7 | Peter |
NPC:F6Townswoman1 | Melissa |
NPC:F6Townswoman2 | Julie |
NPC:F6Townswoman3 | Eydie |
NPC:F6Townswoman4 | Christine |
NPC:F6Townswoman5 | Jordan |
NPC:F6Townswoman6 | Evelyn |
NPC:Fenton | Fenton |
NPC:Floyd | Floyd |
NPC:Foreman | Foreman |
NPC:Frog | Lewis |
NPC:FrogBoy | Frog |
NPC:Ganem | Ganem |
NPC:GarretByzanti | Garret Byzanti |
NPC:Garrit | Garrit |
NPC:Gatekeeper | Gatekeeper |
NPC:Geoff | Geoff |
NPC:GiftShopClerk | Ogo |
NPC:Gilgore | Gilgore |
NPC:Gretchen | Gretchen |
NPC:Grillf | Grillf |
NPC:Grunbar | Grunbar |
NPC:Harold | Harold |
NPC:Hecubah | Hecubah |
NPC:Henrick | Henrick |
NPC:Horrendous | Horrendous |
NPC:Horst | Horst |
NPC:Horvath | Horvath |
NPC:HorvathApprentice | Horvath's Apprentice |
NPC:IxPriest | Ix Priest |
NPC:Jacob | Jacob |
NPC:Jandor | Jandor |
NPC:Janero | Janero |
NPC:Jennifer | Jennifer |
NPC:Jesse | Jesse |
NPC:Jorgan | Jorgan |
NPC:Joyce | Joyce |
NPC:Julie | Julie |
NPC:Kalen | Kalen, Dün Mir Warrior |
NPC:Kayla | Kayla |
NPC:Kelvin | Kelvin |
NPC:Kenneth | Kenneth |
NPC:Kincaid | Kincaid |
NPC:Kirik | Kirik |
NPC:Kristine | Kristine |
NPC:Lance | Lance |
NPC:Lena | Lena |
NPC:Lewis | Lewis |
NPC:Logan | Logan |
NPC:Loproc | Loproc |
NPC:Loreman | Kincaid |
NPC:Lydia | Lydia |
NPC:Maiden | Maiden |
NPC:MainReceptionist | Main Receptionist |
NPC:Marik | Marik |
NPC:Master | Master |
NPC:Max | Max |
NPC:Mayor'sGuard | Mayor's Guard |
NPC:MayorTheogrin | Mayor Theogrin |
NPC:Melissa | Melissa |
NPC:Millard | Millard |
NPC:Mlurgh | Mlurgh |
NPC:Mordwyn | Mordwyn, Apothecary |
NPC:Morgan | Morgan Lightfingers |
NPC:Motoc | Motoc |
NPC:Mystic | Mystic |
NPC:Mystic_Brotherhood | Mystic |
NPC:Mystic2 | Mystic |
NPC:Naldo | Naldo |
NPC:Necromancer | Necromancer |
NPC:OgreKing | Ogre Lord |
NPC:Osborn | Osborn |
NPC:Phim | Phim |
NPC:Priest | Priest |
NPC:QuarterMaster | Quarter Master |
NPC:Rastur | Rastur |
NPC:Rayner | Rayner |
NPC:Ryan | Ryan |
NPC:Seth | Seth |
NPC:Shari | Shari |
NPC:Tanya | Kristine |
NPC:Tanya2 | Kristine |
NPC:Teacher | Teacher |
NPC:Tommy | Tommy |
NPC:Tyler | Tyler |
NPC:Undertaker | Undertaker |
NPC:W5Bartender | Balthorak |
NPC:W5Captain | Airship Captain |
NPC:W5Drunk1 | Frederick |
NPC:W5Drunk2 | Halloran |
NPC:W5Drunk3 | Markus |
NPC:W5Farmer | Thavius |
NPC:W5FarmerWife | Isabella |
NPC:W5Frog | Lewis the frog |
NPC:W5Gypsy | Loproc |
NPC:W5Hecubah1 | Hecubah |
NPC:W5Hecubah2 | Hecubah |
NPC:W5Hecubah3 | Hecubah |
NPC:W5Hecubah4 | Hecubah |
NPC:W5Hecubah5 | Hecubah |
NPC:W5Hecubah6 | Hecubah |
NPC:W5Horvath | Horvath |
NPC:W5Hound | Isabella |
NPC:W5Ingrid | Ingrid |
NPC:W5Maiden | Matilda |
NPC:W5Maiden1 | Xara |
NPC:W5Maiden2 | Gwendolyn |
NPC:W5Maiden3 | Mala |
NPC:W5Maiden4 | Cassandra |
NPC:W5Maiden5 | Emily |
NPC:W5Maiden6 | Gertrude |
NPC:W5Maiden7 | Kyla |
NPC:W5Maiden8 | Crysania |
NPC:W5Maiden9 | Nerene |
NPC:W5SadVillager | Gerard |
NPC:W5ShopKeeper | Gustavius |
NPC:W5Sister | Glynda |
NPC:W5Swordsman | Ilwin |
NPC:W5Villager1 | Alethard |
NPC:W5Villager2 | Loralin |
NPC:W5Villager3 | Gavin |
NPC:W5Villager4 | Wendel |
NPC:W5Villager5 | Ludwig |
NPC:W6Hassle | Hassle |
NPC:W6Peave | Peave |
NPC:Warden | Warden |
NPC:Zaris | Zaris |
objcoll.c:AlreadyHaveGuide | You already have all the knowledge this scroll has to offer. |
objcoll.c:AwardExtraLife | You have been awarded an extra life! |
objcoll.c:CantPickupBall | You may not retrieve the ball until another player has picked it up. |
objcoll.c:DoorLockedKey | You need a %s key to unlock this door. |
objcoll.c:DoorLockedMagic | This door is magically locked. |
objcoll.c:DoorLockedMechanism | This door is locked by some kind of mechanism. |
objcoll.c:ExitCountdown | Hurry and get to the exit before time expires! |
objcoll.c:ExtraLifeAlreadyAwarded | You cannot get more than one extra life from this Ankh. |
objcoll.c:FlagBallNotice | %s has scored for team %s! |
objcoll.c:FlagBallUnknownNotice | Team %s has scored! |
objcoll.c:FlagCaptureNotice | %s has captured the %s flag! |
objcoll.c:FlagNoTeam | You may not take the flag of an unrepresented team! |
objcoll.c:FlagPickupNotice | %s has the %s flag! |
objcoll.c:FlagRetrieveNotice | %s retrieved the flag! |
objcoll.c:GateLockedKey | You need a %s key to unlock this gate. |
objcoll.c:GateLockedMagic | This gate is magically locked. |
objcoll.c:GateLockedMechanism | This gate is locked by some kind of mechanism. |
objcoll.c:GoldKey | Gold |
objcoll.c:ChestLockedSilver | You need a silver key to unlock this chest. This chest can only be unlocked with a silver key. |
objcoll.c:NullKey | |
objcoll.c:PlayerEntersWarp | You have entered the Warp Gate. You can click to exit. |
objcoll.c:PlayerExited | %s has exited the map. %s has reached the exit. |
objcoll.c:PlayerExitedWarp | %s has entered the Warp Gate. |
objcoll.c:RubyKey | Ruby |
objcoll.c:SapphireKey | Sapphire |
objcoll.c:SilverKey | Silver |
objcoll.c:SoulGateCollide | You have bound yourself to this Soul Gate. You will restart here if you die. |
objcoll.c:WebbingSlow | The spider's webbing slows your movement! |
objlst.c:Armors | Armors |
objlst.c:Wands | Staves |
objlst.c:Weapons | Weapons |
Objlst.wnd:SelectAll | Enable All |
objlst.wnd:SelectAllTT | Enable all items in the list |
Objlst.wnd:SelectNone | Disable All |
objlst.wnd:SelectNoneTT | Disable all items in the list |
objlst.wnd:ToggleTT | Allow/Disallow this item |
objutil.c:NoDescription | No object description. |
objutil.c:NoInfo | No arms info for '%S.' |
Options.wnd:100Percent | 100% |
Options.wnd:1024X768 | 1024 X 768 |
Options.wnd:16BitColor | 16-Bit Color |
Options.wnd:640X480 | 640 X 480 |
Options.wnd:65Percent | 65% |
Options.wnd:75Percent | 75% |
Options.wnd:800X600 | 800 X 600 |
Options.wnd:85Percent | 85% |
Options.wnd:8BitColor | 8-Bit Color |
Options.wnd:GameWindowSize | Game Window Size |
Options.wnd:InputConfig | Input Config |
Options.wnd:ScreenResolution | Screen Resolution |
OptsBack.wnd:Back | Back |
OptsBack.wnd:Options | Options |
OptsBack.wnd:Quit | Quit |
ParseCmd.c:ALL | ALL |
ParseCmd.c:allowed | allowed |
ParseCmd.c:allowhelp | ip }: Allow on this server. |
ParseCmd.c:allowiphelp | allow ip {ip}: Re-allow a user from this IP address to connect to this server. |
ParseCmd.c:allowuserhelp | allow user {user}: Re-allow a user to connect to this server. |
ParseCmd.c:ArmorDisabled | The %s armor is now disabled. |
ParseCmd.c:ArmorEnabled | The %s armor is now enabled. |
ParseCmd.c:banDisallow | Users named %s will not be allowed to join this server. |
ParseCmd.c:banhelp | ban {user}: If this user is currently in the game, kick them off the server disallow them from joining again. Otherwise, disallow anyone with this name from joining the server. |
ParseCmd.c:baniphelp | ban ip {ip-address}: Ban and users from this IP address from connecting to this server. |
ParseCmd.c:banned | %s has been banned. |
ParseCmd.c:banuserhelp | ban user {user}: Ban a user. |
ParseCmd.c:bindhelp | bind F[1-12] command : bind a function key to a command. |
Parsecmd.c:BroadcastHelp | broadcast {message}: Broadcast message to all users |
ParseCmd.c:cameralockset | Observer camera lock on |
ParseCmd.c:cameralockunset | Observer camera lock off |
ParseCmd.c:CannotAccessMap | Cannot access map file '%S'. |
ParseCmd.c:cantbanyourself | You can't ban yourself! |
ParseCmd.c:CantKickYourself | You can't kick yourself! |
ParseCmd.c:CantLoadMap | Can't load map, there are mapsends in progress! |
ParseCmd.c:ClearHelp | clear: Clears the console. |
ParseCmd.c:ClientMuted | Muted |
ParseCmd.c:ClientOnly | That command is a client-only command! |
ParseCmd.c:ConsoleLocked | The console is now locked. You may enter commands, but when you re-open the console, it'll prompt for the password. |
ParseCmd.c:ConsoleUnlocked | The console is now unlocked. |
ParseCmd.c:DeathsSet | The death count limit has been set to %d. |
ParseCmd.c:disallowed | not allowed |
ParseCmd.c:enterSysopPW | Enter Password for SYSOP Access: |
ParseCmd.c:execrulhelp | execrul {function}: Execute a Nox RUL file. |
ParseCmd.c:ExecutingFunction | Executing function '%s.' |
ParseCmd.c:ExecutingRul | executing the %S rule file. |
ParseCmd.c:exechelp | exec {function}: Execute a Nox C function. |
ParseCmd.c:exithelp | Exit the game to Main Menu. |
ParseCmd.c:gameInfo | Map: %S Players: %d/%d Lesson Limit: %d TimeLimit: %d mins. |
ParseCmd.c:gameVersion | v%d.%02.2d Build %03.d |
ParseCmd.c:gammahelp | -]size} : Sets gamma correct factor (1 - 10). Either absolute or relative percentage. |
ParseCmd.c:GodSet | You are now GOD. |
ParseCmd.c:GodUnSet | You are now a mere mortal. |
ParseCmd.c:helphelp | help {command}: Get help on a command. |
ParseCmd.c:charfileList | Character Files: |
ParseCmd.c:charHelp | char {command}: Execute a character command. |
ParseCmd.c:cheatabilityhelp | cheat ability: Reset abilities. |
ParseCmd.c:cheatgoldhelp | cheat gold {amount}: Addes gold to your character. |
ParseCmd.c:cheatgotohelp | { X Y } }: Jump to named waypoint or given coordinates. |
ParseCmd.c:cheathealthhelp | cheat health: Refill health. |
ParseCmd.c:cheathelp | cheat {}: Invoke a cheat. |
ParseCmd.c:cheatlevelhelp | cheat level {level}: Set Players to given level. |
ParseCmd.c:cheatmanahelp | cheat mana: Refill mana. |
ParseCmd.c:cheatspellshelp | cheat spells {level}: Set all your spells to the given level. |
ParseCmd.c:imagehelp | image: Save a screen capture to disk. |
ParseCmd.c:InvalidArmor | %s is an invalid armor name. |
ParseCmd.c:invalidattempt | Invalid remote command attempt: %s tried %s. |
ParseCmd.c:InvalidFunction | Invalid function '%s.' |
ParseCmd.c:invalidhaveflag | Invalid command while holding flag. |
ParseCmd.c:invalidincoop | Not a valid command while in cooperative play. |
ParseCmd.c:invalidinctf | Not a valid command while in capture-the-flag play. |
ParseCmd.c:invalidinFB | Not a valid command while in flag-ball play. |
ParseCmd.c:invalidinforce | Not a valid command while in force team mode. |
ParseCmd.c:InvalidSpell | %s is an invalid spell name. |
ParseCmd.c:InvalidStaff | %s is an invalid staff name. |
ParseCmd.c:invalidteamcolor | %s is not a valid team color. |
ParseCmd.c:InvalidWeapon | %s is an invalid weapon name. |
ParseCmd.c:ItemDisplay | %s is %s |
ParseCmd.c:kicked | %s has been kicked. |
ParseCmd.c:kickhelp | kick {user}: Kick this user off the server. |
ParseCmd.c:LessonsSet | The lesson limit has been set to %d. |
ParseCmd.c:listarmorhelp | list armor: List all armor pieces and their status. |
ParseCmd.c:listhelp | spells | armor | weapons | staffs | users}: Display a list of these items. |
ParseCmd.c:listcharhelp | char list: Lists all available character files. |
ParseCmd.c:listmapshelp | list maps: list all maps. |
ParseCmd.c:listspellshelp | list spells: List all spells and their status. |
ParseCmd.c:liststaffshelp | list staffs: List all staffs and their status. |
ParseCmd.c:listusershelp | list users: List the users on this server. |
ParseCmd.c:listweaponshelp | list weapons: List all weapons and their status. |
ParseCmd.c:loadgamehelp | loadgame {filename}: Load a game from the specified save file. |
ParseCmd.c:loadhelp | load {mapname}: Load a map on this server. |
ParseCmd.c:LockHelp | lock password: Lock the console using password. |
ParseCmd.c:logconsolehelp | log console: Log debug errors to the console. |
ParseCmd.c:logfilehelp | log file {file}: Log debug errors to a file. |
ParseCmd.c:loghelp | log file {filename} or log console: Log debug errors. |
ParseCmd.c:logStopHelp | log stop: Stop all error logging. |
ParseCmd.c:macroshelp | off}: Set the macro execution state. |
ParseCmd.c:macrosoff | Function key macros are OFF. |
ParseCmd.c:macrosOffHelp | macros off : Turn off the Function key macros. |
ParseCmd.c:macroson | Function key macros are ON. |
ParseCmd.c:macrosOnHelp | macros on : Turn on the Function key macros. |
ParseCmd.c:MapCycleOff | Arena mode map cycling is off. |
ParseCmd.c:MapCycleOn | Arena mode map cycling is on. |
ParseCmd.c:MapInfo | %s - '%s', by %S, v%S. |
ParseCmd.c:maploaded | %S loaded. |
ParseCmd.c:MapLoadNotAllowed | Cannot load map while ladder game is starting. |
ParseCmd.c:MenuHelp | menu { vidopt, options }: Activate specified menu. |
ParseCmd.c:menuoptionshelp | menu options: Activate the server options menu. |
ParseCmd.c:menuvidopthelp | menu vidopt: Activate the audio\video options menu. |
ParseCmd.c:MMXEnabled | MMX Enabled |
ParseCmd.c:MMXNotEnabled | MMX Not Enabled |
ParseCmd.c:MonsterRespawn | Monster respawn is now %s. |
ParseCmd.c:Monsters | Monsters are now %s. |
ParseCmd.c:Muted | %s has been muted. |
ParseCmd.c:MuteHelp | mute {player}: Mute a player. |
ParseCmd.c:Name | Server Name: |
ParseCmd.c:NeedTwoTeams | Exactly 2 teams must exist to play this map. |
ParseCmd.c:noflags | No Capture-The-Flag flags in level. Capture-The-Flag mode not set. |
ParseCmd.c:NoHelp | There is no help for this command. |
ParseCmd.c:NoMapInfo | No map info for %s. |
ParseCmd.c:NoMapLoadNewMode | This map is for a different game mode. To play this map you must first form a new game. |
ParseCmd.c:noteams | Force teams not set. No teams to force players onto. |
ParseCmd.c:NotInChat | Command not valid in chat mode. |
ParseCmd.c:NotInObserver | You cannot watch another user, you are not in observer mode! |
ParseCmd.c:NotInRanked | This command is not allowed in ladder games. |
ParseCmd.c:notonteam | You are not currently on a team. |
ParseCmd.c:NotYetImplemented | This command is not yet implemented. |
ParseCmd.c:observermode | Observer mode %s. |
ParseCmd.c:observerset | set |
ParseCmd.c:observerunset | turned off |
ParseCmd.c:Off | off |
ParseCmd.c:On | on |
ParseCmd.c:PlayersSet | The player limit has been set to %d players. |
ParseCmd.c:ProcessingObs | Processing observer mode... |
ParseCmd.c:quithelp | quit: Leave this server, or shutdown this server. |
ParseCmd.c:remoteexec | Executing script on server. |
ParseCmd.c:RemoteSysop | %s is remotely executing this server cmd: %s. |
ParseCmd.c:SageSet | You are now REALLY smart (a sage). |
ParseCmd.c:SageUnSet | You are now dumb again. |
ParseCmd.c:savedebugset | Save Debug enabled. |
ParseCmd.c:savedebugunset | Save Debug disabled. |
ParseCmd.c:savegamehelp | savegame {filename}: Save a game to the specified file. |
ParseCmd.c:savecharhelp | char save {filename.plr} {description}: Save character to file. Extension MUST be .plr |
ParseCmd.c:saveMapHelp | savemap {}: Save current map to file. Extension MUST be .map |
ParseCmd.c:sayhelp | say string: Print a string to all players. |
ParseCmd.c:ServerOnly | That command is a server-only command! |
ParseCmd.c:set | on |
ParseCmd.c:setarmorhelp | off}: Turn on or off a particular armor. |
ParseCmd.c:setcameralockhelp | set cameralock: Turn observer camera lock on |
ParseCmd.c:setcoophelp | set coop: Set the game into co-operative mode. |
ParseCmd.c:setcyclehelp | off}: Turn arena map cycling on or off. |
ParseCmd.c:setdeathshelp | set deaths {deaths}: Set the death count limit for an elimination game. |
ParseCmd.c:SetFrHelp | Set frameratelimiter : Turns on the frame rate limiter |
ParseCmd.c:SetgameName | game name set to %S. |
ParseCmd.c:SetGodHelp | set god: Set the game into GOD (invulnerable) mode. |
ParseCmd.c:sethelp | set {variable}: Set a server toggle variable. |
ParseCmd.c:sethphelp | set hotpotato: Set the game into Hot Potato mode. |
ParseCmd.c:setkothhelp | set kingofthehill: Set the game into King of the Hill mode. |
ParseCmd.c:setlessonshelp | set lessons {lessons}: Set the lesson limit for this game. |
ParseCmd.c:setmnstrshelp | off}: Turn on or off ALL monsters. |
ParseCmd.c:SetNameHelp | set name {gamename}: Sets this game name. |
ParseCmd.c:setobshelp | set ob: Set Observer mode for this client. |
ParseCmd.c:setplayershelp | set players {players}: Set the player limit for this game. |
ParseCmd.c:SetQualCableHelp | Set Quality cable : Sets the connection quality to that of a cable MODEM. |
ParseCmd.c:SetQualISDNHelp | Set Quality ISDN : Sets the connection quality to that of an ISDN connection. |
ParseCmd.c:SetQualityHelp | ISDN | cable | T1 | LAN } : Sets the connection quality. |
ParseCmd.c:SetQualLANHelp | Set Quality LAN : Sets the connection quality to that of a LAN connection. |
ParseCmd.c:SetQualModemHelp | Set Quality MODEM : Sets the connection quality to that of a dial-up modem. |
ParseCmd.c:SetQualT1Help | Set Quality T1 : Sets the connection quality to that of a T1 connection or better. |
ParseCmd.c:SetSageHelp | set sage: Gives your character all spells. |
ParseCmd.c:setsavedebughelp | set savedebug: Turn on save debug flag |
ParseCmd.c:setscavhelp | set scavenger: Set the game into Scavenger Hunt mode. |
ParseCmd.c:setspellhelp | off}: Turn on or off a particular spell. |
ParseCmd.c:setspellptshelp | set spellpoints {points}: Limit maximum spell points for all players to this value. |
ParseCmd.c:setstaffhelp | off}: Turn on or off a particular staff |
ParseCmd.c:setstaffshelp | off}: Turn on or off ALL staffs. |
ParseCmd.c:SetSysopHelp | set sysop password : Sets the sysop password for remote access via Telnet or via game client. |
ParseCmd.c:settimehelp | set time {minutes}: Set the time limit for this game. |
ParseCmd.c:setweaponhelp | off}: Turn on or off a particular weapon. |
ParseCmd.c:setweaponshelp | off}: Turn on or off ALL weapons. |
ParseCmd.c:showbindingshelp | show bindings: Show function key bindings. |
ParseCmd.c:showextentshelp | show extents: Toggle collision extents. |
ParseCmd.c:showgamehelp | show game:Shows game information. |
ParseCmd.c:showguihelp | show gui: Toggle user interface. |
ParseCmd.c:ShowHelp | motd}: Show info on an item. |
ParseCmd.c:showmaphelp | show map {}: Show information about this map. |
ParseCmd.c:ShowMMXHelp | show mmx: Display the current status of MMX support. |
ParseCmd.c:ShowMotdHelp | show motd: Show the Message of the Day. |
ParseCmd.c:shownetstathelp | show netstat: Toggle net status display. |
ParseCmd.c:showperfmonhelp | show perfmon: Toggle performance monitors. |
ParseCmd.c:showrankhelp | show rank: Toggle multiplayer ranking. Use multiple times for other displays. |
parsecmd.c:socialcmd | social |
ParseCmd.c:SpellDisabled | The %s spell is now disabled. |
ParseCmd.c:SpellEnabled | The %s spell is now enabled. |
ParseCmd.c:SpellFmt | %-20.20s Cost:%3.3d, Spell is %s. |
ParseCmd.c:StaffDisabled | The %s staff is now disabled. |
ParseCmd.c:StaffEnabled | The %s staff is now enabled. |
ParseCmd.c:StaffRespawn | Staff respawn is now %s. |
ParseCmd.c:Staffs | Staffs are now %s. |
ParseCmd.c:SysMuted | System Muted. |
Parsecmd.c:SysopPasswordSet | The sysop password has been set. |
ParseCmd.c:teamcreatehelp | team create {team-name} {color}: Create this team (color optional). |
ParseCmd.c:teamdeletehelp | team delete {team-name}: Delete this team. |
ParseCmd.c:teamdoesntexist | Team %s does not exist. |
ParseCmd.c:teamexists | Team %s already exists. |
ParseCmd.c:teamhelp | quit | create | delete | mode}: Execute a team command. |
ParseCmd.c:teamjoinhelp | team join {team-name}: Join this team. |
ParseCmd.c:teammodecoophelp | team mode coop: Sets Cooperative mode. |
ParseCmd.c:teammodectfhelp | team mode ctf: Sets Capture The Flag mode. |
ParseCmd.c:teammodeforcehelp | on}: Force team mode off or on. |
ParseCmd.c:teammodehelp | teamdamage | coop | }: Sets/Unsets team modes. |
ParseCmd.c:teammodeteamdamagehelp | on}: Team Damage mode off or on. |
ParseCmd.c:teamquithelp | team quit: Quit team to which you currently belong. |
ParseCmd.c:TelnetHelp | OFF } : Turn the telnet server on and off. |
ParseCmd.c:telnetoff | The telnet service has stopped. |
ParseCmd.c:TelnetOffHelp | Telnet OFF : Turn the telnet server off. Nobody can log in remotely. |
ParseCmd.c:telneton | The telnet service has started on port %d. Remember to set the sysop password or ANYONE can login to your server. |
ParseCmd.c:TelnetOnHelp | Telnet ON {port}: Turn the telnet server on. |
ParseCmd.c:TestHelp | TEST: For internal testing only! |
ParseCmd.c:timedisabled | The time limit has been disabled. |
ParseCmd.c:TimeSet | The time limit has been set to %d minutes. |
ParseCmd.c:Type | Game Type: |
ParseCmd.c:typehelp | Syntax error. Type 'help' to get help with console commands. |
ParseCmd.c:unbindhelp | unbind F[1-12] : unbind a function key. |
ParseCmd.c:UnLockHelp | unlock: UnLock the console. |
ParseCmd.c:UnMuted | %s has been UNmuted. |
ParseCmd.c:UnMuteHelp | unmute {player}: UnMute a player. |
ParseCmd.c:unset | off |
ParseCmd.c:UnSetFrHelp | UnSet frameratelimiter : Turns OFF the frame rate limiter |
ParseCmd.c:UnSetGodHelp | UnSet god: Unset GOD mode. |
ParseCmd.c:UnSethelp | UnSet {variable}: Unset a server toggle variable. |
ParseCmd.c:UnSetNetDebug | Unset netdebug : Turns off netdebug. |
ParseCmd.c:UnSetSageHelp | unset sage: Removes all spells for all characters. |
ParseCmd.c:UserNotFound | User %s not found. |
ParseCmd.c:UsersList | Users: |
ParseCmd.c:watchhelp | watch {user} : Watch a player if in observer mode. |
ParseCmd.c:WeaponDisabled | The %s weapon is now disabled. |
ParseCmd.c:WeaponEnabled | The %s weapon is now enabled. |
ParseCmd.c:Weapons | Weapons are now %s. |
ParseCmd.c:WeaponsRespawn | Weapon respawn is now %s. |
ParseCmd.c:windowhelp | -]size} : Sets game window size. Either absolute or relative percentage. |
Pattack.c:NoQuiver | You have no quivers to equip. |
Pattack.c:ReloadingQuiver | You have not completed reloading your quiver. |
Pattack.c:ReloadQuiver | Your quiver is empty... Reloading. |
Penalty.wnd:Destroyed | Destroyed |
Penalty.wnd:Lost | Lost |
Penalty.wnd:YouHaveLost | You have lost: |
pickup.c:AlreadyHaveItem | You can only use one of those at a time. |
pickup.c:CarryingTooMuch | You are carrying too much to pick that up. |
pickup.c:GoldPickup | You found %d Gold. |
pickup.c:MaxSameItem | You are not allowed to carry any more of those. |
pickup.c:MaxTradableAnkhsReached | You can't hold any more Ankhs. |
pickup.c:ObjectEquipClassFail | You are unable to use that object. Your profession prohibits the use of that object. That object cannot be used by you. |
pickup.c:PickUpCrown | %s is now King of the Realm! |
pickup.c:PickUpTeamCrown | %s, of team %s, is now King of the Realm! |
pickup.c:WrongTeam | This object is for use by the %s team only. |
playback.c:PlayBackerror | Playback Error! |
playback.c:VCheckFailed | This file is not compatible with this version of the game. |
player.c:TooHeavy | You are too weighed down to move. You are carrying too much to move. |
player.c:WarcryStun | A warrior's cry has stunned you! You have been stunned by a War Cry! |
Players.wnd:Assign | Assign |
players.wnd:AssignTT | Assign selected players to team |
Players.wnd:Create | Create |
Players.wnd:Delete | Delete |
Players.wnd:Disband | Disband |
Players.wnd:Join | Join |
players.wnd:JoinTT | Join selected team |
Players.wnd:LeaveTeam | Leave |
Players.wnd:Players | Players |
players.wnd:PlayersTT | Current List of Players |
Players.wnd:Rename | Rename |
players.wnd:RenameTT | Rename selected team |
Players.wnd:TeamDamage | Team Damage |
Players.wnd:TeamForce | Team Auto-Assign |
Players.wnd:Teams | Teams |
players.wnd:TeamsTT | Current List of Teams |
Playrlst.c:BlueFlag | (Blue Flag) |
Playrlst.c:NewName | Enter New Team Name |
Playrlst.c:RedFlag | (Red Flag) |
Playrlst.c:Rename | Rename Team |
Playrlst.c:Title1 | Team Setup |
Playrlst.c:Title2 | Teams may only be modified in Sanctuary Maps. |
PlyrGide.c:AwardGuide | The %s beast scroll is now in your Book Of Knowledge! You now have the %s beast scroll! Your Book Of Knowledge now contains the %s beast scroll! |
PlyrGide.c:AwardGuideerror | AwardGuide: Invalid beast scroll |
PlyrGide.c:AwardGuideToOther | %s now has the %s beast scroll! %s was awarded the %s beast scroll! |
plyrinfo.c:UnknownPlayerName | A Player |
plyrspel.c:AwardInstructions | Drag the spell rune from your spell book to your spell bar to use the new spell. |
plyrspel.c:AwardSpell | The %s spell is now in your Book Of Knowledge! You now have the %s spell! Your Book Of Knowledge now contains the %s spell! |
plyrspel.c:AwardSpellerror | AwardSpell: Invalid Spell |
plyrspel.c:AwardSpellToOther | %s now has the %s spell! %s was awarded the %s spell! |
plyrspel.c:BadSkill | That spell is beyond your abilities. You do not have the power to cast that spell. The power of that spell is too much for you. Your powers in that school of magic are too weak. |
plyrspel.c:BadTarget | |
plyrspel.c:Illegal | That spell is illegal under the current rules. The current rules prohibit the use of that spell. That spell is currently prohibited. The current rules disallow the use of that spell. |
plyrspel.c:MaxSpellLevel | You cannot advance this spell any further. |
plyrspel.c:NotEnoughManaCast | You don't have enough mana to cast that spell. |
plyrspel.c:NotEnoughManaPrepare | You don't have enough mana to ready that spell. |
plyrspel.c:SpellCastSuccess | You cast %s. You conjure the %s spell. You invoke the %s spell. The %s spell was cast by you. |
plyrspel.c:SpellInUse | That spell is still in effect. That effect is still occurring. You must wait until the previous spell expires. You can't cast that spell while it is still active. |
plyrspel.c:SpellNotStartedWarCry | You cannot concentrate! Your concentration has been disrupted! |
plyrspel.c:SpellOK | |
plyrspel.c:SpellPrepare | You prepare the %s spell. You ready the %s spell. You have prepared the %s spell. The %s spell has been readied. |
plyrspel.c:SpellPrepareLimit | You can't ready any more spells. You can't concentrate on that many readied spells at one time! You have too many readied spells to do that. You are concentrating on too many other spells to do that. |
plyrspel.c:SpellRestrictedByBall | You cannot cast that spell while you have the ball. |
plyrspel.c:SpellRestrictedByCrown | You cannot cast that spell while you have the crown. |
plyrspel.c:SpellRestrictedByFlag | You cannot cast that spell while you have the flag. |
plyrspel.c:SpellUnknown | Nothing happens. That doesn't seem to do anything. That didn't do anything. Nothing seems to occur. |
plyrspel.c:TooManySpells | You can't concentrate on any more of those. There are too many of those still active. You must wait until there are fewer of those in play. You have reached your limit on those. |
populate.c:NoExit | *** ERROR: THERE IS NO EXIT *** |
ProxList.wnd:select | Select the game you would like to join. |
QIntro.dat:GauntletCastleText | The Castle |
QIntro.dat:GauntletCryptsText | The Crypts |
QIntro.dat:GauntletForestText | The Dark Forest |
QIntro.dat:GauntletLandOfTheDead | The Land of the Dead |
QIntro.dat:GauntletLavaText | The Underworld |
QIntro.dat:GauntletMinesText | The Mines |
QIntro.dat:GauntletSwampText | The Dismal Swamp |
QIntro.dat:GauntletTempleOfIx | The Temple of Ix |
QuitMenu.wnd:AutoLoad | Load from AutoSave |
QuitMenu.wnd:AutoSave | Save to AutoSave |
QuitMenu.wnd:Gameplay | Gameplay Controls |
QuitMenu.wnd:Observe | Observer Mode |
QuitMenu.wnd:Options | Options |
QuitMenu.wnd:Quit | Quit |
QuitMenu.wnd:Resume | Resume |
QuitMenu.wnd:Save | Save/Load |
recplay.wnd:mapfile | Use this mapfile: |
recplay.wnd:Normal | Normal play... |
recplay.wnd:playback | Start playback... |
recplay.wnd:playfile | Play this file: |
recplay.wnd:recordfile | Record to this file: |
recplay.wnd:StartRecording | Start recording play... |
report.c:AveComp | The server has switched to average latency compensation. |
report.c:MinComp | The server has switched to minimum latency compensation. |
report.c:NoComp | The server has turned off latency compensation. |
report.c:UserComp | The server has switched to a fixed latency compensation |
result:ERROR | ERROR |
result:NULL | NULL |
Rules.c:Armor | ARMOR |
Rules.c:CTF | CTF |
Rules.c:Deaths | DEATHS |
Rules.c:DM | DM |
Rules.c:HL | HL |
Rules.c:Chat | Chat |
Rules.c:KingOfTheHill | KING_OF_THE_HILL |
Rules.c:Lessons | LESSONS |
Rules.c:Mode | MODE |
Rules.c:Off | OFF |
Rules.c:On | ON |
Rules.c:Scavenger | SCAVENGER |
Rules.c:Set | SET |
Rules.c:Spell | SPELL |
Rules.c:Team | TEAM |
Rules.c:Time | TIME |
Rules.c:Weapon | WEAPON |
Rules.wnd:Armor | ARMOR |
Rules.wnd:Spells | SPELLS |
Rules.wnd:Wands | STAVES |
Rules.wnd:Weapons | WEAPONS |
Sanchlp.wnd:ClientHelp | You are in chat mode. Here the server sets up the game and you may join or switch teams, but you may not attack. Press %s to toggle the options menu. |
Sanchlp.wnd:DontShow | Don't show me this again. |
Sanchlp.wnd:Help | You are in chat mode. Here you may set up your game and construct teams, but you may not attack. During gameplay, you may return here by selecting 'Form a new game' from the options menu. Press %s to toggle the options menu. |
Sanchlp.wnd:Title | Chat Area |
Save.wnd:Name | Name |
Save.wnd:Save | SAVE |
Save.wnd:Savedgames | Saved Games |
Savegame.c:AutoSaveComplete | Game Saved. |
Savegame.c:AutoSaveNotFound | Automatic save file not found. |
Savegame.c:gameLoaded | Game Loaded. |
sdecode.c:CannotAccessMap | Cannot access map file '%S'. |
sdecode.c:sysopAccessGranted | %s now has sysop access. |
SelClass.c:Conjurer | Conjurer Health: AVERAGE Magic: MODERATE Strength: NORMAL Speed: NORMAL Conjurers charm and summon creatures to do their bidding. They wear leather armor and equip bows and staves. Conjurers begin exploring near the Village of Ix. |
SelClass.c:Warrior | Warrior Health: EXCELLENT Magic: NONE Strength: STRONG Speed: FAST Warriors do not use magic, but they have special skills. They use all forms of armor and most weapons except bows and most magic staves. Warriors begin adventuring near the Fortress of Dün Mir. |
SelClass.c:Wizard | Wizard Health: POOR Magic: EXCELLENT Strength: WEAK Speed: SLOW Wizards are masters of magic. They create magical traps containing spells. They cannot wear armor and can arm themselves only with staves. Wizards commence their quests near Castle Galava. |
SelClass.wnd:Accept | Accept |
SelClass.wnd:EmptyText | |
SelColor.c:DefaultName | Jack |
SelColor.wnd:Accept | Accept |
SelColor.wnd:Beard | Sideburns |
SelColor.wnd:EnterName | Enter Character Name |
SelColor.wnd:Goatee | Beard |
SelColor.wnd:Hair | Hair |
SelColor.wnd:Mustache | Mustache |
SelColor.wnd:Pants | Pants |
SelColor.wnd:Shirt | Shirt |
SelColor.wnd:Shoes | Shoes |
SelColor.wnd:Skin | Skin |
SelChar.c:Conjurer | Conjurer |
SelChar.c:LoadCharLabel | Load Character |
SelChar.c:LoadLabel | Load Game |
SelChar.c:Multiplayer | Multiplayer |
SelChar.c:Quest | Solo Quest |
SelChar.c:Warrior | Warrior |
SelChar.c:Wizard | Wizard |
SelChar.wnd:Delete | Delete |
SelChar.wnd:Load | Load |
SelChar.wnd:New | New |
SelChar.wnd:Title | Select a Character |
server.c:BallStartCountError | Too few crown/ball starts found -- game set to Arena. |
server.c:FlagCountError | Too few flags found -- game set to Arena. |
server.c:GameOver | Game has ended. |
server.c:MapAccessError | ERROR: Cannot access map file '%S'. |
server.c:MapCorrupt | ERROR: Your mapfile is corrupt |
server.c:MapLoadedString | Map: %S loaded! |
server.c:NoFlagError | No flag found -- game set to Arena. |
server.c:StartingPositionError | Map error -- no starting positions set! |
server.c:TooManyFlagsError | Too many flags -- game set to Arena. |
servlist.wnd:ChooseServer | Choose a Game Server |
servlist.wnd:windowTitle | Nox Game Servers |
Servopts.wnd:Access | Access |
Servopts.wnd:AccessTT | Set up user restrictions |
Servopts.wnd:Advanced | Advanced... |
servopts.wnd:AdvancedTT | Advanced Game Options |
Servopts.wnd:ApplyNext | Apply Next |
Servopts.wnd:ApplyNextTT | Apply changes next game |
Servopts.wnd:Armor | Armor |
servopts.wnd:ArmorTT | Armor Options |
Servopts.wnd:AutoAssign | Auto-Assign |
Servopts.wnd:Cancel | Cancel |
Servopts.wnd:CaptureLimit | Capture Limit |
Servopts.wnd:Clan | Clan |
servopts.wnd:ClanTT | Rank clans, rather than individuals, on their play |
Servopts.wnd:Current | This game |
Servopts.wnd:CurrentgameTT | Change current game options |
Servopts.wnd:DeathLimit | Elim Limit |
Servopts.wnd:Default | Defaults |
servopts.wnd:DefaultTT | Restore map's default options |
Servopts.wnd:Delete | Delete |
servopts.wnd:DeleteTT | Delete selected Rule file |
Servopts.wnd:Done | Done |
Servopts.wnd:Empty | |
Servopts.wnd:game | Game |
Servopts.wnd:GameName | The Name of your Game |
Servopts.wnd:gameTT | Configure game options |
Servopts.wnd:gameTypeTT | The option to choose a game type |
Servopts.wnd:General | General |
Servopts.wnd:GeneralTT | General server options |
Servopts.wnd:Go | GO! |
Servopts.wnd:GoTT | Apply changes |
Servopts.wnd:Individual | Individual |
servopts.wnd:IndividualTT | Rank individuals, rather than teams, on their play |
Servopts.wnd:KillLimit | Lesson Limit |
Servopts.wnd:KillLimitTT | The number of kills required to win the game |
Servopts.wnd:Ladder | Ladder game: |
servopts.wnd:LadderTT | Officially ranked Westwood Online ladder game |
Servopts.wnd:Load | Load |
servopts.wnd:LoadTT | Load options from selected Rule file |
Servopts.wnd:Maps | Maps |
Servopts.wnd:Newgame | Form a new game |
servopts.wnd:NewgameTT | Return to sanctuary map and set up a new game |
Servopts.wnd:Next | Next game |
Servopts.wnd:NextgameTT | Set up the next game |
Servopts.wnd:Ok | Ok |
Servopts.wnd:Revert | Revert |
Servopts.wnd:RevertTT | Cancel next game setup |
Servopts.wnd:Rules | Rule Files |
servopts.wnd:RulesTT | Rule File Options |
Servopts.wnd:RULFiles | Map Rule Files: |
servopts.wnd:RULFilesTT | Rule files for the selected map |
Servopts.wnd:Save | Save |
Servopts.wnd:SaveAs | Save As |
servopts.wnd:SaveAsTT | Save options to new Rule file |
servopts.wnd:SaveTT | Save options to selected Rule file |
Servopts.wnd:Server | Server |
Servopts.wnd:ServerName | Server Name: |
Servopts.wnd:ServerTT | Configure server options |
Servopts.wnd:Shuffle | Shuffle |
Servopts.wnd:ShuffleTT | Shuffle Teams |
Servopts.wnd:Spells | Spells |
servopts.wnd:SpellsTT | Spell Options |
Servopts.wnd:TeamDamage | Team Damage |
Servopts.wnd:TeamNumTT | To set up teams go to the Teams menu under the Server Tab |
Servopts.wnd:Teams | Teams |
Servopts.wnd:TeamTT | Set up teams |
Servopts.wnd:TimeLimit | Time Limit |
Servopts.wnd:TimeLimitTT | The time limit for the game |
Servopts.wnd:UseTeams | Use Teams |
Servopts.wnd:UseTeamsTT | Toggle Team play |
Servopts.wnd:Weapons | Weapons |
servopts.wnd:WeaponsTT | Weapons Options |
settings.c:clan | clan |
settings.c:individual | individual |
settings.c:laddergameRequest | The server has requested a ranked %s ladder game. It will begin in %d seconds. |
settings.c:NotInSuddenDeath | Sudden Death is imminent. The option you selected is not available for now. |
settings.c:SuddenDeathImminent | Counting down to Sudden Death! |
settings.c:SuddenDeathStart | You are now in Sudden Death!!! |
settings.c:TimeLimitDeferred | Time limit will count down when competition begins |
Shop.wnd:Buy | Buy |
Shop.wnd:Exit | Exit |
Shop.wnd:InventoryDown | D |
Shop.wnd:InventoryUp | U |
Shop.wnd:Repair | Repair |
Shop.wnd:Sell | Sell |
Shop.wnd:Talk | Talk |
spell.c:DuplicateGlyphSpell | You cannot place duplicate spells in traps. |
spell.c:NotAllowedInBomber | You cannot equip a Bomber with that spell. |
spell.c:NotAllowedInTrap | You cannot equip a Trap with that spell. |
spell.c:NoTeleportation | Teleportation is disallowed during this game... |
spell.c:NotEnoughManaCast | You don't have enough mana to cast that spell. |
spell.c:NotEnoughManaGlyph | You don't have enough mana for all those spells. |
spell.c:SpellCancelledByWarCry | Your spell was interrupted by a War Cry! A War Cry has interrupted your spell! A War Cry has broken your concentration! |
spell.c:SpellNotStartedWarCry | A War Cry breaks your concentration! You cannot concentrate! |
spell.c:SpellRestrictedByFlag | You cannot cast that spell while you have the flag. |
spelllst.c:Common | Common |
spelllst.c:Notice | Notice |
spelllst.c:NotInternet | This option cannot be changed in Internet play |
spelllst.c:SpellConjurer | Conj |
spelllst.c:SpellWizard | Wiz |
Spelllst.wnd:Cost | Cost |
Spelllst.wnd:SelectAll | Enable All |
spelllst.wnd:SelectAllTT | Enable all spells |
Spelllst.wnd:SelectNone | Disable All |
spelllst.wnd:SelectNoneTT | Disable all spells |
Spelllst.wnd:School | Class |
spelllst.wnd:SchoolTT | Which Class casts each Spell |
spelllst.wnd:SpellListTT | List of all spells |
Spelllst.wnd:SpellPointLimit | Spell Point Limit |
Spelllst.wnd:Spells | Spells |
spelllst.wnd:ToggleTT | Allow/Disallow this spell |
summon.c:CreatureAlreadyOwned | You already control this creature. This creature is already under your control. |
summon.c:CreatureControlFailed | You cannot concentrate on any more creatures. You control too many other creatures right now. |
summon.c:CreatureControlImpossible | That creature cannot be charmed. The creature refuses to submit to your will. |
summon.c:CreatureNotCharmable | That creature can never be charmed. |
summon.c:CharmBrokenDistance | You are too far away to continue charming that creature. |
summon.c:CharmNoCreatureCloseEnough | Target near a creature with your pointer to charm it. |
summon.c:NeedGuideToCharm | You need a beast scroll for this creature before you can charm it. |
summon.c:NeedGuideToSummon | You need a beast scroll for this creature before you can summon it. |
team.c:Coop | Coop |
team.c:NewMember | %s has joined team %s |
team.c:NoTeam | No Team |
team.c:teamcreate | Team created. |
team.c:teamdestroy | Team %s destroyed. |
team.c:teamexceed | Team not created: Maximum number of teams reached. |
team.c:teamjoin | %s Joined %s. |
team.c:teamquit | %s Quit %s. |
telnetd.c:BadPassword | Bad password entered from |
telnetd.c:ConnectionStarted | Connection established from |
telnetd.c:ConnectionTerminated | Connection terminated from |
telnetd.c:LoginSuccessful | Login successful from |
telnetd.c:Password | Password: |
telnetd.c:Telnet | TELNET |
thing.db:ABILITY_BERSERKER_CHARGE_DESC | You can now launch yourself headlong into the fray. You'll move swiftly and strike your targets with tremendous force. Plot your direction carefully, striking a wall can stun you. |
thing.db:ABILITY_EYE_OF_THE_WOLF_DESC | You can now see with the skill of a wolf. Wizards can no longer hide from your gaze and many dark things are brought to light. |
thing.db:ABILITY_HARPOON_DESC | You can now fire a tethered spear at any foe within range. If you skewer an enemy, you will then reel them closer, after which, you may attack them with another weapon. |
thing.db:ABILITY_TREAD_LIGHTLY_DESC | You can now move as spry as a mouse. Nimbly walk over traps without making a sound. |
thing.db:ABILITY_WARCRY_DESC | You can now let loose a thunderous yell that immobilizes the meek and confounds spellcasters. |
thing.db:AbilityBookDescription | A warrior can read this book to gain a new ability. |
thing.db:AmuletOfClarityDescription | The amulet requested by Horvath. |
thing.db:AmuletOfClarityPrettyName | Amulet Of Clarity |
thing.db:AmuletofCombatDescription | |
thing.db:AmuletofCombatPrettyName | Amulet of Combat |
thing.db:AmuletofManipulationDescription | |
thing.db:AmuletofManipulationPrettyName | Amulet of Manipulation |
thing.db:AmuletofNatureDescription | |
thing.db:AmuletofNaturePrettyName | Amulet of Nature |
thing.db:AmuletOfTeleportationDescription | Return this amulet to the Arch-Wizard Horvath. |
thing.db:AmuletOfTeleportationPrettyName | Amulet of Teleportation |
thing.db:Anchor | Anchor |
thing.db:AnkhDescription | Ankhs provide you with extra lives. |
thing.db:AnkhGUI | The number of extra lives you have left |
thing.db:AnkhPrettyName | Extra Life Ankh |
thing.db:AzureFlagDescription | Flag of the Azure team. |
thing.db:AzureFlagPrettyName | Azure Flag |
thing.db:BattleAxeDescription | Good one handed chopping weapon for Warriors. |
thing.db:BattleAxePrettyName | Battle Axe |
thing.db:BearTrapDescription | This trap will immobilize a creature or player for a few moments. It can only be used by Warriors. |
thing.db:BearTrapPrettyName | Bear Trap |
thing.db:BefuddleDescription | |
thing.db:BefuddlePrettyName | Befuddle |
thing.db:BerserkerCharge | Berserker Charge |
thing.db:BChargeBookPrettyName | Book of Berserker Charge |
thing.db:BlackBook1Description | |
thing.db:BlackBook1PrettyName | Black Book |
thing.db:BlackBook2Description | |
thing.db:BlackBook2PrettyName | Black Book |
thing.db:BlackFlagDescription | Flag of the Black team. |
thing.db:BlackFlagPrettyName | Black Flag |
thing.db:BlackPotionDescription | BlackPotionDescription |
thing.db:BlackPotionPrettyName | BlackPotionPrettyName |
thing.db:Blindness | Blindness |
thing.db:Blink | Blink |
thing.db:BlueFlagDescription | Flag of the Blue team. |
thing.db:BlueFlagPrettyName | Blue Flag |
thing.db:BlueOrbDescription | |
thing.db:BlueOrbKeyOfTheLichDescription | One of two keys required to enter the Lich's Hall. |
thing.db:BlueOrbKeyOfTheLichPrettyName | Blue Idol Key Of The Lich |
thing.db:BlueOrbPrettyName | Blue Orb |
thing.db:BluePotionDescription | Drink this potion to restore a share portion of your magic source (mana). |
thing.db:BluePotionPrettyName | Potion of Restore Mana |
thing.db:BookOfOblivionDescription | The book requested by Horvath. |
thing.db:BookOfOblivionPrettyName | Book Of Oblivion |
thing.db:BootsOfSpeedDescription | |
thing.db:BootsOfSpeedPrettyName | Boots of Speed |
thing.db:BottleCandleDescription | |
thing.db:BottleCandlePrettyName | Bottle Candle |
thing.db:BowDescription | Equip both Bow and Quiver to shoot arrows. Bows can only be used by Conjurers. |
thing.db:BowPrettyName | Bow |
thing.db:BraceletofAccuracyDescription | |
thing.db:BraceletofAccuracyPrettyName | Bracelet of Accuracy |
thing.db:BraceletofHealthDescription | |
thing.db:BraceletofHealthPrettyName | Bracelet of Health |
thing.db:BraceletofChannelingDescription | |
thing.db:BraceletofChannelingPrettyName | Bracelet of Channelling |
thing.db:BreadDescription | BreadDescription |
thing.db:BreadPrettyName | BreadPrettyName |
thing.db:BreastplateDescription | The best protection for your body. Only Warriors may wear one. |
thing.db:BreastplatePrettyName | Breastplate |
thing.db:BridgeGuardsBootsDescription | Return these boots to the Bridge Guard in Ix. |
thing.db:BridgeGuardsBootsPrettyName | The Bridge Guard's Boots |
thing.db:Burn | Burn |
thing.db:Candle1Description | |
thing.db:Candle1PrettyName | Candle |
thing.db:CiderDescription | Drink this cider to restore some health. Take care, the effects are intoxicating. After ingesting, do not operate heavy machinery. |
thing.db:CiderPrettyName | Jug of Cider |
thing.db:CleansingFlame | Ring of Fire |
thing.db:CleansingManaFlame | Mana Burn |
thing.db:ClosedBearTrapDescription | ClosedBearTrapDescription |
thing.db:ClosedBearTrapPrettyName | Closed Bear Trap |
thing.db:CompassDescription | Click on your compass to reveal a map of the area you've explored. |
thing.db:CompassPrettyName | Compass |
thing.db:Confuse | Confuse |
thing.db:ConjurerHelmDescription | Good protection for Conjurer's heads. |
thing.db:ConjurerHelmPrettyName | Conjurer Helm |
thing.db:ConjurerOnlyBookDescription | Conjurers can add the spell contained within to their Book of Knowledge. |
thing.db:CornDescription | CornDescription |
thing.db:CornPrettyName | CornPrettyName |
thing.db:Counterspell | Counterspell |
thing.db:CrossBowDescription | Equip both Crossbow and Quiver to shoot arrows. Crossbows shoot with more power than bows, but require longer reload time. Crossbows can only be used by Conjurers. |
thing.db:CrossBowPrettyName | Crossbow |
thing.db:CrownDescription | Crown |
thing.db:CrownPrettyName | Crown |
thing.db:CurePoison | Cure Poison |
thing.db:CurePoisonPotionDescription | Drink this potion to cure poison. |
thing.db:CurePoisonPotionPrettyName | Potion of Cure Poison |
thing.db:DaggerDescription | |
thing.db:DaggerPrettyName | Dagger |
thing.db:Death | Death |
thing.db:DeathRay | Death Ray |
thing.db:DeathRayWandDescription | The Wand of Death must be carefully targeted. Its focused energy will severely damage your victim. Only Wizards may wield this wand. |
thing.db:DeathRayWandPrettyName | Wand of Death |
thing.db:DemonsBreathWandDescription | |
thing.db:DemonsBreathWandPrettyName | Demons Breath Wand |
thing.db:DetonateSeenTraps | Detonate Seen Traps |
thing.db:DiamondGemPrettyName | Diamond Gem |
thing.db:DiscDiamond | Dazzling gem for you to buy, sell or trade. Light and valuable. Collecting gems is an ideal way to accumulate wealth. |
thing.db:DiscEmerald | Precious gem for you to buy, sell or trade. Light and valuable. Collecting gems is an ideal way to accumulate wealth. |
thing.db:DiscRuby | Pretty gem for you to buy, sell or trade. Light and valuable. Collecting gems is an ideal way to accumulate wealth. |
thing.db:DiscTradeGem | This gem is useful for exchanging money with your friends. |
thing.db:DrainMana | Drain Mana |
thing.db:Earthquake | Earthquake |
thing.db:EmeraldGemPrettyName | Emerald Gem |
thing.db:EnergyBolt | Energy Bolt |
thing.db:EyeOfTheWolf | Eye Of The Wolf |
thing.db:EyeOWolfBookPrettyName | Book of Eye Of The Wolf |
thing.db:FanChakramDescription | One-shot throwing star for Warriors. |
thing.db:FanChakramPrettyName | Shuriken |
thing.db:Fear | Fear |
thing.db:FearDescription | |
thing.db:FearPrettyName | Fear |
thing.db:Feeble | Feeble |
thing.db:FieldGuideDescription | Add a scroll to your Book of Knowledge by selecting it. This information provides a damage bonus in combat. It also enables Conjurers to charm the beast. |
thing.db:FieldGuidePrettyName | Beast Scroll |
thing.db:Fireball | Fireball |
thing.db:FireProtectPotionDescription | When consumed, this potion will enhance your resistance to fire damage for a short period of time. |
thing.db:FireProtectPotionPrettyName | Potion of Fire Resistance |
thing.db:FireStormWandDescription | This staff emits three balls of fire at once. Only Wizards may wield it. |
thing.db:FireStormWandPrettyName | Triple Fireball Staff |
thing.db:Firewalk | Firewalk |
thing.db:FistOfVengeance | Fist of Vengeance |
thing.db:FlagDescription | Capture the enemy flag by touching it then take it to your own flag's base. |
thing.db:FlagPrettyName | Flag |
thing.db:FoilCandleLitDescription | |
thing.db:FoilCandleLitPrettyName | Foil Candle Lit |
thing.db:ForceOfNature | Force of Nature |
thing.db:ForceOrbDescription | |
thing.db:ForceOrbPrettyName | Force Orb |
thing.db:ForceWandDescription | This staff emits a bolt of lightning. Only Wizards may wield it. |
thing.db:ForceWandPrettyName | Lightning Staff |
thing.db:Freeze | Freeze |
thing.db:Fumble | Fumble |
thing.db:GlyphDescription | This is a magical trap into which a Wizard places spells. |
thing.db:GlyphPrettyName | Wizard's Trap |
thing.db:GoldDescription | Gold pieces. Use to purchase supplies from vendors. |
thing.db:GoldKeyDescription | Unlocks doors and gates requiring a Gold key. |
thing.db:GoldKeyPrettyName | Gold Key |
thing.db:GoldPrettyName | Gold |
thing.db:GreaterHeal | Greater Heal |
thing.db:GreatSwordDescription | Excellent two handed blade for Warriors. It can block blows. |
thing.db:GreatSwordPrettyName | Great Sword |
thing.db:GreenFlagDescription | Flag of the Green team. |
thing.db:GreenFlagPrettyName | Green Flag |
thing.db:GreenOrbDescription | |
thing.db:GreenOrbPrettyName | Green Orb |
thing.db:Harpoon | Harpoon |
thing.db:HarpoonBookPrettyName | Book of Harpoon |
thing.db:Haste | Haste |
thing.db:HastePotionDescription | Drinking this potion will allow you to move faster for a short period of time. |
thing.db:HastePotionPrettyName | Haste Potion |
thing.db:HeartOfNoxTT | The Heart of Nox |
thing.db:HecubahWandDescription | Hecubah's Wand of Death must be carefully targeted. Its focused energy will severely damage your victim. Only Wizards may wield this wand. |
thing.db:HecubahWandPrettyName | Hecubah's Wand of Death |
thing.db:ChainCoifDescription | Good protection for a Warrior's head. |
thing.db:ChainCoifPrettyName | Chain Coif |
thing.db:ChainLeggingsDescription | Good protection for a Warrior's legs. |
thing.db:ChainLeggingsPrettyName | Chain Leggings |
thing.db:ChainmailDescription | Good protection for your body. Only Warriors may wear one. |
thing.db:ChainmailPrettyName | Chainmail Tunic |
thing.db:ChainTunicDescription | Good protection for a Warrior's body. |
thing.db:ChainTunicPrettyName | Chain Tunic |
thing.db:ChannelLife | Channel Life |
thing.db:CharmCreature | Charm Creature |
thing.db:IdentifyDescription | Select an item to learn more about it. |
thing.db:IdentifyPrettyName | Identify |
thing.db:ImpEggDescription | ImpEggDescription |
thing.db:ImpEggPrettyName | ImpEggPrettyName |
thing.db:InfinitePainWandDescription | The Force of Nature Staff emits a ghastly green ball that slays all who cross its path. It can only be used by Conjurers. |
thing.db:InfinitePainWandPrettyName | Force of Nature Staff |
thing.db:Infravision | Infravision |
thing.db:InfravisionPotionDescription | When consumed, this potion allows you to see invisible enemies for a short period of time. |
thing.db:InfravisionPotionPrettyName | Potion of Infravision |
thing.db:Inversion | Inversion |
thing.db:Invisibility | Invisibility |
thing.db:InvisibilityPotionDescription | Drinking this potion will make you invisible for a short duration. |
thing.db:InvisibilityPotionPrettyName | Invisibility Potion |
thing.db:Invulnerability | Invulnerability |
thing.db:InvulnerabilityPotionDescription | Drinking this potion will make you invulnerable for a short time or until you initiate an attack. |
thing.db:InvulnerabilityPotionPrettyName | Invulnerability Potion |
thing.db:Lantern2Description | Lantern2Description |
thing.db:Lantern2PrettyName | Lantern2PrettyName |
thing.db:LanternDescription | LanternDescription |
thing.db:LanternPrettyName | Lantern |
thing.db:LeatherArmbandsDescription | Basic protection for your arms. Only Warriors and Conjurers may wear them. |
thing.db:LeatherArmbandsPrettyName | Leather Armbands |
thing.db:LeatherArmorDescription | Basic protection for your body. Only Warriors and Conjurers may wear one. |
thing.db:LeatherArmoredBootsDescription | Good protection for your feet. Only Warriors and Conjurers may wear them. |
thing.db:LeatherArmoredBootsPrettyName | Leather Armored Boots |
thing.db:LeatherArmorPrettyName | Leather Tunic |
thing.db:LeatherBootsDescription | Stylish footwear. |
thing.db:LeatherBootsPrettyName | Leather Boots |
thing.db:LeatherHelmDescription | Basic protection for your head. Only Warriors and Conjurers may wear one. |
thing.db:LeatherHelmPrettyName | Leather Helm |
thing.db:LeatherLeggingsDescription | Basic protection for your legs. Only Warriors and Conjurers may wear them. |
thing.db:LeatherLeggingsPrettyName | Leather Leggings |
thing.db:LesserFireballWandDescription | This staff emits a single ball of fire. Wizards and Conjurers may use this staff. |
thing.db:LesserFireballWandPrettyName | Fireball Staff |
thing.db:LesserHeal | Lesser Heal |
thing.db:Light | Light |
thing.db:Lightning | Lightning |
thing.db:Lock | Lock |
thing.db:LongswordDescription | Good one handed blade for Warriors. |
thing.db:LongswordPrettyName | Long Sword |
thing.db:MagicShield | Force Field |
thing.db:ManaCrystalClusterDescription | ManaCrystalClusterDescription |
thing.db:ManaCrystalClusterPrettyName | ManaCrystalClusterPrettyName |
thing.db:ManaCrystalDescription | ManaCrystalDescription |
thing.db:ManaCrystalLargeDescription | ManaCrystalLargeDescription |
thing.db:ManaCrystalLargePrettyName | ManaCrystalLargePrettyName |
thing.db:ManaCrystalPrettyName | ManaCrystalPrettyName |
thing.db:ManaCrystalSmallDescription | ManaCrystalSmallDescription |
thing.db:ManaCrystalSmallPrettyName | ManaCrystalSmallPrettyName |
thing.db:MarkLocation | Mark Location |
thing.db:MarkLocation1 | Mark Location 1 |
thing.db:MarkLocation2 | Mark Location 2 |
thing.db:MarkLocation3 | Mark Location 3 |
thing.db:MarkLocation4 | Mark Location 4 |
thing.db:MatildasCloakDescription | Return this cloak to Matilda in Brin. |
thing.db:MatildasCloakPrettyName | Matilda's Cloak |
thing.db:MayorsScepterDescription | Return this scepter to Mayor Theogrin in Ix. |
thing.db:MayorsScepterPrettyName | Mayor Theogrin's Scepter |
thing.db:MeatDescription | Eat this food portion to restore some health. |
thing.db:MeatPrettyName | Food |
thing.db:MedievalCloakDescription | Stylish cloak. Some cloaks have enchantments. Cloaks can be worn over clothes and armor. |
thing.db:MedievalCloakPrettyName | Cloak |
thing.db:MedievalPantsDescription | Stylish trousers. |
thing.db:MedievalPantsPrettyName | Medieval Pants |
thing.db:MedievalShirtDescription | A stylish shirt. |
thing.db:MedievalShirtPrettyName | Medieval Shirt |
thing.db:Meteor | Meteor |
thing.db:MeteorShower | Meteor Shower |
thing.db:MissilesOfMagic | Missiles of Magic |
thing.db:MissileWandDescription | This staff emits a cluster of magic missiles which will track down your enemies. Only Wizards may use it. |
thing.db:MissileWandPrettyName | Magic Missile Staff |
thing.db:Moonglow | Moonglow |
thing.db:MorningStarDescription | One handed blunt weapon for Warriors. |
thing.db:MorningStarPrettyName | Morning Star |
thing.db:MushroomDescription | Eat this mushroom to cure poison. There are, however, some adverse side-effects. |
thing.db:MushroomPrettyName | Mushroom |
thing.db:Obliteration | Obliteration |
thing.db:OgreAxeDescription | Good two handed chopping weapon for Warriors. Not very durable. |
thing.db:OgreAxePrettyName | Ogre Axe |
thing.db:OrbPoolTT | The Orb of Oblivion |
thing.db:OrnateHelmDescription | The absolute best protection for your head. Only Warriors may wear one. |
thing.db:OrnateHelmPrettyName | Knight's Helm |
thing.db:Phantom | Phantom |
thing.db:PixieSwarm | Pixie Swarm |
thing.db:Plasma | Plasma |
thing.db:PlateArmsDescription | The best protection for your arms. Only Warriors may wear them. |
thing.db:PlateArmsPrettyName | Plate Arms |
thing.db:PlateBootsDescription | The best protection for your feet. Only Warriors may wear them. |
thing.db:PlateBootsPrettyName | Plate Boots |
thing.db:PlateLeggingsDescription | The best protection for your legs. Only Warriors may wear them. |
thing.db:PlateLeggingsPrettyName | Plate Leggings |
thing.db:Poison | Poison |
thing.db:PoisonGasTrapDescription | A small explosion of poison gas will form a cloud and engulf the creature or player that steps on this trap. It can only be used by Warriors. |
thing.db:PoisonGasTrapPrettyName | Poison Gas Trap |
thing.db:PoisonProtectPotionDescription | This potion will boost your resistance to poison for a short period of time. |
thing.db:PoisonProtectPotionPrettyName | Potion of Poison Resistance |
thing.db:PoisonWandDescription | |
thing.db:PoisonWandPrettyName | Poison Wand |
thing.db:ProtectFromElectricity | Protect From Shock |
thing.db:ProtectFromFire | Protect From Fire |
thing.db:ProtectFromMagic | Protect From Magic |
thing.db:ProtectFromPoison | Protect From Poison |
thing.db:ProtectionEnchantmentsDescription | |
thing.db:ProtectionEnchantmentsPrettyName | Protection Enchantments |
thing.db:ProtectionFireDescription | |
thing.db:ProtectionFirePrettyName | Protection Fire |
thing.db:Pull | Pull |
thing.db:Push | Push |
thing.db:QuestExitPrettyName | The Exit |
thing.db:QuiverDescription | Equip both Bow and Quiver to shoot arrows. Quivers can only be used by Conjurers. |
thing.db:QuiverPrettyName | Arrow Quiver |
thing.db:RedAppleDescription | Eat this apple to restore a bit of health. |
thing.db:RedApplePrettyName | Apple |
thing.db:RedFlagDescription | Flag of the Red team. |
thing.db:RedFlagPrettyName | Red Flag |
thing.db:RedOrbDescription | |
thing.db:RedOrbKeyOfTheLichDescription | One of two keys required to enter the Lich's Hall. |
thing.db:RedOrbKeyOfTheLichPrettyName | Red Idol Key Of The Lich |
thing.db:RedOrbPrettyName | Red Orb |
thing.db:RedPotion2Description | RedPotion2Description |
thing.db:RedPotion2PrettyName | RedPotion2PrettyName |
thing.db:RedPotionDescription | Drink this potion to restore a large share of your health. |
thing.db:RedPotionPrettyName | Potion of Restore Health |
thing.db:ReflectiveShield | Reflective Shield |
thing.db:RottenMeatDescription | RottenMeatDescription |
thing.db:RottenMeatPrettyName | RottenMeatPrettyName |
thing.db:RoundChakramDescription | Throwing ring for Warriors. It will return to the owners hand. |
thing.db:RoundChakramPrettyName | Chackrum |
thing.db:RubyGemPrettyName | Ruby Gem |
thing.db:RubyKeyDescription | Unlocks doors and gates requiring a Ruby key. |
thing.db:RubyKeyPrettyName | Ruby Key |
thing.db:Run | Run |
thing.db:SapphireKeyDescription | Unlocks doors and gates requiring a Sapphire key. |
thing.db:SapphireKeyPrettyName | Sapphire Key |
thing.db:ShieldPotionDescription | Drinking this potion will envelop you in a protective magical force field for a short duration. |
thing.db:ShieldPotionPrettyName | Potion of Force Field |
thing.db:Shock | Shock |
thing.db:ShockProtectPotionDescription | This potion will enhance your natural resistance to electrical damage for a short period of time. |
thing.db:ShockProtectPotionPrettyName | Potion of Electrical Resistance |
thing.db:SilverKeyDescription | Unlocks doors, gates, and chests requiring a Silver key. |
thing.db:SilverKeyPrettyName | Silver Key |
thing.db:Slow | Slow |
thing.db:SoulGatePrettyName | Soul Gate |
thing.db:SoupDescription | SoupDescription |
thing.db:SoupPrettyName | SoupPrettyName |
thing.db:SpecsofVisionDescription | Return these spectacles to the Hermit. |
thing.db:SpecsofVisionPrettyName | Hermit's Spectacles |
thing.db:SpectaclesDescription | Return these spectacles to the Hermit. |
thing.db:SpectaclesPrettyName | Hermit's Spectacles |
thing.db:SPELL_ANCHOR_DESC | Enfold your foes in obstructive sorceries so they are unable to teleport for a brief time. |
thing.db:SPELL_ARACHNAPHOBIA_DESC | When invoked, hordes of black spiders emanate from the location specified by the your pointer. |
thing.db:SPELL_BLIND_DESC | Casting this spell magically blinds all hostile creatures nearby your for a few moments. |
thing.db:SPELL_BLINK_DESC | Teleport instantaneously to a haven of safety. |
thing.db:SPELL_BURN_DESC | Scorch your oppressors with a patch of flame. |
thing.db:SPELL_CANCEL_DESC | Upon casting, all the readied spells of your opponents will be cancelled and mana cost will returned to their mana store. |
thing.db:SPELL_CLEANSING_FLAME_DESC | Emits a circle of flames to cleanse the area around you. Best to stand still lest you get burned yourself. |
thing.db:SPELL_CLEANSING_MANA_FLAME_DESC | Emits a circle of blue flames to purge mana from the spellcasters around you. Take care, you can also be burned by this flame. |
thing.db:SPELL_CONFUSE_DESC | For a short while, deprive a man of all sense of direction or purpose. |
thing.db:SPELL_COUNTERSPELL_DESC | Destroy all spells around you. |
thing.db:SPELL_CURE_POISON_DESC | Cleanse away all taint of poison or toxin. |
thing.db:SPELL_DEATH_DESC | This spell briefly grips you in the clutches of death. Transfer this to another creature by touching them before you fall prey to its final effects. |
thing.db:SPELL_DEATH_RAY_DESC | Blast an opponent with the power of the necromancer. Usually one hit is lethal, but you'll require pinpoint accuracy. |
thing.db:SPELL_DETONATE_DESC | This spell targets the nearest creature in you are facing, causing any readied spells in the victim's hand to detonate. |
thing.db:SPELL_DETONATE_GLYPHS_DESC | Loose the awesome pent-up sorceries within all the traps you've prepared, assuming they lie within your view. |
thing.db:SPELL_DRAIN_MANA_DESC | Draw Mana from the nearest source, denying others magic while replenishing your own supply. |
thing.db:SPELL_EARTHQUAKE_DESC | Send a bone-shaking tremor through the raging earth. You are unaffected as long as you remain still. |
thing.db:SPELL_FEAR_DESC | Compel your enemies to flee, lest they suffer your terrifying wrath. No effect on the Undead. |
thing.db:SPELL_FEEBLE_DESC | The victim of this spell loses all strength, becoming temporarily feeble. |
thing.db:SPELL_FIREBALL_DESC | Hurl a fiery ball of death, showering hell-sparks on all within range of its impact. |
thing.db:SPELL_FIREWALK_DESC | Heat up your stride and leave a trail of flames in your wake. |
thing.db:SPELL_FIST_DESC | Summon a colossal megalithic hand to fall from above and smite your enemies. |
thing.db:SPELL_FORCE_OF_NATURE_DESC | By invoking this spell, you call into being an orb of ghastly green light which destroys anything foolish enough to cross its path, including you! |
thing.db:SPELL_FREEZE_DESC | When you cast this spell, the nearest creature you are facing is frozen for a few moments. |
thing.db:SPELL_FUMBLE_DESC | Release your enemy's inner klutz, so they drop all that they hold in their hands. |
thing.db:SPELL_GLYPH_DESC | You now have the ability to construct a magical trap. You can place up to three different spells in a trap and place it wherever you like. |
thing.db:SPELL_GLYPH2_DESC | You now have the ability to summon a Bomber beast. You can place up to three different spells in a Bomber and give it commands like any charmed or summoned creature. |
thing.db:SPELL_GREATER_HEAL_DESC | Rejuvenate failing health with Mana. So long as you remain still, regain a portion of Health for each portion of Mana you expend. |
thing.db:SPELL_HASTE_DESC | Gift your target with the speed of wolves for a short period of time. |
thing.db:SPELL_CHAIN_LIGHTNING_DESC | Call down the blazing wrath of heaven upon the heads of those who oppose you. At higher spell powers, the lightning may chain to multiple targets. |
thing.db:SPELL_CHANNEL_LIFE_DESC | Spawn Mana from your own Health so long as you remain motionless. |
thing.db:SPELL_CHARM_DESC | Beguile a beast whose scroll you have obtained; make them your devoted minion. Issue commands by selecting them in your creature cage: Escort, Guard, Hunt, Observe and Banish. |
thing.db:SPELL_INFRAVISION_DESC | See all that surrounds you, even in utter gloom. Useful for detecting the invisible. |
thing.db:SPELL_INVERSION_DESC | Repay your enemy's malice by turning their own vile spells back upon them. |
thing.db:SPELL_INVISIBILITY_DESC | Vanish from the plain sight of men, undetectable but for the sound of your feet and those with Infravision. |
thing.db:SPELL_INVULNERABILITY_DESC | For a time suffer no injury, whether menaced by sorcery, poison, or physical harm. The enchantment ends when you take offensive action. |
thing.db:SPELL_LESSER_HEAL_DESC | Salves the least of your wounds to restore a moderate portion of Health. Useful when targeting friends or charmed beasts too. |
thing.db:SPELL_LIGHT_DESC | Awaken a radiant glow within your flesh to illuminate your surroundings. |
thing.db:SPELL_LIGHTNING_DESC | Rake your enemies with a crackling bolt of energy, but take heed! The spell may be broken should you move, take damage, or deplete your Mana. |
thing.db:SPELL_LOCK_DESC | For a short time, bar passage to all but yourself through doors or gates you've ensorcelled. |
thing.db:SPELL_MAGIC_MISSILE_DESC | Barrage your nearest foes with deadly homing missiles. |
thing.db:SPELL_MANA_BOMB_DESC | Channel all your Mana into a suicidal explosive cascade of destruction. Excellent for use in traps. |
thing.db:SPELL_MARK_1_DESC | Commit a magical marker to memory as location number One. |
thing.db:SPELL_MARK_2_DESC | Commit a magical marker to memory as location number Two. |
thing.db:SPELL_MARK_3_DESC | Commit a magical marker to memory as location number Three. |
thing.db:SPELL_MARK_4_DESC | Commit a magical marker to memory as location number Four. |
thing.db:SPELL_MARK_DESC | Lay a magical marker at your feet so you may teleport to it later. You can also send enemies to this location. |
thing.db:SPELL_METEOR_DESC | Bring flaming meteors crashing down wherever you desire. |
thing.db:SPELL_METEOR_SHOWER_DESC | Evoke a conflagration of fiery stones to rain down on the field of battle. |
thing.db:SPELL_MOONGLOW_DESC | This spell causes your pointer to glow with a bluish light; useful for illuminating dark areas. |
thing.db:SPELL_OVAL_SHIELD_DESC | Summon a magical shield which will briefly deflect all spells hurled against it. You must remain still and face your threat. |
thing.db:SPELL_PHANTOM_DESC | Upon casting, a phantom projection bearing your image comes into being, mirroring your movements around the location where you cast it. |
thing.db:SPELL_PIXIE_SWARM_DESC | Conjure a swarm of glowing pixies to surround you and attack all enemies who draw too close. |
thing.db:SPELL_PLASMA_DESC | XXX This spell should not be in the book. XXX |
thing.db:SPELL_POISON_DESC | Infect those nearest you with a poisonous taint. |
thing.db:SPELL_PROTECTION_FROM_ELECTRICITY_DESC | Insulate yourself from electrical damage for a few moments. |
thing.db:SPELL_PROTECTION_FROM_FIRE_DESC | Briefly dampen the effects of all flaming attacks directed at you. |
thing.db:SPELL_PROTECTION_FROM_MAGIC_DESC | Weaken the effects of all enchantments cast at you for a limited time. |
thing.db:SPELL_PROTECTION_FROM_POISON_DESC | Reduce or nullify the effects of all toxins which you may encounter for a brief period. |
thing.db:SPELL_PULL_DESC | Exert a violent attraction on nearby objects, drawing them closer. |
thing.db:SPELL_PUSH_DESC | Hurl all nearby objects away from you with a vehement thrust. |
thing.db:SPELL_RUN_DESC | Propel those nearest you into a brief and uncontrollable run. |
thing.db:SPELL_SHIELD_DESC | Surround yourself within a swirling ball of energy, deflecting half of all harm leveled at you. Until the shield collapses, no single blow can kill you. |
thing.db:SPELL_SHOCK_DESC | Amass static from the very air and discharge it in a lashing jolt by touching the target of your choice. |
thing.db:SPELL_SLOW_DESC | Deprive a creature of its speed for a few moments. |
thing.db:SPELL_STUN_DESC | Cast your foe into a brief powerless daze, slowing warriors and rendering spellcasters unable even to move. |
thing.db:SPELL_SUMMON_AIR_DESC | When cast, this spell calls into being an Ember Demon, who is able to throw powerful fireballs as well as tear with his razor sharp claws. |
thing.db:SPELL_SUMMON_CREATURE | This powerful spell allows you to summon any creature you have knowledge of. Refer to the Beast section to access each creature's summoning spell. |
thing.db:SPELL_SUMMON_EARTH_DESC | When cast, this spell calls into being a massive Stone Golem, who is slow but very strong. |
thing.db:SPELL_SUMMON_FIRE_DESC | When cast, this spell calls into being a mighty Ogre, who wields a huge battle axe. |
thing.db:SPELL_SUMMON_WATER_DESC | When cast, this spell calls into being an Urchin, who can throw sharp rocks with precision. |
thing.db:SPELL_SWAP_DESC | Exchange position with the creature nearest you. |
thing.db:SPELL_TAG_DESC | Affix a magical flare to a creature so their movements can be observed on the Map. Only one may be active at a time. |
thing.db:SPELL_TELEKINESIS_DESC | By force of will alone, move objects that are beyond immediate reach, pointing to those objects you wish to move. |
thing.db:SPELL_TELEPORT_POP_DESC | Teleport randomly to any of the markers you've laid and committed to memory. |
thing.db:SPELL_TELEPORT_TO_MARK_1_DESC | Teleport to the position of Marker 1. You can also use this spell to teleport others. |
thing.db:SPELL_TELEPORT_TO_MARK_2_DESC | Teleport to the position of Marker 2. You can also use this spell to teleport others. |
thing.db:SPELL_TELEPORT_TO_MARK_3_DESC | Teleport to the position of Marker 3. You can also use this spell to teleport others. |
thing.db:SPELL_TELEPORT_TO_MARK_4_DESC | Teleport to the position of Marker 4. You can also use this spell to teleport others. |
thing.db:SPELL_TELEPORT_TO_TARGET_DESC | Point to any visible position and teleport there. |
thing.db:SPELL_TOXIC_CLOUD_DESC | Call forth a malingering cloud of toxic fumes, injurious to all who come into contact with it. |
thing.db:SPELL_TRIGGER_GLYPH_DESC | Activate the nearest trap that you've set. |
thing.db:SPELL_TURN_UNDEAD_DESC | Return the shambling undead to their rightful, eternal rest. |
thing.db:SPELL_VAMPIRISM_DESC | Rejuvenate your Health by dealing harm to others for a brief period of time. |
thing.db:SPELL_VILLAIN_DESC | This spell causes the nearest creature in front of you to be branded a 'villain.' Other creatures will prefer attacking this villain and ignoring other targets. |
thing.db:SPELL_WALL_DESC | Erect a mystical wall before you, sections of which can be broken by force. The entire wall disappears when you perish. |
thing.db:SPELL_WINK_DESC | This spell causes you to 'wink out' for a very short time. Meanwhile, the caster is ethereal and cannot be touched by other objects, however, you cannot move while this spell is in effect. |
thing.db:SpellBookDescription | Wizards and Conjurers can add the spell contained within to their Book of Knowledge. |
thing.db:SpellBookPrettyName | Spell Book |
thing.db:SpellScrollDescription | Information for one of the many creatures found in Nox. Once read, it will be added to your Book of Knowledge. |
thing.db:SpellScrollPrettyName | Beast Scroll |
thing.db:SponsorshipLetterDescription | This will permit you to enter the Gauntlet. |
thing.db:SponsorshipLetterPrettyName | Gauntlet Petition |
thing.db:StaffDescription | Basic staff for Wizards and Conjurers. It can be used to strike targets and block blows. |
thing.db:StaffPrettyName | Staff |
thing.db:StaffWoodenDescription | Suitable for opening crates, barrels -- and monsters heads. |
thing.db:StaffWoodenPrettyName | Staff |
thing.db:SteelHelmDescription | The best protection for your head. Only Warriors may wear one. |
thing.db:SteelHelmPrettyName | Plate Helm |
thing.db:SteelShieldDescription | Blocks enemy blows when you stand still. More durable than a round shield. |
thing.db:SteelShieldPrettyName | Kite Shield |
thing.db:StreetPantsDescription | The trousers you brought from Earth. |
thing.db:StreetPantsPrettyName | Jeans |
thing.db:StreetShirtDescription | The shirt you brought from Earth. Phew!! Ask Tina to launder this as soon as you get home! |
thing.db:StreetShirtPrettyName | Shirt |
thing.db:StreetSneakersDescription | The shoes you brought from Earth. |
thing.db:StreetSneakersPrettyName | Sneakers |
thing.db:Stun | Stun |
thing.db:SulphorousFlareWandDescription | This staff emits a single sulphurous flare. It can be used by Wizards and Conjurers. |
thing.db:SulphorousFlareWandPrettyName | Sulphurous Flare Staff |
thing.db:SulphorousShowerWandDescription | This staff emits a shower of sulphurous flares. It can be used by Wizards and Conjurers. |
thing.db:SulphorousShowerWandPrettyName | Sulphurous Shower Staff |
thing.db:SummonAlbinoSpider | Summon Large Cave Spider |
thing.db:SummonBat | Summon Bat |
thing.db:SummonBear | Summon Grizzly Bear |
thing.db:SummonBeholder | Summon Beholder |
thing.db:SummonBlackBear | Summon Black Bear |
thing.db:SummonBlackWolf | Summon Black Wolf |
thing.db:SummonBomber | Summon Bomber |
thing.db:SummonCarnivorousPlant | Summon Carnivorous Plant |
thing.db:SummonCreature | Summon Creature |
thing.db:SummonDemon | Summon Demon |
thing.db:SummonDryad | Summon Dryad |
thing.db:SummonEmberDemon | Summon Ember Demon |
thing.db:SummonEvilCherub | Summon Gargoyle |
thing.db:SummonGhost | Summon Ghost |
thing.db:SummonGiantLeech | Summon Giant Leech |
thing.db:SummonImp | Summon Imp |
thing.db:SummoningObeliskPrettyName | Summoning Obelisk |
thing.db:SummonLich | Summon Lich |
thing.db:SummonMechanicalFlyer | Summon Mechanical Flyer |
thing.db:SummonMechanicalGolem | Summon Mechanical Golem |
thing.db:SummonMimic | Summon Mimic |
thing.db:SummonOgre | Summon Ogress |
thing.db:SummonOgreBrute | Summon Ogre |
thing.db:SummonOgreWarlord | Summon Ogre Lord |
thing.db:SummonPolyp | Summon Polyp |
thing.db:SummonScorpion | Summon Scorpion |
thing.db:SummonShade | Summon Shade |
thing.db:SummonSkeleton | Summon Skeleton |
thing.db:SummonSkeletonLord | Summon Skeleton Lord |
thing.db:SummonSmallAlbinoSpider | Summon Small Cave Spider |
thing.db:SummonSmallSpider | Summon Small Spider |
thing.db:SummonSpider | Summon Poisonous Spider |
thing.db:SummonSpittingSpider | Summon Spitting Spider |
thing.db:SummonStoneGolem | Summon Stone Golem |
thing.db:SummonTroll | Summon Troll |
thing.db:SummonUrchin | Summon Urchin |
thing.db:SummonUrchinShaman | Summon Urchin Shaman |
thing.db:SummonVileZombie | Summon Vile Zombie |
thing.db:SummonWasp | Summon Wasp |
thing.db:SummonWhiteWolf | Summon White Wolf |
thing.db:SummonWillOWisp | Summon Will O' Wisp |
thing.db:SummonWolf | Summon Wolf |
thing.db:SummonZombie | Summon Zombie |
thing.db:SwapLocation | Swap Location |
thing.db:SwordDescription | Basic one handed blade weapon for Warriors. |
thing.db:SwordPrettyName | Sword |
thing.db:Tag | Tag |
thing.db:Telekinesis | Telekinesis |
thing.db:TeleportTo1 | Teleport to Marker 1 |
thing.db:TeleportTo2 | Teleport to Marker 2 |
thing.db:TeleportTo3 | Teleport to Marker 3 |
thing.db:TeleportTo4 | Teleport to Marker 4 |
thing.db:TeleportToMarker | Teleport To Marker |
thing.db:TeleportToRandom | Teleport to Random |
thing.db:TeleportToTarget | Teleport to Target |
thing.db:ThaviusStaffDescription | Return this staff to farmer Thavius in Brin. |
thing.db:ThaviusStaffPrettyName | Thavius' Staff |
thing.db:TorchFreshDescription | |
thing.db:TorchFreshPrettyName | Torch Fresh |
thing.db:TorchInventoryDescription | |
thing.db:TorchInventoryPrettyName | Torch Inventory |
thing.db:TorchSpentDescription | |
thing.db:TorchSpentPrettyName | Torch Spent |
thing.db:ToxicCloud | Toxic Cloud |
thing.db:TradeGemPrettyName | Trade Gem |
thing.db:Trap | Trap |
thing.db:TreadLightly | Tread Lightly |
thing.db:TreadLightlyBookPrettyName | Book of Tread Lightly |
thing.db:TreasureBagDescription | A bag of treasure. |
thing.db:TreasureBagPrettyName | Treasure Bag |
thing.db:TreasureChestDescription | Open this chest, there may be goodies inside. |
thing.db:TreasureChestPrettyName | Chest |
thing.db:TreasurePileDescription | Pile of Gold. |
thing.db:TreasurePilePrettyName | Treasure |
thing.db:TriggerTrap | Trigger Trap |
thing.db:TurnUndead | Dispel Undead |
thing.db:Vampirism | Vampirism |
thing.db:VampirismPotionDescription | Drinking this potion will temporarily allow you to drain life from enemies after striking them. |
thing.db:VampirismPotionPrettyName | Potion of Vampirism |
thing.db:Villain | Villain |
thing.db:VioletFlagDescription | Flag of the Violet team. |
thing.db:VioletFlagPrettyName | Violet Flag |
thing.db:Wall | Wall |
thing.db:Warcry | War Cry |
thing.db:WarCryBookPrettyName | Book of War Cry |
thing.db:WarHammerDescription | Excellent two handed crushing weapon for Warriors. |
thing.db:WarHammerPrettyName | War Hammer |
thing.db:WebWandDescription | |
thing.db:WebWandPrettyName | Web Wand |
thing.db:WeirdlingPoolTT | The Weirdling Beast |
thing.db:WhiteFlagDescription | Flag of the White team. |
thing.db:WhiteFlagPrettyName | White Flag |
thing.db:WhitePotionDescription | WhitePotionDescription |
thing.db:WhitePotionPrettyName | WhitePotionPrettyName |
thing.db:WizardHelmDescription | The only head gear a Wizard can wear. Helms can have enchantments for additional protection. |
thing.db:WizardHelmPrettyName | Wizard Helm |
thing.db:WizardOnlyBookDescription | Wizards can add the spell contained within to their Book of Knowledge. |
thing.db:WizardRobeDescription | The only body armor a Wizard can wear. Robes can have enchantments for additional protection. |
thing.db:WizardRobePrettyName | Wizard Robe |
thing.db:WoodenShieldDescription | Blocks enemy blows when you stand still. |
thing.db:WoodenShieldPrettyName | Round Shield |
thing.db:YellowFlagDescription | Flag of the Yellow team. |
thing.db:YellowFlagPrettyName | Yellow Flag |
thing.db:YellowPotionDescription | YellowPotionDescription |
thing.db:YellowPotionPrettyName | YellowPotionPrettyName |
ToolTip.c:BookOf | Book of |
ToolTip.c:LoreScroll | Beast Scroll |
ToolTip.c:NoArmsInfo | No arms info for '%S.' |
Trade.c:CantSellItem | I am not interested in buying that. |
Trade.c:CantSellQuestItem | You cannot sell a quest item. |
Trade.c:OtherAlreadyTrading | %s is already trading with someone. |
Trade.c:StarterAlreadyTrading | Finish your first trading session before starting another one. |
Trade.c:TradeMaxObjectsReached | Unable to add item, the maximum trade object limit has been reached. |
Trade.wnd:Accept | Accept |
Trade.wnd:Cancel | Cancel |
Trade.wnd:Dummy | 0 |
updatall.c:AcquiredKing | %s is now King of the Hill. |
updatall.c:AcquiredTeamKing | Team %s is now King of the Hill. |
updatall.c:TouchDeath | %s has been touched by the Finger of Death. |
update.c:FlagRespawnNotice | The %s flag has returned home. |
use.c:CiderConfuse | Drinking the cider leaves you feeling a bit disoriented. |
use.c:HadAbility | You already know that ability. |
use.c:HadSpell | You already know the %s spell contained in that book. |
use.c:MushroomClean | Eating the mushroom has cleansed the poison from your body. |
use.c:MushroomConfuse | Eating the mushroom leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and you feel lightheaded. |
use.c:SignSays | The sign reads: %s |
use.c:SpellRewardClassFail | You are unable to comprehend the arcane knowledge contained within. Your profession prohibits the use of that item. That magical device cannot be used by you. |
video.c:BadOpen | Unable to open screen Snapshot file: %S. |
video.c:SnapshotWritten | Snapshot '%S' written. |
videoopt.c:CurrentMode | Current Mode: %s |
Vote:ResetQuest | Vote to reset the Quest game at stage 1. |
WallSpel.c:UnseenTarget | You cannot see that spot. |
War01A:BarrelSign | Break barrels to obtain goodies inside! |
War01a:CaptainTalk2aStart | You need to press on now, lad. |
War01a:CaptainTalk2bStart | This sword is the best blade I can offer you. Wear it with pride, lad! |
War01a:CaptainTalk2cStart | The path leads to Dün Mir, the great subterranean citadel of Warriors! |
War01a:CaptainTalk2dStart | The main gate guards let few through, lad. But find the smuggler's tunnel in the cavern and you are in! |
War01a:CaptainTalk2eStart | I like my new coat. Do you? |
War01A:Cemetary | Dun Mir Veteran's Cemetery |
War01A:DunMir | Welcome to Dün Mir. Please sheathe all weapons before entering. Welcome to Dün Mir. No wizards without express approval of Lord Horrendous. Welcome to Dün Mir. |
War01A:ExpressElevator | Express Elevator to Sewers |
War01A:Gauntlet | The Gauntlet: Sponsored candidates only! |
War01A:GearRoom | Machinery Building |
War01A:IxSign | To Ix |
War01A:LightSwitch | Light Switch |
War01A:Orchard | Dun Mir Apple Orchard |
War01A:ServiceElevator | Service Elevator to Sewers |
War01A:TavernSign | Bing's Tavern |
War01A:WallSign | Break walls to reveal secret areas! |
War01A.scr:Bully1 | This is a robbery! Your money AND your life! |
War01A.scr:CaptainTalk2Start | You need to press on now, lad. This sword is the best blade I can offer you. Wear it with pride, lad! The path leads to Dün Mir, the great subterranean citadel of Warriors! The main gate guards let few through, lad. But find the smuggler's tunnel in the cavern and you are in! I like my new coat. Do you? |
War01A.scr:CaptainTalkStart | We have arrived, lad. Dün Mir -- timeless fortress home of the Warrior Way! Training grounds of the glorious Fire Knights! Gain entry to Dün Mir, find the Academy and then be ready for the test of your life -- The Gauntlet. It weeds out the weak recruits. |
War01A.scr:GateGuard1Talk01 | Here for the Gauntlet, huh... I hope you're up to the challenge! |
War01A.scr:GateGuard1Talk02 | Hey, you should get some decent clothing. |
War01A.scr:GateGuard2Talk01 | Welcome to Dün Mir! We keep a tidy city. No street brawls, foul language, or spitting is allowed. And don't even think about wizardry. Enjoy your stay. |
War01A.scr:GateGuard2Talk02 | Oh, I forgot to mention, no loitering. Now move on. |
War01A.scr:GearhartTalk01 | Hello. I am Gearhart, Chief Engineer for Dün Mir. The Gauntlet is brutal and getting past the Quarter Master is the toughest part. I'll tell you what, if you'll do me a favor I'll put in a good word for you. How about it? |
War01A.scr:GearhartTalk02 | Good! My family grows the finest apples in Dün Mir. Unfortunately, a foul little urchin has moved into the cave near our orchard. He has aggravated the bats and now they attack anyone who enters the orchard. Go kill the urchin and when you return, I'll sign your petition. Here, take this ruby key, it will open the orchard gate. |
War01A.scr:GearhartTalk03 | Too bad, I don't think you'll have much luck finding other sponsors. If you change your mind I'll be in the Machinery Building next to the Gauntlet. |
War01A.scr:GearhartTalk04 | Oh, you again. Are you willing to help me? |
War01A.scr:GearhartTalk05 | The orchard gate is next to the Gauntlet, you can't miss it. |
War01A.scr:GearhartTalk06 | Have faith, one little urchin is no threat. Come back when he's been dispatched. |
War01A.scr:GearhartTalk07 | Excellent! You've killed the Urchin. Here is your petition. Show it to the Quarter Master and he'll let you into the Gauntlet. Good luck! |
War01A.scr:GearhartTalk08 | Stop playing with the levers! You just turned off every light in town! |
War01A.scr:Guard1Talk01 | The road to Ix is closed. |
War01A.scr:Guard1Talk1aStart | Passable job with the rogue. But that makes you no warrior! Now off with you! |
War01A.scr:Guard1Talk1bStart | You let that rogue intimidate you!? You're pathetic! Now get out! You disgust me! |
War01A.scr:Guard2Talk1aStart | Only proven warriors may enter here! |
War01A.scr:Guard2Talk1bStart | Truly hopeless! Be gone, vermin! |
War01A.scr:LydiaTalk01 | Well, well! You're certainly easier on the eyes than the other warriors! Look me up sometime when you're not out saving the world. |
War01A.scr:LydiaTalk02 | You're new around here, aren't you? It's a shame you're not a Fire Knight. I just adore Fire Knights! |
War01A.scr:LydiaTalk03 | Hello again. Has the world been saved, yet? |
War01A.scr:Maiden1Talk01 | Horrendous is the bravest of warriors! He once fended off 40 wizards with his bare hands! His Fire Knights are fiercely loyal. |
War01A.scr:Maiden1Talk02 | The wizards of Galava are a corrupt and soulless band of mercenaries! The worst is their leader, Horvath! |
War01A.scr:Maiden1Talk03 | Help! These bats are everywhere! |
War01A.scr:Maiden1Talk04 | Oh, thank you. That was very brave. |
War01A.scr:Maiden2Talk01 | People around here don't care much for wizards, but I like them. Wizards can make all sorts of pretty colors dance in the air. |
War01A.scr:Maiden2Talk02 | Yeeaww! Bats! Bats! Run away! |
War01A.scr:Maiden2Talk03 | Those little flying rats make my skin crawl. |
War01A.scr:Maiden3Talk01 | Yeeaww! Bats! Bats! Run away! |
War01A.scr:Maiden3Talk02 | Eeeeyewwww! Get them off of me! |
War01A.scr:QuarterMasterTalk02 | You cannot pass. I must see a petition signed by an official of Dün Mir before you may enter. |
War01A.scr:QuarterMasterTalk03 | Your petition is in order. You may now enter. |
War01A.scr:QuaterMasterTalk01 | I am the Quarter Master of Dün Mir. If you wish to run the Gauntlet you'll need official sponsorship. |
War01A.scr:SetpieceGuard1Talk01 | What? A Wizard spy? |
War01A.scr:SetpieceGuard2Talk01 | Yeeargh! |
War01A.scr:SetpieceGuard2Talk02 | Come with us peacefully, or I'll bash you again! |
War01A.scr:SetpieceWizardTalk01 | Ugh! |
War01a.scr:Sign1 | Approaching Dün Mir |
War01a.scr:Sign2 | Open chests for fabulous prizes! |
War01A.scr:Townsman1Talk01 | So you're looking for the Gauntlet? It's beyond the grand statue of Horrendous. |
War01A.scr:Townsman1Talk02 | Hey who turned out the lights? |
War01A.scr:Townsman2Talk01 | My brother is going to run the Gauntlet this very day! Mother is worried, but I'm not! He will bring great honor to our family! |
War01A.scr:Townsman2Talk02 | The lights went out -- that's a bad omen. |
War01A.scr:Townsman3Talk01 | Hail traveler. If you want the latest news, head over to Bing's Tavern. That's where most of us go to trade stories and gossip. |
War01A.scr:Townsman3Talk02 | Well there go the lights again. Can't work, guess I'll go have a drink. |
War01A.scr:Townsman4Talk01 | Breakdowns in the city have become more frequent and our Chief Engineer can't keep track of it anymore. |
War01A.scr:Townsman5Talk01 | I've heard that the Wizards of Galava have finally thrown all caution to the wind. They're preparing an assault on Dün Mir! We must all be watchful for Galavan spies! |
War01A.scr:Townsman5Talk02 | That's it! First they cut the lights then they invade. Head for the sewers! |
War02:BartenderTalk1dStart | It's a little slow today, with the running of the Gauntlet and all. |
War02:GauntletBrother | My brother is going to run the Gauntlet this very day! Mother is worried, but I'm not. He will bring great honor to our family! |
War02:QuarterMaster10 | Step onto the service elevator. From there we will go past the sewers and down to the Main Power Room. |
War02:QuarterMaster11 | Blast it all! Now, the service elevator has jammed! I'll try to find another way down. Find Gearhart! |
War02:QuarterMaster12 | Thank the stars you're both alive! You'll make a fine Fire Knight, lad. Horrendous will be grateful that you brought his Chief Engineer back in one piece. |
War02A:BartenderTalk1aStart | So, what's the good word? |
War02A:BartenderTalk1bStart | You look like you've had enough to drink, friend. |
War02A:BartenderTalk1cStart | Welcome to Dün Mir! |
War02A:BartenderTalk1eStart | Are you a Warrior candidate? |
War02A:BartenderTalk1fStart | Wanna try a new drink? I call it 'The Gauntlet's revenge.' |
War02a:GearhartTalk01 | Can anyone hear me? I'm over here! |
War02a:GearhartTalk02 | Hey, it's you! You made the Gauntlet! There are some really big bugs out there. I had to lock myself in while working on the Power Room gears. Here, take this key and circle back to the locked gate. |
War02a:GearhartTalk03 | Impressive, the way you dispatched those beasts! Now for our escape. I've rigged the express elevator to get us out of here, but both of those red buttons must be pressed at the same time. Wait for me to press my switch and then you push yours. |
War02a:GearhartTalk04 | I've got this button. You press the far one. |
War02a:GearhartTalk05 | Go ahead. Press the button! |
War02a:GearhartTalk06 | It worked! It worked! Um... You go first. |
War02a:GearhartTalk07 | Thank you, young Warrior. You've helped me twice in one day. |
War02a:NewTownsman1 | What? Sorry, too busy. |
War02a:NewTownsman2 | You have the wrong man, sorry. |
War02a:NewTownsman3 | Watch out for those taverns! You'll become a drunkard before you know it. |
War02a:NewTownsman4 | Beware of the rising undead. |
War02a:NewTownsman5 | I'm late for an appointment, sorry. |
War02a:NewTownsman6 | I've heard you can get enchanted boots for walking on fire. |
War02a:NewTownswoman1 | Not now, sorry. |
War02a:NewTownswoman2 | I've been told not to talk to strangers. |
War02a:NewTownswoman3 | Try me another time. |
War02a:QuarterMasterTalk01 | When you enter, you'll be greeted by the Sergeant at Arms. He will take you to Horrendous -- Warlord of Dün Mir. |
War02a:QuarterMasterTalk02 | Hail Sergeant, another recruit for the Gauntlet. |
War02a:QuarterMasterTalk03 | Well... I see you made it out in one piece. Good work, lad. |
War02a:QuarterMasterTalk04 | While you were running the Gauntlet, the express elevator jammed -- trapping Gearhart in the Main Power Room deep below the city! Horrendous is concerned for our Chief Engineer. We best go beneath the city and find Gearhart. |
War02a:QuarterMasterTalk05 | What are you waiting for? We must hurry to the Machinery Building! Gearhart may be in grave danger! |
War02a:QuarterMasterTalk06 | Let's go to the Machinery Building! |
War02a:QuarterMasterTalk07 | I have your first assignment. |
War02a:QuarterMasterTalk08 | Follow me to the Machinery Building! |
War02a:QuarterMasterTalk09 | Come with me! |
War02a:RedShirtDead | I'm dead, I can't hear you. |
War02A.scr:BartenderTalk1Start | So, what's the good word? You look like you've had enough to drink, friend. Welcome to Dün Mir! It's a little slow today, with the running of the Gauntlet and all. Are you a Warrior candidate? Wanna try a new drink? I call it 'The Gauntlet's revenge.' |
War02A.scr:GearhartSay1 | ...and now I'm going to check the main gear room. |
War02A.scr:GearhartSay2 | Hello? Who is there? |
War02A.scr:GearhartTalk1Start | You?! You've come straight from the Gauntlet and then fought off all of those monsters to rescue me? You are truly worthy of full Fire Knight status! Thank you, friend. Take this key and circle back around to the locked gate. |
War02A.scr:GearhartTalk2Start | Thanks again. I believe there are supplies in that chest. Hurry up and follow me! I know a secret passage that leads to the surface! |
War02A.scr:GuardSay1Start | Horrendous, here is another recruit who wishes to add to the glory of the Fire Knights! |
War02A.scr:GuardTalk1Start | What are you doing? The test is about to begin! You'd better come with me if you hope to become a Warrior. The Gauntlet awaits. |
War02A.scr:GuardTalk2Start | I would address Horrendous himself... unless you want to anger him. |
War02A.scr:HorrendousSay1 | Thanks for the report, Gearhart, and good day to you. |
War02A.scr:HorrendousSay2 | Hmmm, not the right stuff. Well, you're next. Good luck, Candidate. |
War02A.scr:HorrendousTalk1Start | Welcome, candidate! You're just in time. Step forward and witness the next candidate run the Gauntlet and add to the glory of the Fire Knights! Come on, let's watch. |
War02A.scr:HorrendousTalk3Start | Congratulations, Warrior! You are indeed worthy of the title! |
War02A.scr:ChickenShirtRuns | That's it for me! |
War02A.scr:ChickenTalk1Start | I hope nothing bad happens. |
War02A.scr:RealTalk1Start | Welcome, Candidate. I am Horrendous! Participation in the Gauntlet is a timeworn honor. I trust you will not dishonor us -- or yourself -- by failing. Since here dishonor equals death. Now go forth and bring glory to us all! |
War02A.scr:RealTalk2Start | I said 'go forth'! Now be off before the light wanes with my patience. |
War02A.scr:RealTalk3Start | Your insipid blabbering no longer amuses me. Ask me another question and I'll answer with edged steel! |
War02A.scr:RedShirtRunGauntlet | For the glory of Horrendous! -- Ghiaaaaeeeaaahh!! |
War02A.scr:ShopKeeperTalk1 | So! Here to run the dreaded Gauntlet and seek your glory as a Fire Knight? You'll need more than burning desire! For example, one of my fine shields might come in handy during the Gauntlet run. And I charge a fair price. |
War02a.scr:Sign1 | Blacksmith Shop |
War02a.scr:Sign10 | Walking through lava hurts -- a lot! Try jumping instead. |
War02a.scr:Sign2 | Dün Mir Weapon Arsenal |
War02a.scr:Sign3 | General Store |
War02a.scr:Sign4 | The Sword and Shield Tavern |
War02a.scr:Sign5 | The Gauntlet |
War02a.scr:Sign6 | Elevator to Gear Room |
War02a.scr:Sign7 | Sewer Access |
War02a.scr:Sign8 | Emergency Elevator |
War02a.scr:Sign9 | Elevator to the Gauntlet |
War02b:PotionSign | Place potions in the Quick Potion Slot for fast access. |
War02B.scr:BarTalk1 | I hear you passed the Gauntlet. Well done, Warrior! I've heard rumors about creatures invading the sewers! I hope they are only rumors. Strange rumors have crossed my ears. These are troubled times we face. |
War02B.scr:ExpressElevatorSign | Express Elevator to the Machinery Building |
War02B.scr:HorrendousTalk1Start | Something is deeply amiss in our land. I need you to travel to Ix. There you must seek the Mayor, Theogrin. He has requested our assistance in dealing with the recent surge of violence in the local creatures. Take these supplies -- and gold. Go to the shop for any other provisions. Then make haste. The road across these bridges will take you to Ix. |
War03:CreaturesActUp | Something is wrong with the forest creatures. They're attacking everyone. |
War03:ScepterRemark | Thieving urchins stole the mayor's scepter. He'll never get it back. |
War03:WarriorInIx | A warrior in Ix? Now I know trouble is coming. |
War03a:DunMirEnterSign | You are now entering the Warrior's Realm. |
War03a:DunMirGuard1 | The Fortress of Dün Mir is home of the legendary Fire Knights. We hear reports that creatures are attacking people near the Village of Ix. |
War03a:DunMirGuard2 | You should be proud to serve Horrendous and the Fire Knights of Dün Mir. |
War03a:DunMirGuard3 | The wilderness can be dangerous place for a Warrior novice such as yourself. Be wary of bandits during your travels. |
War03a:DunMirLeaveSign | You are now leaving the Warrior's Realm. |
War03a:DunMirSign | To the Fortress of Dün Mir |
War03a:GalavaEnterSign | You are now entering the Wizard's Realm. |
War03a:GalavaGuardEnd | Be gone Warrior, before I blast you to oblivion. |
War03a:GalavaGuardWarn | This is the checkpoint for travelers who wish to go to Castle Galava. Warriors are not allowed beyond these gates. |
War03a:GalavaLeaveSign | You are now leaving the Wizard's Realm. |
War03a:GalavaSign | To Castle Galava |
War03a:Garret | Greetings! I hear my favorite sound -- gold pieces in your money pouch. |
War03a:Guard1Talk02 | Take care on the way to Ix, there have been reports of bandits. |
War03a:HorrendousEnd | I have nothing else to tell you, Warrior. Go now and help the Mayor of Ix! |
War03a:HorrendousSpeech | Follow this path to the Village of Ix. There you must seek the Mayor, Theogrin. He has requested our assistance in dealing with the recent surge of violence in the local creatures. |
War03a:IxEnterSign | You are now entering the Conjurer's Realm. |
War03a:IxGuard1End | The gates are unlocked so you may enter the Village. Delay no longer! The Mayor needs your help! |
War03a:IxGuard1Intro | Greetings! You must be the great Warrior Horrendous dispatched to aid our beloved Village of Ix! Mayor Theogrin is expecting you. |
War03a:IxGuard2End | The gates are unlocked so you may enter the Village. Delay no further. The Mayor needs your help! |
War03a:IxGuard2Intro | Good day, Warrior! Welcome to the Village of Ix! The Mayor is expecting you. |
War03a:IxSign | To the Village of Ix |
War03a:Loproc | You're not going to find anybody around here with better prices. |
War03a:ManaMinesSign | To the Mana Mines |
War03a:MineGuard | Sorry, the Mana Mines are closed. |
War03a:Mystic | The Mystic Brotherhood is the main supplier of potions to the region. |
War03b:AirshipCaptainIxSpeech | What, ho! You've returned, lad, or should I say Warrior! Heh, heh, heh... Your encounter with the Undead is most troublesome. I cannot ignore the facts -- too many strange things have happened since you arrived. I fear I know who's behind all of this. If so, then we are lucky there are only a few bodies buried in this cemetery. Quickly! We must go on to the Field of Valor! The ghosts of our past come to haunt us once again. |
War03b:AldwynIntro | Hello, I am Aldwyn, the Master Conjurer for the Village of Ix. What might a Warrior be doing so far afield from his homeland? Hmm, let me guess... the Mayor has asked you to help him with some domestic problem. Well, I don't really care for Theogrin and his petty conundrums, but allow me to assist you, Warrior. Take these beast scrolls. They might help during your adventures. |
War03b:AldwynPost | I'm sure the Mayor will be excited to see his precious scepter returned home. |
War03b:AldwynPost2 | The Airship Captain was here looking for you. He said he would wait for you by the town's front gates. |
War03b:AldwynPre | I don't have any more scrolls for you right now. Good luck with those urchins. They can be sneaky and ruthless bunch. |
War03b:BarkeeperPost | I bet it's been a long day for you, aye mate? People say you saw dead men walking. That's not funny! Some folks around here still remember the necromancers. |
War03b:BarkeeperPre | So you're the one sent from Dün Mir? Horrendous must have great faith in your skills, considering the last Warrior who went after those crazed urchins is still missing! The urchins aren't the only problem. There are reports of crazed animals attacking the villagers. |
War03b:BridgeGuardPost | You have returned! You should go see Mayor Theogrin -- his house is located in the center of town. |
War03b:BridgeGuardPre | The Cemetery? Go past the bridge and down the first path on the right.. I'm guarding this bridge to make sure none of those wretched little Urchins make their way into the town. |
War03b:ContestGuard | Greetings, Warrior! There is no archery contest today. |
War03b:GatekeeperPost | Good day, Warrior. |
War03b:GatekeeperPre | Good day, Warrior. |
War03b:GeneralStoreSign | Halric's General Store |
War03b:MagicShopkeeper | The Mystic Brotherhood supplies enchantments and spells to the Conjurers of Ix. |
War03b:MagicShopSign | Magic Shop |
War03b:Maiden1 | A warrior in Ix? Now I know trouble is coming. |
War03b:Maiden2 | Thieving urchins stole the Mayor's scepter. He'll never get it back. |
War03b:MayorBye | Good Luck! |
War03b:MayorIntro | Welcome to Ix, valiant Warrior of Dün Mir! We've been expecting you! The urchins who dwell nearby have gone mad! They burrowed into the city and stole my scepter! A Warrior chased the little pests into the cemetery, but hasn't returned. Go into the cemetery located East of here and recover my scepter from the Urchins. When you return, please see me. I should be in my house at the center of town. |
War03b:MayorPost | My Scepter! Thank you, Warrior! We are all deeply grateful for the brave service you rendered. Here, take this as a humble gift from the village. The Captain awaits you at the front gates. You should purchase any supplies you need first, then go speak with him straight away. |
War03b:MayorPost2 | I have nothing more to offer you other than my thanks. You should seek the Airship Captain. He is waiting for you by the town gates. |
War03b:MayorPre | Those nettlesome urchins are causing too much trouble these days. |
War03b:MayorsGuardIntro | This is the home of Mayor Theogrin. |
War03b:MayorsGuardPost | Welcome back! Mayor Theogrin will be very grateful for your deeds! |
War03b:MayorsGuardPost2 | You did a great deed for our village. Thank you, Warrior. |
War03b:MayorsGuardPre | This is the home of Mayor Theogrin. |
War03b:MayorsHomeSign | The home of Mayor Theogrin |
War03b:Shopkeeper | Greetings, sir! Ya need some new weapons and armor? This is the place! |
War03b:T1Post | We shouldn't have ever let those urchins live so near our village. I wonder if that crazy sorceress set them off. Some enchantress by the name of Hecubah was down in the cemetery right before all this trouble started. |
War03b:T1Pre | It's not often that a Warrior comes to visit our village. |
War03b:T2Post | I hope you taught those urchins a lesson they'll never forget! I'm not sure I believe the tales about the Undead though. |
War03b:T2Pre | These are strange and desperate times, Warrior. I hope you can help us |
War03b:T3Post | I'm very much in a hurry right now. |
War03b:T3Pre | I'm very busy. |
War03b:T4Post | Hmmm. I thought I locked the door. |
War03b:T4Pre | Excuse me! Hello!? This is my home. Can I help you? |
War03b:TavernSign | Tavern |
War03b:WestExitSign | West Exit Gate |
War03c:KalenSpeech | My brother in arms, many thanks for coming to my aid... But too late, I'm afraid. My wounds are mortal. I cannot move... But I must tell you... I chased the Urchins into the cemetery's underground crypt... But the crypt has been violated by yet another bizarre evil -- hordes of Undead! I saw them near the entrance, commanded by a woman's voice. She was chanting... |
War04a:Exitmessage | You travel deeper into the crypts beneath the Field of Valor. |
War04a:GraveRobberDie | Nooooo!! |
War04a:GraveRobberStartled | Huh? Who goes there? |
War04a:Hecubah | Yes! YES!... Rise my infernal minions! Mindless zombies! You will obey me and only me! For I am your one and only master! |
War04a:HecubahSEG2 | What! You fools! Obey me! Obey me! Damn! |
War04a:HecubahSEG3 | What strange sorcery allows a human to be here undetected!? To steal my Orb!? Never!! You shall die in this tomb, then join the ranks of my invincible Undead legions! |
War04a:Loproc | I have a feeling we could be excellent friends! That is if you were willing to be my best customer! |
War04d:Sign | Barbaric guardian of the crypts. |
War04d:WarriorDie | You have defeated the Barbaric guardian of the crypts! |
War04f:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have defeated Hecubah's plan and escaped from the crypts beneath the Field of Valor! |
War04f:Sign | Keeper of souls |
War04f:TheEnd | The End. Chapter 5 under construction! |
War04f:WizardDie | You have defeated the Keeper of souls! |
War05A.scr:BartenderGreeting | I hope you can toss a few Ogre bodies my way. |
War05A.scr:BartenderTalk1 | C'mon in, lad! All are welcome here! |
War05A.scr:BartenderTalk2 | What can I do fer you? |
War05A.scr:BeginMission | You emerge from the crypt just south of Brin. |
War05A.scr:BeginMission2 | The air is fresher out here and the sun is bright. |
War05A.scr:BumpBartender | You want a piece of me? You got a problem, buddy? Get on the other side of the bar like everyone else! If yer not gonna buy anything, get the hell outta 'ere! |
War05A.scr:BumpFarmer | Hey, be careful. What are you doing? Watch it, buddy. Watch it, I'm trying to keep an eye on that dog! Those stupid Ogres turned my wife into a dog! Have you seen my staff? |
War05A.scr:BumpGypsy | Is there something I can help you with? Is there something you would like to see? Care for some exotic wares from faraway mystical lands? Would you like to purchase something? |
War05A.scr:BumpIngrid | Hello. Hmph? Please, don't push me. Be careful! |
War05A.scr:BumpMaiden | Hello there! How are you doing? Those Ogres sure scared me. I think Ogres are just plain mean! |
War05A.scr:BumpSadVillager | Hey, be careful. What are you doing? Watch it, buddy. Be careful! There are flames everywhere! It's all fun and games until one of us gets burned! Oh, I'm so worried about Lewis! |
War05A.scr:BumpShopKeeper | Can I help you? Is there something you would like to see? Umm... Normally customers stand on that side of the counter. Are you planning on buying anything or are you just looking? |
War05A.scr:BumpVillager | Oh, sorry... Excuse me. Watch where you're going! Watch it, buddy! Oh, I didn't see you there! Sorry about that. |
War05A.scr:CaptainGreeting | Hurry, lad! The women don't have much time. You must rescue all of them before the Ogres eat them! |
War05A.scr:CaptainWaiting | Hurry, lad! The women don't have much time. You must rescue all of them before the Ogres eat them! What are you waiting for?! Be off with you! Time is running out, now be on your way! The helpless women are held captive. Hurry and rescue them! |
War05A.scr:CityGatesClosed | The gates have been closed. |
War05A.scr:CityGatesOpen | The gates have been opened. |
War05A.scr:DrunkGreeting | Hiccup! Huh? Wha'sh your name? Wha'sh that you shay? Eh? Hic! Hic! I don't feel so good... |
War05A.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 5! |
War05A.scr:FarmerGreeting | Greetings, brave Adventurer! Please, help me, a horrific fate has befallen my wife! Not long ago, a raving demoness led the Ogres through here. She cast an evil spell, turning my poor wife into a wolf! I could reverse this curse if I only had my magic staff, but I left it in my house northwest of here. I'm afraid if I leave to go retrieve it, my wife will run off! Would you help me by fetching my staff for me, kind sir? I will offer a worthy reward for its timely return. |
War05A.scr:FarmerHuffy | Fine then, don't return my magical staff! No! Of course I don't need your help to remove the curse on my wife! Some lucky adventurer will get a fine reward, though. Hmmph... It's you again! If you have so much time on your hands, why won't you get my magical staff back from that Ogre? |
War05A.scr:FarmerIdle | Thanks again, brave Adventurer! Many thanks to you, Wanderer. Your noble deeds will be long remembered in these parts! |
War05A.scr:FarmerReturned | Oh, thank you so much, brave and kind Adventurer! I can never hope to repay you fully for your service... But please, take this as a token of our appreciation! |
War05A.scr:FarmerWaiting | What are you waiting for? I need my magical staff! Please hurry, sir! My wife needs help immediately! Get my staff back soon and I shall give you a nice reward! |
War05A.scr:FarmerWifeGreeting | The curse is broken! The curse has been broken! I'm free!!!! |
War05A.scr:FarmerWifeIdle | A thousand thanks for your kindness! We will never forget your selfless deeds! Good luck on your journey, kind stranger! |
War05A.scr:FrogFollowing | Hurry! Lead me to safety! The fires are getting hotter! |
War05A.scr:FrogGreeting | Fine! I will follow you! Just get me out of here! |
War05A.scr:FrogIdle | You know, I've been thinking... being a frog isn't half bad! It's not easy being green. |
War05A.scr:FrogThanks | Thanks again for saving me! |
War05A.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
War05A.scr:GypsyGreeting | Greetings, young Adept. You're a long ways from Galava. I've taken great pains and personal expense, to bring this fine merchandise to these stricken people. |
War05A.scr:GypsyTalk1 | EXOTIC WARES! Get your exotic wares here!! |
War05A.scr:GypsyTalk2 | All of my goods have been imported from faraway lands! What can I interest you in? |
War05A.scr:Hint | You have discovered a Hint, your journal has been updated. |
War05A.scr:HoundGreeting | Arf, Arf! Grrrrrrrrrr. Pant, Pant... Woof! Woof! Oww-Woooooooooo! |
War05A.scr:IngridGreeting | Sir! Help me please! A mob of foul Ogres just invaded Brin, the village north of here and kidnapped almost all of the maidens! One of them is my sweet sister, Glynda! Please rescue her and I promise you a reward! |
War05A.scr:IngridIdle | My heartfelt thanks again for rescuing my sister! Many thanks to you, kindest sir! I shall never forget your kind deeds, brave acts and strong hands! |
War05A.scr:IngridReturned | Thank you so much, kind Adventurer! Take these as tokens of my appreciation! |
War05A.scr:IngridScream | Help! Help me please! |
War05A.scr:IngridWaiting | Oh why aren't you going? My sister is in the worst danger! Please! Rescue my sister! She has no other hope! The Ogres dragged her off to their infernal village in the swamps! Please hurry, sir, before the beastly Ogres eat Glynda! |
War05A.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
War05A.scr:MaidenGreeting | The Ogres just ran off with my father's precious cloak! If I don't get it back, he'll be destroyed. He's supposed to arrive soon! Please, help me, kind sir! I think the Ogres who took it went to the docks. Could you... would you get it back for us? |
War05A.scr:MaidenIdle | Thanks again, brave Wanderer! Hello there again! You're welcome in my house anytime! Thank you so much for helping me! |
War05A.scr:MaidenReturned | Oh, thank you so much! Please accept this as a token of my appreciation! |
War05A.scr:MaidenWaiting | Please hurry, kind sir! My father will be home soon! I hope you find the cloak soon. If you can get my Father's cloak back, I have something I can give you as a reward! Do you have my Father's cloak yet? I think the Ogres ran off toward the docks! You will probably find the cloak with some Ogres out near the docks. |
War05A.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new uest; your journal has been updated. |
War05A.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective, your journal has been updated! |
War05A.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Quest Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
War05A.scr:PlayerDeath | Unfortunately, you have perished. Mission Incomplete. |
War05A.scr:SadVillagerDead | WHAT? Lewis is... DEAD? |
War05A.scr:SadVillagerDeadIdle | Please, don't speak to me again. I'm inconsolable. |
War05A.scr:SadVillagerGreeting | Please, help me, kind stranger! The Ogres have set my house on fire and my poor frog, Lewis, is trapped by the flames in the other room! Rescue him and I'll forever be indebted to you! |
War05A.scr:SadVillagerIdle | Thanks again, kind stranger! Hello there! Many thanks for saving my precious frog! Hello again, Wanderer! |
War05A.scr:SadVillagerReturned | Thank goodness, you saved him! How can I ever repay you for your bravery?! What's that you say? Loads and loads of money? Well, if that's what you require, please take this as a sign of my appreciation. |
War05A.scr:SadVillagerWaiting | Anything you find in that room you may keep! Just hurry and rescue Lewis! Please, save my frog, Lewis, from the fire! Hurry! The fires are raging! I can barely stand the smoke in here! Please, save Lewis! |
War05A.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
War05A.scr:ShopKeeperGreeting | Greetings young Adept. You're a long way from Galava. I've taken great pains and personal expense, to bring this fine merchandise to these stricken people. |
War05A.scr:ShopKeeperTalk1 | Welcome, Wanderer! We carry the finest wares in all of Nox! |
War05A.scr:ShopKeeperTalk2 | Well... Maybe not the finest exactly... But damn good nonetheless! |
War05A.scr:Sign1 | This way to the Village of Brin |
War05A.scr:Sign10 | Residence of Matilda. |
War05A.scr:Sign11 | Residence of Gavin. |
War05A.scr:Sign2 | Welcome To Brin! |
War05A.scr:Sign3 | Residence of Gerard and his talking frog, Lewis. |
War05A.scr:Sign4 | Vegetable Garden. |
War05A.scr:Sign5 | Inn of the Urchin's Ear. |
War05A.scr:Sign6 | Ye Olde Magic Shop. |
War05A.scr:Sign7 | This way to the docks. |
War05A.scr:Sign8 | Path to Grok Torr -- travelers beware. |
War05A.scr:Sign9 | Residence of Thavius. |
War05A.scr:SwordsmanEnd | Oh, it's you again. Hey if you see any Ogres 'round here, lead 'em to us, ok? My sword arm needs some action. My arm's crampin' up. I wish there were some monsters to fight. A gypsy -- name of Loproc -- just passed through here recently. If you hurry up to Brin, you might catch him before he moves on. |
War05A.scr:SwordsmanGreeting | Greetings, Wanderer. A friendly warning if you are traveling north; we have been stationed here to guard against Ogre attacks. A large band of these foul creatures just laid waste to the poor Village of Brin north of here... |
War05A.scr:VillagerGreeting | The whole town fought bravely against the barbaric invasion! Watch out for the Ogre Warlord. He throws shurikens! Everything was fine 'till those wretched Ogres showed up. Those Ogre brutes are huge! Don't you have more important things to be doing? The gypsy Loproc is in town again! Did you hear what happened to poor Thavius' wife? Those damned Ogres made off with almost everything! |
War05B.scr:BeginMission | You have just entered the swamp between Brin and Grok Torr. |
War05B.scr:BeginMission2 | Watch out for Ogre guard posts! |
War05B.scr:CaptainIdle | Time is running out. Now be on your way! |
War05B.scr:CaptainSuccess1 | Well done, my boy! All these lovely women owe you their lives! Now go find the other two groups of damsels! |
War05B.scr:CaptainSuccess2 | Excellent work! You've saved most of the kidnapped women! There's only one more group to go. Good luck! |
War05B.scr:CaptainSuccess3 | Exceptional! Brin owes you the deepest debt of gratitude. But no time to celebrate with these vibrant beauties now! Hecubah's on the move! We must stay close on her trail if we are to have any chance at stopping her evil schemes! |
War05B.scr:CaptainWaiting | Hurry, lad! The women don't have much time. You must rescue all of them before the Ogres eat them! What are you waiting for?! Be off with you! Time is running out. Now be on your way! |
War05B.scr:DenyDungeon | You can't enter the dungeon yet! You need to return the prisoners first! |
War05B.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 5! |
War05B.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
War05B.scr:Hint | You have discovered a Hint, your journal has been updated. |
War05B.scr:IngridIdle | My heartfelt thanks again for rescuing my sister! Many thanks to you, kindest sir! I shall never forget your kind deeds, brave acts and strong hands! |
War05B.scr:IngridReturned | Thank you so much, kind Adventurer! Take these as tokens of my appreciation! |
War05B.scr:IngridWaiting | Oh why aren't you going? My sister is in the worst danger! Please! Rescue my sister! She has no other hope! The Ogres dragged her off to their infernal village in the swamps! Please hurry, sir, before the beastly Ogres eat Glynda! |
War05B.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
War05B.scr:MaidenDeath | A maiden has perished. Mission Incomplete. |
War05B.scr:MaidenFollowing | I'm so glad you're here! You got here just in time! Please hurry and lead us back to safety! Help us, Adventurer! You're our only hope. Time is running out! Please, bring us back to safety! |
War05B.scr:MaidenFreed | Thanks for rescuing us! |
War05B.scr:MaidenRecognize | Help us! Please help! Save us! Get us out of here! |
War05B.scr:MaidenRescued | Thanks for rescuing us! |
War05B.scr:MaidenYell1 | Thanks for rescuing us. |
War05B.scr:MaidenYell2 | Thanks again, brave Wanderer! |
War05B.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new objective, your journal has been updated. |
War05B.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective, your journal has been updated! |
War05B.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Objective Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
War05B.scr:OgreCageUnlocked | The Ogre Cage has been unlocked. |
War05B.scr:OgreCaveUnlocked | The Ogre Cave doors have been unlocked. |
War05B.scr:OgreKing1 | You are very bold for such a little man. |
War05B.scr:OgreKing2 | Too bad you must die now. |
War05B.scr:OgreKing3 | GUARDS! |
War05B.scr:OgreKing4 | Kill the Intruder! |
War05B.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
War05B.scr:Sign1 | Dungeon Entrance Dungeon Entrance: Abandon all hope ye who enter here! Dungeon Entrance: This Dungeon has been inspected by Dungeon Inspector Number 9. Dungeon Entrance: Your Dungeon taxes at work. Future dungeon expansions planned. Dungeon Entrance: Consult your local utility company before digging. Dungeon Entrance: Constructed by dungeon building firm: Lee, Hanson, Beaumont and Pedriana, Ltd. Dungeon Entrance: Wipe you feet before entering. Dungeon Entrance: Report all hazards to 1-800-IXTOWN Dungeon Entrance: No Shirt or Shoes: No Service! Dungeon Entrance: If you were imprisoned here, you'd be home by now. Dungeon Entrance: This sign handcrafted by Eric The Signmaker and Notary Public. Dungeon Entrance: Stop reading this sign and GET ON WITH IT! |
War05B.scr:SisterFollowing3 | The Captain must be around here somewhere! We're almost home! |
War05B.scr:SisterFreed | Thanks for your help! Now we just have to find our way out of here! |
War05B.scr:SisterIdle | Thanks again for your help! We will remember your brave actions for generations to come! Many thanks for your kindness! |
War05B.scr:SisterReturned | Yay! I've been saved and returned to the land of the living! |
War05C.scr:BeginMission | Cobwebs are thick in the air here... |
War05C.scr:BeginMission2 | This cave is dank and smells of Ogre... |
War05C.scr:BeginMission3 | The stench of evil seems to permeate this area. |
War05C.scr:BeginMission4 | The air is colder here. It seems that no one has disturbed these passages in ages. |
War05C.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 5! |
War05C.scr:FirstGate | The first gate has been opened. |
War05C.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
War05C.scr:GoldDoorsUnlocked | All Slave Doors have been unlocked. |
War05C.scr:Hint | You have discovered a Hint; your journal has been updated. |
War05C.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
War05C.scr:MaidenDeath | A maiden has perished. Mission Incomplete. |
War05C.scr:MaidenFollowing | I'm so glad you're here! You got here just in time! Please, hurry and lead us back to safety! Help us, Adventurer. You're our only hope! Time is running out! Please, bring us back to safety! |
War05C.scr:MaidenRescued | Thanks for rescuing us! |
War05C.scr:MaidenScream1 | Thank you so much, kind Adventurer! |
War05C.scr:MaidenScream2 | I've been saved and returned to the land of the living! |
War05C.scr:MaidenScream3 | Thanks again for your help! |
War05C.scr:MaidenScream4 | Many thanks to you kindest sir! |
War05C.scr:MaidenWaiting | Please, save us! I'm so scared! I'm too young to be eaten! Will you rescue us? Are you here to save us from the Ogres? Hurry and save us! |
War05C.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new objective; your journal has been updated. |
War05C.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective; your journal has been updated! |
War05C.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Objective Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
War05C.scr:Ogre1 | What 'dat noise? |
War05C.scr:Ogre2 | Mmmm... Smells like lunch! |
War05C.scr:Ogre3 | Shut 'dem gates! |
War05C.scr:Ogre4 | Now let's get 'im! |
War05C.scr:SecondGate | The second gate has been opened. |
War05C.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
War05C.scr:SecretPassage | A secret passage has been opened. |
War05C.scr:Sign1 | Ogre Slave Mine Entrance. |
War05C.scr:Sign2 | Slave Quarters. |
War05C.scr:Sign3 | Guard Room -- Do Not Disturb. |
War05C.scr:SisterFollowing1 | Hurry, kind sir and find a way out of these caverns! The gate is closed! We must to find another way out! |
War05C.scr:SisterFollowing1B | Maybe if you checked all of the darkest nooks and unlikely crannies you might find some passage out of this cursed place! |
War05C.scr:SisterFollowing1C | By the way, the Ogres mentioned something about a secret passage... |
War05C.scr:SisterFollowing1D | One of the guards mentioned a secret exit. We just need to find it! |
War05C.scr:SisterFollowing1E | One of the big Ogres -- with a horrible odor -- mentioned some natural caverns nearby. Maybe they lead back up to the surface! |
War05C.scr:SisterFollowing2 | Now that we got out of there, we need to get back to the surface! Now we just have to find our way out of here! |
War05C.scr:SisterFollowing3 | The Captain must be around here somewhere! The Captain is waiting for us outside the Ogre village! The Captain should be waiting for us outside of the Ogre village! We're almost home! |
War05C.scr:SisterGreeting | Hail, brave Adventurer! We are innocent victims, kidnapped from our village during a ruthless Ogre raid! Will you please bring us back safely to the surface? If you do, I know a handsome reward will be yours, because the menfolk of Brin cannot live without us! |
War05C.scr:SisterGreeting2 | Hello, again. Will you change your mind, be our savior and lead us to the surface? |
War05C.scr:SisterIdle | Thanks again for your help! We will remember your brave actions for generations to come! Many thanks for your kindness! |
War05C.scr:SisterReturned | Yay! I've been saved and returned to the land of the living! |
War05C.scr:SisterSad | I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you reconsider your decision soon, for I fear the Ogres are getting hungry. I heard their stomachs grumbling a short time ago. |
War05C.scr:SisterThanks | It's settled then! We shall follow you to the surface! We must hurry, though. We don't have much time! The Ogres sealed off the way out of here, but I heard one of those disgusting Ogre guards mention a secret passage. If we look around here maybe we can find another way out! |
War05C.scr:StoneBlocksOpened | The Stone Blocks have been opened. |
War06a:BoastfulHorrendous | Worry not, young Warrior, I am in complete control of the situation. I shall take the field wherever Hecubah pleases, it does not matter where. But then I shall throw down the challenge of single combat which no one may refuse. Once I alone face her, she shall understand the true meaning of Warlord. |
War06a:CityGuardSpeak1 | Dün Mir is under siege. The sorceress, Hecubah, has attacked us with an army of Undead. All hands to the fortress! We must safeguard Horrendous. Hecubah must NOT get his halberd. Duty calls, Warrior! Go to the fortress and report! This is no drill, Warrior! You're needed in the fortress immediately! |
War06a:CityGuardSpeak2 | It is the curse of the necromancer come to haunt Nox again! Hecubah has the power to raise the dead. We must stop her before she grows stronger. We must defend the fortress! See you there, Warrior! Defense of the fortress is imperative! Go, Warrior, go! All Fire Knights to the fortress! |
War06a:CityGuardSpeak3 | Hecubah is attacking Dün Mir! Be on the look out for the necromancer. This is what we trained for! To the fortress! Last line of defense is at the fortress! If the fortress falls, Nox falls! Onward! |
War06a:HecDefeatsHorrendous | Oohh, may St. Grendel have mercy on my soul!... This bitter defeat was not supposed to happen. The sands of my hourglass are quickly running out, lad. |
War06a:HecThreatJack | Your pathetic life hangs in a precarious balance, odd mortal. If you wish to stay alive, stay away! And this is your only warning! |
War06a:HecubahAccepts | Why thank you, Horrendous! I'd love to dance with you! I thought you'd never ask! Mind if I lead? |
War06a:HecubahTaunts | Oh, my Horrendous! You are getting slow with your age! Watch your step! Don't want to die, do you? This amusement's become all too boring! Think I'll just finish you now! |
War06a:HecubahThreat | Horrendous, your Fire Knights are toads! Your cause is mud! And your worth is dirt! Give me your Halberd and I'll let you and your little sheep live -- for now. Resist and I will level all Dün Mir! |
War06a:HecubahToNecro | Retrieve the old warlord's staff and take it from here to the place I instructed you. Do it now! |
War06a:HecubahWins | Death and Victory! The sweetest brew! My Necromancer's blood sings in my veins with an unholy joy! The doorway to all Nox is now open to me! I shall rule supreme! |
War06a:HorrendousPride | Hubris, pride, arrogance, call it what you will, the cause of my downfall. But dwelling on my fate is now moot. You must recover my Halberd before the Necromancer leaves Dün Mir, or all is lost. Use the halberd, complete the incorporation with the Staff of Oblivion and defeat Hecubah!... I fear I am done, lad. |
War06a:HorrendousVsHec | Hecubah! Your brazen assault on Dün Mir's inner sanctum has only saved me the trouble of finding you and ending your evil reign before it begins! |
War06a:ChallengingHec | I challenge you to single combat, Hecubah! You may not refuse my challenge, or your minions will see the cowardice of your rule and your authority will vanish like dust in the wind! |
War06a:NecroAttackJack | You were warned, Warrior! Now the price of this folly will be your gravestone! |
War06a:NecroDies | Aiiiiiiiiiii! Blast you to eternity, Warrior! A curse on your blood forever! |
War06a:NecroMockHorren | A fallen warlord. How quaint! One of my favorite sights! You shall not be needing this anymore and we have much more use for it than you ever did! I'll take your Halberd now. Thank you, Horrendous! No, no, please! Don't get up! |
War06a:NecroThreatJack | Let no one follow! Or the bite of this Halberd will be the least of your worries. I take no prisoners! |
War06a:ShopKeeper | Sorry, Warrior, but my stock has dwindled somewhat. War tends to make people hoard supplies. Heh, heh, heh... |
War06a:Sign1 | To the Fortress of Horrendous |
War06a:SlainSpeakG1 | Get that necromancer and tear his heart out! |
War06a:SlainSpeakG2 | That cowardly sorceress has left the fortress in ruins. Find her pet necromancer before he escapes. |
War06a:SlainSpeakG3 | We must avenge Horrendous! Kill the necromancer and retrieve the halberd. |
War06a:SlainSpeakT1 | Well you certainly didn't amount to much. I'm glad you weren't protecting me. |
War06a:SlainSpeakT2 | The necromancer just ran past me! Be quick! He's not far away! |
War06a:SlainSpeakT3 | I could have sworn I saw a necromancer just now. He actually vanished! |
War06a:SlainSpeakW1 | I thought warriors could see in the dark. Try using your special skills. |
War06a:SlainSpeakW2 | I wonder where Hecubah gets her clothes? |
War06a:SlainSpeakW3 | Only fools and warriors are staying in Dün Mir now! |
War06a:TauntingHec | Granted, you show some spirit, but no skill! Your end is near evil Necromancer! |
War06a:TownspeopleSpeak1 | Hecubah's Undead are storming the fortress! You're needed there! Excuse me! I need to get by! |
War06a:TownspeopleSpeak2 | Out of my way! You're supposed to defend us, you coward! You warriors must defend the fortress at all costs! We need the fortress to hold strong! What will this do to our economy? Dün Mir is falling! All is lost! |
War06a:TownspeopleSpeak3 | There's no denying it. The necromancers do exist. They're here! Horrendous was right, magic is evil. Those foul wizards are to blame. Our only chance of survival is escape! Flee! |
War06a:WomenSpeak1 | Shouldn't you be fighting the Undead? |
War06a:WomenSpeak2 | You have to admit that Hecubah has style. It might be nice to have a woman in charge around here. |
War06a:WomenSpeak3 | How can our men beat the Undead? This is a nightmare! What will we do? |
War06a:WomenSpeak4 | You're pretty big for a fighter-boy. Hah, hah, hah...! |
War06a:WomenSpeak5 | Run, Warrior, run! Hah, hah, hah...! |
War07:JandorEnd | Excellent work, lad! I can imagine that Hecubah must be getting just a little concerned about the state of her plans, what with the Staff of Oblivion so near completion. But quickly! We must make our way to the Village of Ix, not only because that is where the next piece of the Staff resides, but I'm certain you also have quite a rabid pack of wizards out for your blood...he he he. |
War07A.scr:AppleManAngry01 | You'll have to be quick the guards are looking for you. |
War07A.scr:AppleManTalk01 | Pssst! Hey! Friend! Want an apple? Best price around and they're from your home town of Dün Mir! |
War07A.scr:BookVendorAngry01 | Sorry, I can't help you. It would be bad for business. |
War07A.scr:BookVendorTalk01 | This is Books-For-Less. I'm not sure you'll find anything useful here, Fire Knight. |
War07A.scr:BrightBladesAngry01 | News travels fast. Leave, before I sharpen my blade on your neck! |
War07A.scr:BrightBladesTalk01 | A Fire Knight! Now there's something I don't see every day. Need a new sword? Don't forget your War Cry -- it really confounds those wizards. |
War07A.scr:DrunkardHelp01 | Help! Help! I'm being harassed! |
War07A.scr:DrunkardIntro01 | Ooooh! Look at the fearless Fire Knight! |
War07A.scr:DrunkardTaunt01 | What're y' gonna do? Slice me? |
War07A.scr:DrunkardTaunt02 | Can't take it? Not so tough, eh? |
War07A.scr:DrunkardTaunt03 | C'mon, Fire Knight! Show me your fancy Warrior moves! |
War07A.scr:DrunkardTaunt04 | Are you gonna cry? Poor baby can't take it? |
War07A.scr:DrunkardTaunt05 | Horrendous is a stumbling idiot! Grunt if you agree! |
War07A.scr:GrillfAngry01 | Hello Fire Knight. You know there's a bounty on your head. |
War07A.scr:GrillfTalk01 | Fire Knight! Hmmmph! Old Horrendous still has you pig-headed armored sheep marching up and down, up and down! Don't any of you have anything worthwhile to do? |
War07A.scr:HaveGoldForMax | Excellent! You got yourself quite a bargain, lad! I hope you survive this whole mess. Now if you'll pardon me, I'll need to be starting on my long journey. Good luck and stay out of Hecubah's way if you want to stay alive! |
War07A.scr:JandorTalk01 | The embers of old feuds with the Fire Knights burn bright here in Galava, lad. So be wary as you make your way to the top floor of the Tower of Illusion, because I suspect no one will be happy to see the likes of you. Get the Heart of Nox. The Staff of Oblivion is nothing without it. Off with you... And watch your back! Wizards love to find a Warrior's blind side! |
War07A.scr:KincaidAngry01 | You're the foolish one to be showing your face around Galava. |
War07A.scr:LoremanTalk01 | This is Kincaid's. I can sell you armor, but be quick about it. |
War07A.scr:MageVendorAngry01 | Go away MURDERER! Before I call the guards! |
War07A.scr:MageVendorTalk01 | This is the Wizard's Keep! Don't see many Fire Knights in my shop. I can part with a potion if you have the gold. |
War07A.scr:MaidenTalk01 | Fire Knight! Ugh! I've heard what your type do to civilians! Go away! |
War07A.scr:MaidenTalk02 | Oh No! A Fire Knight! Protect the children! |
War07A.scr:MaidenTalk03 | You're pretty big for a fighter boy. |
War07A.scr:MaidenTalk04 | Run Warrior! Run! |
War07A.scr:MaidenTalk05 | How did you get in to the castle? No matter, you won't get into the Wizard's Tower -- the gates are locked. |
War07A.scr:MaxOffer01 | Actually, business has fallen off quite a bit, with Hecubah running loose. I'm moving out of here to set up shop further south. |
War07A.scr:MaxWaiting | You ready to buy up my inn and home? Only 50,000 in gold for the both of them! |
War07A.scr:MaxWelcome01 | Welcome to Maximillian's! The finest Inn of the Southern Lands! |
War07A.scr:MlurghTalk01 | Fire Knight, eh? Most people around here don't like your kind, but they've never even been to Dün Mir and I have! What do they know!? Eh? Heh, heh, heh... You're welcome here anytime, sir. |
War07A.scr:MlurghTalk02 | The Wizards have locked the gates to their tower. The Warden is a good man, yet a bit overzealous about his job. I hear Hecubah's unholy armies are on the march. Probably time for me to think about setting up shop elsewhere. |
War07A.scr:MobYell | That's the MURDERER! Get him! |
War07A.scr:MorganFriendTalk01 | Oh, bah! Morgan's arrested again?! Sometimes I think he does this just to get away from his responsibilities. It's not easy running a smuggling ring, you know. We've got a big shipment coming in today and we really need Morgan on hand when the goods arrive. Tell you what... Break Morgan out of jail and I'll give ya one of the enchanted shields we're expecting today! |
War07A.scr:MorganFriendTalk02 | Morgan! What did you think you were doing getting yourself arrested? Thanks for breaking him out, Fire Knight! Here's the shield I promised you. Good luck with whatever business you're up to! |
War07A.scr:MorganTalk01 | Psst...over here, Fire Knight... |
War07A.scr:MorganTalk02 | Hail, cell-brother! Morgan Lightfingers' the name! You seem like a man on a mission, so I thought I might offer this help. The last time I was arrested, they threw me in the very cell you're in now... And I escaped by digging a tunnel. The entrance should still be hidden under the cot in your cell. I'll keep an eye out for the warden while you search for it. |
War07A.scr:MorganTalk03 | Thanks for freeing me. Let's get out of here. |
War07A.scr:MorganTalk04 | Hi there. Name's Morgan Lightfingers. Could you get me out of here? If you can, I'll get you into the Tower of Illusion. |
War07A.scr:MorganTalk05 | Thanks, brother. Follow me. I know a secret way out. |
War07A.scr:MorganTalk06 | Thanks for my freedom. Accept this gold as token of my gratitude. Ah, yes! And here's a key which gives you access to the Tower of Illusion. Be careful when you go in. The wizards won't react well to the sight of a Fire Knight in their tower. Thanks again! |
War07A.scr:NoGoldForMax | Don't quite have the cash yet, eh? Not to worry, I'll keep the offer open for you. If you're still interested later, just drop on by. |
War07A.scr:PriestTalk01 | These hallowed church grounds are considered safe haven for all who enter, my son. May the blessed spirit of St. Allistor always journey by your side, Fire Knight. |
War07A.scr:PriestTalk02 | That's an angry mob waiting for you out there, my son. A back gate outside on the church grounds will allow you to leave here unseen. |
War07A.scr:ShopkeeperAngry01 | Go away, Fire Knight! I don't do business with MURDERERS! |
War07A.scr:ShopkeeperTalk01 | Fire Knights aren't welcome here. But for an extra cost, I'll make an exception for you. You'll need a strong shield if you plan to go up against a Wizard. |
War07A.scr:TimePass | A few minutes later... |
War07A.scr:TurnMaxDown | Ah, that's alright, lad. I'm sure I'll be able to sell my two buildings to someone else. If you change your mind though, you know where to find me! |
War07A.scr:UndertakerTalk01 | Watch your step while in Galava, Fire Knight! I've got plenty of coffins here just your size. |
War07A.scr:WardenPreArrest01 | Stand right there, Fire Knight! Daniel accuses you of attacking him without provocation and his wounds testify to it. Let's go! I've got a dank and cozy cell all ready for you. Will you come peacefully, Fire Knight? |
War07A.scr:WardenPreArrest02 | So be it. |
War07A.scr:WardenPreArrest03 | Fine. Thanks. Let's go. |
War07A.scr:WardenPreArrest04 | Stand right there, Fire Knight! Daniel accuses you of attacking him without provocation and his wounds testify to it! Let's go. I've got a dank and cozy cell all ready for you! Will you come peacefully, Fire Knight? |
War07A.scr:WardenTalk01 | Enjoy your stay! Be a good Fire Knight and we might even let you out in a week, or a two! But who's counting? Heh, heh, heh...! |
War07A.scr:WardenTalk02 | Hey! What are you doing out of your cell?! |
War07A.scr:WardenTalk03 | You're free to go, Fire Knight. I talked to some of the locals and apparently Daniel was on a drinking binge again. Sorry for the trouble. Have a nice day. |
War07A.scr:WardenTalk04 | You'll pay for that with your life! |
War07B.scr:BirdManTalk01 | Attack, my finely feathered pretties! Attack and destroy! |
War07B.scr:ClassroomSign | Do Not Disturb: Class In Session! |
War07B.scr:FifthFloorSign | To Sixth Floor: The Heart of Nox |
War07B.scr:FirstFloorSign | To Second Floor: Advanced Invisibility |
War07B.scr:FourthFloorSign | To Fifth Floor: Advanced Magic and Wizard Fashions |
War07B.scr:MainReceptionistTalk01 | Hey! You're not allowed in here! |
War07B.scr:SecondFloorSign | To Third Floor: Fun with Electricity |
War07B.scr:TeacherTalk01 | And now, class, your final exam: Kill him! |
War07B.scr:TempWizardTalk01 | Noooooooo! Not again! |
War07B.scr:ThirdFloorSign | To Fourth Floor: Beginning Teleportation and Cafeteria |
War07B.scr:TrapWizTalk01 | Quick! Hit the switch! |
War07C.scr:ChamberManTalk01 | Well, well...a Fire Knight, of all things. Long way from home, aren't you? I'm not supposed to let you through but this might be amusing. Enjoy our gauntlet. I like to call it The Chamber of Infinite Doom!! |
War07C.scr:WizardHelpTalk01 | We could use a little help here, Fire Knight! |
War07G.scr:HecubahTalk01 | You cannot stop me, Horvath! I now have that power to destroy you, old man! |
War07G.scr:HecubahTalk02 | If I cannot have the Heart of Nox, then neither will you! |
War08a:AldwynGreet | Greetings. I am Aldwyn. The Master Conjurer for the Village of Ix. The staff is now prepared to convey the Weirdling Beast. The beast is housed in the Temple of Ix, guarded by the sacred Order of Oblivion. You must go to the temple and speak to the priests. Here is the key to unlock the gate which blocks passage to the temple. |
War08a:AldwynProd | Hecubah must be stopped! YOU carry the staff which can bring an end to her madness. Go now! Our time grows short. |
War08a:BarkeeperGreet | You know, too many disheartening reports have passed through here in the last few days, with no good news! The Tombs of Valor have been desecrated -- cadavers summoned by the Dark Necromancer Vows! I heard too that the old warlord Horrendous met his bloody fate on the blade of an Undead's sword! Our only chance of survival is the Staff of Oblivion. I heard one say some young hero is reassembling it now. But I'm sure it's only some hopeless rumor! Oh... yes, these are foul times, leaving chaos in its wake and black uncertainty on a stormy horizon. A horrific doom looms over Nox like a warrior's boot about to crush some insignificant bug! |
War08a:CaptainProd | This is as close as I can bring you. The Temple of Ix lies north of the village. You must make your way quickly, but you may need the help of Aldwyn to get there. Retrieve the Weirdling Beast and meet me back here in this clearing. Move smartly, lad! |
War08a:Guard01Greet | Welcome, young Warrior, to Ix, the fairest of all villages in the land of Nox. I sense the business of your quest is urgent and I trust your intent is peaceful. You may enter our fine village. Treat our community respectfully and it shall open warm arms of aid and hospitality to you. |
War08a:Guard02Greet | Best of luck on your quest, young Adventurer! |
War08a:Mystic | What do you want here, Warrior? I'm very busy. |
War08a:Mystic2 | Hmmm. It would appear the weighty responsibility of wielding the Staff of Oblivion has been handed out on a first-come-first-served basis! It certainly doesn't seem that it has anything to do with who is fit or qualified! If it did, the staff would be in the hands of one following the Wizard's way! |
War08a:PriestGreet | The Weirdling Beast is a magnificent creature. It thrives on pure energy, which it receives from the Xon Pools in the remotest depths of our subterranean temple. |
War08a:PriestProd | The Order of Oblivion are the caretakers and devout guardians of the Weirdling. Your journey to the Weirdling pool will test your worthiness to carry the Staff of Oblivion. |
War08a:PriestProd2 | Once you reach the Beast it will cling to the staff. The Heart of Nox contains the richest source of energy it requires. With it, the Weirdling Beast can channel the very forces of life. |
War08a:PriestProd3 | The Staff of Oblivion is a weapon without peer and will even channel a bit of your adversaries' life into your own. |
War08a:PriestProd4 | It is time to resume your quest. Hecubah grows more powerful with each passing minute. |
War08b:HenrickNoMoreWolves | Sorry friend, you've cleaned me out! I haven't any beasts left to sell you. |
War08b:HenrickNotEnoughGold | Don't try to be sly with me friend. You don't have enough gold. My price is 200 gold, nothing less. Come back when you have enough. |
War08b:HenrickSalesPitchA | Hail, Traveler! Can I interest you in a charmed beast to accompany you on your quest? These wolves are strong and well worth the meager price of 200 gold. Ya want one? |
War08b:HenrickSalesPitchB | Hello again, do you wish to purchase another of my fine creatures? I think my purse will hold another 200 gold pieces. Heh, heh, heh... |
War08b:HenrickSaleSuccessful | There you are, I'm sure your new companion will serve you well. Come see me again if you find you need another. |
War08z:EstimatedGoodies | Pick up desired goodies before entering the dreaded Dismal Swamp |
War09a:AidanGreet1 | Please, free me! If the Ogres don't torture me or use me as food, I'll soon be dead anyway. My companion died two days ago and the stench of his rotting corpse is a constant and nauseating reminder of my certain fate. |
War09a:AidanGreet2 | We were trekking through the swamp when an Ogre patrol spotted us. Horvath sent us up here to spy on Hecubah and observe the movements of her allies. Please, if you help me by finding the key that opens this cell, I can possibly help you in return. |
War09a:AidanLeaving | This is as far as I go. Until we meet again... |
War09a:AidanPlea | Please, help me! Don't leave me alone here, with THEM! Please! Please, don't leave me here to rot... or die as some rude Ogre's snack! |
War09a:AidanThankful | My deepest gratitude. I can't offer much, but I can go with you as far as the Ogre's Outpost near the north end of the swamp. Then I must report back to Horvath. |
War09a:AidanWaiting | Did you find the Gold key? Have you found the key yet? We need the key! The key must be nearby. |
War09a:CaptainGreet | Here we are, lad, the Dismal Swamp. This is as far as I can safely take you. A short way up this path you'll find the home of Mordwyn, brother of Aldwyn the Conjurer. He's expecting you. I must hurry and so should you! You remain our only hope. |
War09a:CaptainImpatient | No more time for chit-chat. Better hurry! Off with you, lad! The future of our land rests on your shoulders. We'll have plenty of time to reminisce when this ugly mess is concluded. Too many lives hang in the balance! You must be on your way! I've got to fly out of here before any of Hecubah's minions spot me! |
War09a:CaptainLeave | I know it's hard to believe, but Mordwyn truly does reside in this godforsaken place! Apparently the swamp is the only source for rare ingredients of his exotic potions and powerful elixirs. Hurry up the path. You can't miss his house. |
War09a:GainedArmor | The Armor of Jandor has been added to your inventory! |
War09a:GainedGift1 | Jandor's Gift has been added to your inventory! |
War09a:GainedGift2 | Jandor's Gifts have been added to your inventory! |
War09a:Hint01 | Certain mushrooms will cure poison, but beware of nasty side effects. |
War09a:Hint02 | Beware of unstable ground that crumbles beneath your feet. |
War09a:MordwynDone | The chest in my bedroom contains potions, should you need them. Against the back wall of my cottage is a secret panel. Behind it is a small yard with an apple tree. Take the fruit any time you need to replenish your health and strength. You are a truly selfless man. All of Nox will be indebted to you if you succeed. If not... all our hopes and prayers go with you, lad. |
War09a:MordwynGreet | Ah, you must be the courageous young man my dear brother Aldwyn spoke of. Come inside, I have something for you. |
War09a:MordwynHome | Make yourself at home, young Warrior. I'll be right back. |
War09a:MordwynHome2 | Ah, here it is. This is one of the most prized treasures in all of Nox: Jandor's Magic Battle Armor. My brother brought it here for safekeeping in the event Ix was overrun. It will prove most useful in the North should you encounter Hecubah's Necromancers. |
War09a:MysticDialog | Ah... you truly tempt fate by coming here, stranger. So... would you like to arrange funerary services or might you desire to purchase goods? |
War09b:MysticDialog | Ah... you truly tempt fate by coming here, stranger. So... would you like to arrange funerary services or might you desire to purchase goods? |
War09b:ShopSign | Byzanti's Bog Shop |
War09c:CainAsk | Do you have a healing potion to cure a dying man? |
War09c:CainEscort | Thank you for saving a doomed old man. I would surely be dead by now if it weren't for you. My undying thanks for your courage and generosity. |
War09c:CainHealed | Thank you! I'll guide you to the entrance of the Land of the Dead, but beyond that, I fear I'd only endanger you. The scrying eyes of Hecubah have an uncanny skill for spying on the natives of Nox. |
War09c:CainNoPotion | You don't have a Health Potion to give. You have no Health Potions in your inventory. Your supply of Health Potions has run dry. |
War09c:CainPlea | Please... I can't fend them off much longer! Help! Ahhhhhhhhhh! NO! Get them off me! |
War09c:CainPlea2 | Please... Give me... Give me a healing potion. |
War09c:FoundTrove | You have found the Ogres' secret treasure trove! |
War09c:LoprocOpener | Greetings traveler. This is a dangerous place for the likes of you. How may I be of service? |
War09c:SavedCain | You have rescued Cain! |
War10c:SentryDisabled | A Sentry Ray to the North is disabled. |
War11a:Bah | Bah! I'm merely wearing you down with my lowly demons. And you'd be nothing without that stupid toy in your hands! But if you think that pitiful stick will help you against me, your delusion is a totality -- as is the destiny of my victory! |
War11a:CatchMe | So much to learn for so small a brain! Catch me if you can! |
War11a:HecubahIntro | NO! I will not allow it! I will not! Your constant interference has ruptured my carefully laid plans! But your pathetic body, blood and soul will be mine! I demand it! |
War11a:HecubahTaunts | Oh, YES! Your fate's clock is rapidly ticking away to oblivion! Hah, hah, hah...! But you'll learn new levels of agony before your time runs out, you flesh-wrapped flea! Do you really think I feel pain like you!? Like any mortal!? |
War11a:Nooooooooo | Nooooooooo! It shall not end like this! I shall return! |
War11a:PunyFlea | Puny flea! You have no place here! Not in my domain! Not in this land! But your infernal meddling will not go unanswered! Your cursed soul will rot in the Underworld for eternity! |
WarriorHint:BeserkerCharge | The best way to greet an Ogre is with a Berserker Charge. |
WarriorHint:EyeWolf | The Eye of the Wolf can see the unseen. |
WarriorHint:Harpoon | Reel in your enemies with a hand-held tether. |
WarriorHint:Repair | Use your Repair skill to mend your armor and sharpen your blades. |
WarriorHint:TreadLightly | Tread Lightly over hazards, lest you set off a trap. |
WarriorHint:WarCry | Even the most seasoned Wizard can be rattled by a good War Cry. |
WarriorSkill:NewSkill | You have learned a new skill! |
weapon.c:BowNotFound | You must have a bow to equip with these. |
weapon.c:CannotPickupDuplicateWeapon | You cannot carry another one of those under the current rules. |
weapon.c:CantDropThat | You cannot drop that item. |
weapon.c:PickupHalberdOblivion | You obtained the Halberd of Horrendous. |
weapon.c:PickupHeartOblivion | Halberd of Horrendous You added the Heart of Nox to the Halberd of Horrendous. |
weapon.c:PickupOrbOblivion | You assembled the Staff of Oblivion. |
weapon.c:PickupWierdlingOblivion | Halberd of Horrendous You found the Wierdling and added it to the Halberd of Horrendous. |
weapon.c:WeaponEquipClassFail | You are unable to use that weapon. Your class prohibits the use of that weapon. That weapon cannot be used by those of your class. |
weapon.c:WeaponEquipStrengthFail | Your skill is not great enough to use that weapon. You don't have the needed skill level to wield that weapon. |
WindowDir:Back | Back |
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WindowDir:Cancel | Cancel |
WindowDir:Down | D |
WindowDir:Empty | |
WindowDir:No | No |
WindowDir:OK | OK |
WindowDir:Quit | Quit |
WindowDir:Text | TEXT |
WindowDir:Up | U |
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WindowDir:Yes | Yes |
Wiz01:ApprenticeTalk01 | Thank you for trying to rescue me, but I am already too far gone. The urchins... they weren't acting alone! It was a nec... nec... necromancer... |
Wiz01A.scr:HorvathTalk01 | Thieving little creatures! The Urchins just moved into our area and have already made absolute pests of themselves! I am Arch-Wizard Horvath. I am looking for my apprentice. I fear he has been lost in a nearby Urchin Den. If you could find him and bring him back to me, I would be willing to bring you along with us to Galava. Come, I will show you the way to the wretched Urchin Den outside my apprentice's home. |
Wiz01A.scr:HorvathTalk02 | Here's a spellbook and some other articles you might need. |
Wiz01A.scr:HorvathTalk02a | I've unlocked the gates. Just follow the road and I expect you will have no trouble finding these detestable interloping urchins. Good luck. I hope to see you again. |
Wiz01A.scr:HorvathTalk03 | Have you found my apprentice yet? Oh dear, I fear the worst. |
Wiz01A.scr:HorvathTalk04 | My apprentice's robe! Dark fortunes must have befallen him. You have proven the urchins were no match for you. Perhaps you might make a good apprentice. Hmmm... Yes. Follow me to the laboratory. When you are ready, just step into the teleporter and you will be brought to Galava. We have much work ahead of us when we arrive. |
Wiz01A.scr:HorvathTalk05 | When you are ready, just step onto the teleporter and we will be on our way. |
Wiz01A.scr:JandorTalk01 | Hard, cold facts, lad. You must become a wizard's apprentice before you can gain entry to the Tower of Illusion. The one controlling that is the Arch-Wizard Horvath, an old friend of mine. I know Horvath is in need of a worthy apprentice. But are you worthy, lad? heh, heh, heh... Follow the beach road. Find the home of his new apprentice. And beware of urchins. They can be the most nettlesome of pests, at best. I guarantee, you don't want to learn their worst, lad. |
Wiz01A.scr:JandorTalk02 | This is as far as I take you, lad. Find Horvath's apprentice at his house -- just north of the beach. He'll guide you to Galava from there. |
Wiz01A.scr:Mirror | You admire yourself in the mirror. |
Wiz01A.scr:ObeliskSign | Stand next to Obelisks for mana recharge. |
Wiz01A.scr:UrchinPainting01 | Famous urchin painting entitled -- Really Big Guy with Stick. |
Wiz01A.scr:UrchinPainting2 | You fail to comprehend the deeper meaning behind this urchin painting. |
Wiz01A.scr:UrchinPainting3 | You see an urchin painting entitled -- Pretty Colors. |
Wiz01A.scr:UrchinPainting4 | An original Googinado Da Glurgin painting. |
Wiz01A.scr:UrchinSign | Beware! Urchin Caves ahead. |
Wiz01Z.scr:StashSign | Items for Wizard Chapter Two |
Wiz02:ArchivistSnob | Lads, escort this madman out of here. |
Wiz02:ArchivistSurprise | Hey, you shouldn't be in here. Who are you? |
Wiz02:ArchivistWimp | Help! |
Wiz02:InfoMage01 | You can find the Archivist in the Library. He has the Amulet of Clarity. |
Wiz02:MiscWizard01 | Stop! |
Wiz02:MiscWizard02 | Unngh! |
Wiz02:MiscWizard03 | Put down that book! |
Wiz02:NecroHappy | Thanks for the book, old man. Tell Horvath that my Queen would like to meet him someday. Soon! |
Wiz02:Necromancer01 | I am the servant of Hecubah, Queen of the Necromancers. I come for the Book of Oblivion. Surrender it now. |
Wiz02:Necromancer02 | These should slow you down! |
Wiz02:Necromancer03 | Stay away! |
Wiz02:Necromancer04 | You think I run in fear of you, boy? You believe that I am afraid to face you? Come then. I weary of our little game. Come and embrace your death! |
Wiz02:Necromancer05 | What?! Noooooo! |
Wiz02:Necromancer06 | Trolls! Everywhere! Aiiiiieeeeee! |
Wiz02:NecroSpiders | Spiders for the wizards. Spiders to bring chaos, to keep the Book of Oblivion away from all that would oppose my Queen -- Hecubah! |
Wiz02:NecroTaunt | Ha-ha! Pitiful wizards are no match for a necromancer! |
Wiz02:OldArchivist01 | Ooooh, how can this be? That evil one defeated both of my novices. There is no time to summon help. Quickly, you must stop him before the Book of Oblivion is lost. |
Wiz02:OldArchivist02 | Please, I beg of you. Catch that cowardly madman and return the Book of Oblivion. |
Wiz02:OldArchivist03 | The Book of Oblivion is saved! Horvath will need my Amulet of Clarity to interpret the writings. Here, take both items to him. |
Wiz02:OldArchivistTalk01 | Ooooh, how can this be? That evil one defeated both of my novices. There is no time to summon help. Quickly, you must stop him before the Book of Oblivion is lost. |
Wiz02:OldArchivistTalk02 | Please, I beg of you. Catch that cowardly madman and return the Book of Oblivion. |
Wiz02:OldArchivistTalk03 | The Book of Oblivion is saved! Horvath will need my Amulet of Clarity to interpret the writings. Here, take both items to him. |
Wiz02:OldArchivistTalk04 | You may have saved us all with your brave deeds. Well done, apprentice! Now, hurry back to Horvath. |
Wiz02:SpiderMage01 | Filthy spiders! Take this! |
Wiz02A.scr:AlbiTalk01 | I've heard strange and disturbing stories about the Land of the Dead. Something about walking skeletons. I don't know who spreads these insane rumors. |
Wiz02A.scr:AppleManTalk01 | Pssst...over here... |
Wiz02A.scr:AppleManTalk02 | Wanna buy an apple? They're smuggled in from the vast apple orchards of Dün Mir. |
Wiz02A.scr:ArmorShop | Kincaid's Armor |
Wiz02A.scr:BarterStreet | Barter Street |
Wiz02A.scr:BookShop | Books For Less |
Wiz02A.scr:BookVendorTalk01 | Welcome to Books-For-Less, the one stop shop for all your literary needs! |
Wiz02A.scr:BrightBladesTalk01 | Welcome to the shop of Bright Blades! How can I help you? |
Wiz02A.scr:Bryan | Here lies Gearhead: Death by blunt trauma. |
Wiz02A.scr:CashStreet | Cash Street |
Wiz02A.scr:CivvyTalk01 | Hey! Watch it! |
Wiz02A.scr:CivvyTalk02 | Good day. |
Wiz02A.scr:CivvyTalk03 | Excuse me. |
Wiz02A.scr:CivvyTalk04 | Pardon me. |
Wiz02A.scr:DorianTalk01 | Hello. If you're looking for the Tower of Illusion, just take Spire Street as far as it will go. |
Wiz02A.scr:Eric | Here lies Valkor: Discovered in Sewers. |
Wiz02A.scr:GalavaSign | Entering Galava |
Wiz02A.scr:GrillfTalk01 | Welcome to the Griffon's Nest. My inn may not be as fancy as Maximillian's, but I guarantee you a peaceful rest. |
Wiz02A.scr:GrunbarTalk01 | Hello. Have you heard that Horvath the Elder has finally found a new apprentice? I'll bet that unfortunate lad will wish he'd never even heard of the old goat. |
Wiz02A.scr:Horvath1 | Welcome to the city of Galava, Realm of the Wizards. You will be my new apprentice. Everything has been arranged. You may shop for anything you need, but do not tarry too long. I shall meet you in my office inside the Tower of Illusion. Just take Spire Street and you will find the Tower. |
Wiz02A.scr:Jason | Here lies Chump: Killed in tragic jogging mishap |
Wiz02A.scr:JorganTalk01 | If you want the latest news, go to Maximillian's. It's the finest inn in the Southern Lands. You'll find it on Spire Street. |
Wiz02A.scr:LameBarKeepRumor01 | I've heard disturbing stories from merchants who passed through the Dismal Swamp. The Ogres have become more brazen in their attacks on caravans. There's news coming in from the Village of Ix about some sort of urchin army being formed. Doesn't sound to me like those puny urchins would be much of a threat. Mushrooms can cure poison, but they can also do nasty things to your mind. |
Wiz02A.scr:LoremanTalk01 | Kincaid's Armor, at your service! What can I do for you, sir Wizard? |
Wiz02A.scr:Lucky | Here lies my beloved Lucky. May she rest in peace. |
Wiz02A.scr:MageVendorTalk01 | Welcome to the Wizard's Keep! How can I help you? |
Wiz02A.scr:MaidenTalk01 | Young Mage! Watch yourself if you're wandering the alleys. Strange noises have been coming out of them! |
Wiz02A.scr:MaidenTalk02 | Have you heard? The warriors of Dün Mir have banned all mages from their city! Horrendous is truly a madman! |
Wiz02A.scr:MaidenTalk03 | Hello Apprentice! Look me up when you reach Expert Wizard. |
Wiz02A.scr:MaidenTalk04 | Shouldn't you be heading for the Wizard's Tower? |
Wiz02A.scr:MaidenTalk05 | I feel a rising tide of doom in our land! Is there any hope at all for us? |
Wiz02A.scr:Maximillian | Maximillian's |
Wiz02A.scr:MaxRumor01 | Rumor has it that the dead have begun to awaken from their graves! |
Wiz02A.scr:MaxRumor02 | I've heard the Wizards in the Tower recently had a bit of a spider problem. Strange things going on nowadays. |
Wiz02A.scr:MaxRumor03 | There is a mysterious sorceress -- Hecubah -- roaming the Southern Lands. She is said to be in possession of a magical object of great power! |
Wiz02A.scr:MaxRumor04 | Bandits have been preying on the trade routes between Galava and Ix. Be careful if you plan on traveling. |
Wiz02A.scr:MaxTalk01 | Welcome to Maximillian's! The Southern Lands' finest Inn! |
Wiz02A.scr:MaxTalk02 | Actually, business has been somewhat slow of late. Two weeks ago, thieves broke in and robbed the place. I don't expect I'll see my stolen belongings again, but nothing would please me more than to see those rogues brought to justice. I'll happily reward anyone who turns them in. |
Wiz02A.scr:MaxTalk03 | So the rogues have been brought to justice! Well done, lad! We shall all sleep better knowing those scoundrels won't be laying their filthy paws on our belongings! And here's your reward... 100 in gold! You're welcome at Maximillian's anytime, young Mage! |
Wiz02A.scr:MorganTalk01 | I surrender! Please, don't hurt me! I'll go quietly! |
Wiz02A.scr:PriestTalk01 | Welcome to the Church of St. Allistor. You may consider the church grounds safe haven for rest and meditation. |
Wiz02A.scr:ShopkeeperTalk01 | Wizards are always welcome here. What can I interest you in? |
Wiz02A.scr:SpireStreet | Spire Street |
Wiz02A.scr:Tragedy | Perlas Stone: Killed in tragic airship accident. |
Wiz02A.scr:UndertakerTalk01 | I hope you won't be needing my services any time soon, lad. You look as though you still have much to do. |
Wiz02A.scr:Unknown | Tomb of the Unknown Apprentice |
Wiz02A.scr:WardenTalk01 | Hello, young Mage. I surmise you might be here about the reward. There's a handsome bounty for Morgan Lightfingers -- dead or alive. He and his sorry band of thieves have been preying on our fair town for weeks. Be careful, you don't want to be caught off-guard by those savage scum. |
Wiz02A.scr:WardenTalk02 | Ho, there! The priest told me of strange sounds coming from here, so I came to investigate. You have single handedly captured the notorious Morgan Lightfingers! Very impressive! My profound respect is yours, young Wizard! Lightfinger's gang has terrorized Galava for weeks! I'll take over from here. We will all feel safer with this despicable scoundrel behind bars! And here is your reward, young Mage -- 500 in gold! |
wiz02A.scr:WardenTalk03 | Into your cell, Morgan! Enjoy your stay! |
Wiz02A.scr:WardenTalk04 | You eliminated Morgan, eh? Well, I had hoped to bring him in alive, but I'll lose no sleep fretting about his soul! Here's your reward -- 250 in gold! Thank you for making Galava a safer place! |
Wiz02A.scr:WardenTalk05 | Thank you again for apprehending Morgan, young Mage! Galava is a much safer place with that scoundrel behind bars! |
Wiz02A.scr:WardenTalk06 | Get out of that cell, lad! Unless you LIKE it in there! |
Wiz02A.scr:WizardShop | The Wizard's Keep |
Wiz02B.scr:ArchiveSign | J. Hight Archives |
Wiz02B.scr:ArchivistTalk01 | Can I help you, son? |
Wiz02B.scr:ArchivistTalk02 | I'm sorry, but I can't let you into the library unless you know what you're looking for. Can't let just anyone run around down there damaging books, can I? |
Wiz02B.scr:ArchivistTalk03 | I told you, I can't let you into the library unless you have a legitimate reason to be down there. Now stop bothering me. |
Wiz02B.scr:ArchivistTalk04 | Don't make me hurt you. |
Wiz02B.scr:ArchivistTalk05 | Horvath asked you to you fetch something for him, eh? Sure thing, son. Let me unlock the gates for you. One moment. |
Wiz02B.scr:ClassSign | Do not disturb -- Class in session. |
Wiz02B.scr:ExplodingGuyTalk01 | Noooooo! |
Wiz02B.scr:FrogTalk01 | RIBBET!! |
Wiz02B.scr:GiftShopVendorTalk01 | Welcome to The Tower Gift Shop and Trinkets! Can I help you? |
Wiz02B.scr:HecubahTalk01 | What?! How did you get in here? You meddling mages are always lurking in the shadows, like vermin!... But wait... I sense something very different about you. But no matter! Life's too short... especially yours! Now let's see how you deal with surprises! |
Wiz02B.scr:HorvathTalk01 | You're here. Good. Your first task as my new apprentice is very important. Something strange is transpiring in Nox. Wildlife incursions in the settled areas is on a steady rise. My attempts to scry out the cause have been fruitless. A mysterious force clouds my view. You may help me change that. |
Wiz02B.scr:HorvathTalk01a | There is an underground section of the library where our archives are kept. Before this tower was built, it served as our main repository of tomes and related articles. It contains numerous secret bookcases and a few traps, which were originally designed to keep out uninvited visitors. |
Wiz02B.scr:HorvathTalk01b | Most of this forgotten section of the library has not been used in many years. The antiquated records indicate this section contains two items which might be crucial to my investigation. The first is the Amulet of Clarity, the second is the Book of Oblivion. If you can retrieve these objects for me, quickly, I hope they will help furnish the answers I seek. |
Wiz02B.scr:HorvathTalk02 | No luck yet? Well, keep looking in the library downstairs. The book and amulet must be secured immediately! |
Wiz02B.scr:HorvathTalk03 | You have done well, Apprentice! These items will certainly aid my attempts to break the forces interfering with my magic. It would seem there is nothing you cannot accomplish! |
Wiz02B.scr:HorvathTalk04 | While I work to determine the cause of the problems in our land, there's another task which I need performed. Stravas, a colleague of mine, has sent word of work he has completed on an amulet I requested he create. Beneath the tower there is a secret tunnel which our Guild uses for the passing of important messages. The tunnel leads to Stravas' cottage outside of the city. You may gain access by standing next to the bookcases in the back of this chamber. Please retrieve the amulet for me and tell Stravas of what you have seen in the library. Good luck, Apprentice! |
Wiz02B.scr:InversionBoyTalk01 | Ready for your lesson on Spell Inversion? I'll require 100 gold to cover the cost of your spellbook. |
Wiz02B.scr:InversionBoyTalk02 | Very good. Now when my assistant casts a spell you invert it back. Use the mana obelisk to recharge. Be careful, we don't unlock the gates until you invert them all. |
Wiz02B.scr:InversionBoyTalk03 | Excellent. Try a few more. |
Wiz02B.scr:InversionBoyTalk04 | I'm sorry but you need 100 gold. |
Wiz02B.scr:InversionBoyTalk04a | Hmmm, too bad. Basic training isn't for everyone. |
Wiz02B.scr:InversionBoyTalk05 | Very good. |
Wiz02B.scr:InversionBoyTalk06 | You already know how to invert spells. |
Wiz02B.scr:LewisTalk01 | Hello, Apprentice. Could you hit that red button on the wall when I give you the signal? I would really appreciate the help. Just let me get into position first. |
Wiz02B.scr:LewisTalk02 | Ok -- now! |
Wiz02B.scr:LewisTalk03 | Aiiiiieeeeeee!!! Oh... |
Wiz02B.scr:LewisTalk04 | It worked! I can't believe it worked! Thank you! You must be good luck! |
Wiz02B.scr:LewisTalk05 | Go ahead and hit the button again to reverse the transfer. |
Wiz02B.scr:LewisTalk06 | Well this is certainly a problem, isn't it? |
Wiz02B.scr:LewisTalk07 | Uh oh... |
Wiz02B.scr:LewisTalk08 | Hmmm... don't tell Horvath about this. I'll try to sort it out on my own. |
Wiz02B.scr:LibrarySign | M. Booth Memorial Library |
Wiz02B.scr:MRTalk01 | So you're Horvath's new apprentice! Impressive! Master Horvath's chamber is down the hall to your right, first door past the elevator. I've unlocked the South Doors for you. Welcome to the Guild! |
Wiz02B.scr:TeacherTalk01 | Now then Class, repeat after me... |
Wiz02B.scr:TeacherTalk02 | Let's try it again... |
Wiz02B.scr:TeacherTalk03 | I'm sorry Apprentice, but you're not registered for this class. I'll must ask you to leave. |
Wiz02C.scr:HintSign | It's not who finishes first, but who finishes last that matters. |
Wiz02C.scr:SecuritySign | Warning! Entering High Security Area! |
Wiz02D.scr:GalavaSign | Entering Galava |
Wiz02Z.scr:StashSign | Items for Wizard Chapter Three |
Wiz03:JumpedByRogues01 | Here he is! Hurry, he's down here! |
Wiz03:JumpedByRogues02 | Hurry! This way. He's right here! |
Wiz03a:AirshipCaptainSendoff | Ah, you're back! Horvath spoke well of your progress! Well done! Didn't think you had it in you! heh, heh, heh. But quickly now, we are off to the Field of Valor where the tombs of ancient warriors lie! |
Wiz03a:BrennethEnd | The elevator isn't quite ready yet. You should come back later. |
Wiz03a:BrennethExplains | Arrgh!! Now it's broken again! I've been down here trying to fix this blasted elevator for four days! (Sigh)... I bet that crazy Horvath forgot all about me down here. If you do plan on using the passageway to Stravas' cottage, watch out for the spiders. The place is infested with them. |
Wiz03a:GrottoSign | Danger -- Keep Out! |
Wiz03a:HorvathFinish | You found the Amulet of Teleportation! Excellent! My worst fears for Stravas, however, have sadly come to pass. I shall miss him, but unfortunately we have no time for mourning. The Hamlet of Brin needs my help and the Airship Captain has requested your assistance. Good luck, Apprentice! |
Wiz03a:HorvathIntro | Stravas has been working on an Amulet of Teleportation for me for some time. He should have been finished with it and had it delivered by now. Use our secret underground route to go to Stravas' cottage in the forest and find the Amulet. The bookcases along the back wall will open to reveal the entrance. |
Wiz03a:HorvathPre | Find Stravas and deliver the Amulet to me -- at whatever the cost! Beware of taking a wrong turn in the caverns. Unsavory elements dwell in the shadows! |
Wiz03a:HorvathPre2 | Go through the passage behind my bookshelf! Now! |
Wiz03b:BanditAmbush | There he is! He's down here! |
Wiz03b:RogueLeader | Well look what we have here. A little lost wizardling. I hope this one is more of a challenge than that wimp Stravas. Get him! A hundred gold to the first one of us who draws blood! |
Wiz03b:StravasSign | Certificate of Alchemy, Stravas Fulton |
Wiz05:HorvathAttention | Greetings, Adept! I am thankful you are here at last! |
Wiz05:HorvathQuest | Greetings, Adept! I am thankful you are here at last, for we are in dire need of your help. The Ogre forces overran Brin a short time ago and robbed me of the Amulet of Teleportation! Please go to the Ogre village in the northeast and retrieve the precious artifact as soon as possible! |
Wiz05A.scr:BartenderGreeting | I hope you can toss a few Ogre bodies my way. |
Wiz05A.scr:BartenderTalk1 | C'mon in, lad! The ale's fresher'n a monkey's butt! |
Wiz05A.scr:BartenderTalk2 | Name yer poison! What can I get fer you? |
Wiz05A.scr:BeginMission | You emerge from the crypt just south of Brin. |
Wiz05A.scr:BeginMission2 | The air is fresher out here and the sun is bright. |
Wiz05A.scr:BumpBartender | You want a piece of me? You got a problem, buddy? Get on the other side of the bar like everyone else! If yer not gonna buy anything, get the hell outta 'ere! |
Wiz05A.scr:BumpFarmer | Hey, be careful. What are you doing? Watch it, buddy. Watch it, I'm trying to keep an eye on that dog! Those stupid Ogres turned my wife into a dog! Have you seen my staff? |
Wiz05A.scr:BumpGypsy | Is there something I can help you with? Is there something you would like to see? Care for some exotic wares from faraway mystical lands? Would you like to purchase something? |
Wiz05A.scr:BumpMaiden | Hello there! How are you doing? Please watch your step! |
Wiz05A.scr:BumpSadVillager | Hey, be careful. What are you doing? Watch it, buddy. Be careful! There are flames everywhere! It's all fun and games until one of us gets burned! Oh, I'm so worried about Lewis! |
Wiz05A.scr:BumpShopKeeper | Can I help you? Is there something you would like to see? Umm... Normally customers stand on that side of the counter. Are you planning on buying anything or are you just looking? |
Wiz05A.scr:BumpVillager | Oh, sorry... I'm walkin' here! Watch where you're going! Watch it, buddy! Oh, I didn't see you there! Sorry about that. |
Wiz05A.scr:CaptainGreeting | Damn! Where have you been, lad!? The Ogres overran the Village of Brin and we'd have lost it to them if Horvath's powerful wizardry were not thrown into the fray at the last moment! But in the heat of it all, the beasts captured Horvath, leaving rebuilding the village our smallest concern! All Nox is now in peril if Horvath is lost! You must go where Horvath was headed, northeast to the Ogre Town of Grok Torr! Bring Horvath back or we are doomed! |
Wiz05A.scr:CaptainWaiting | I'm certain Horvath's in great danger! Go quickly! If you don't find Horvath, we are doomed. The Ogre village is northeast. Hurry and find Horvath, lad! Go swiftly, lad... Horvath is in great danger! Find Horvath and bring him back safely! The Ogre village is somewhere northeast of here. |
Wiz05A.scr:CityGatesClosed | The gates have been closed. |
Wiz05A.scr:CityGatesOpen | The gates have been opened. |
Wiz05A.scr:DrunkGreeting | Hiccup! Huh? Wha'sh your name? Wha'sh that you shay? Eh? Hic! Hic! I don't feel so good... |
Wiz05A.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 5! |
Wiz05A.scr:FarmerGreeting | Greetings, brave Adventurer! Please, help me, a horrific fate has befallen my wife! Not long ago, a raving demoness led the Ogres through here. She cast an evil spell, turning my poor wife into a wolf! I could reverse this curse if I only had my magic staff, but I left it in my house northwest of here. I'm afraid if I leave to go retrieve it, my wife will run off! Would you help me by fetching my staff for me, kind sir? I will offer a worthy reward for its timely return. |
Wiz05A.scr:FarmerHuffy | Fine then, don't return my magical staff! No! Of course I don't need your help to remove the curse on my wife! Some lucky adventurer will get a fine reward, though. Hmmph... It's you again... If you have so much time on your hands, why won't you get my magical staff back from that Ogre? |
Wiz05A.scr:FarmerIdle | Thanks again, brave Adventurer! Many thanks to you, Wanderer. Your noble deeds will be long remembered in these parts! |
Wiz05A.scr:FarmerReturned | Oh, thank you so much, brave and kind Adventurer! I can never hope to repay you fully for your service, but please take this as a token of our appreciation! |
Wiz05A.scr:FarmerWaiting | What are you waiting for? I need my magical staff! Please hurry, sir! My wife needs help immediately! Get my staff back soon and I shall give you a nice reward! |
Wiz05A.scr:FarmerWifeGreeting | The curse is broken! The curse has been broken! I'm free!!!! |
Wiz05A.scr:FarmerWifeIdle | A thousand thanks for your kindness! We will never forget your selfless deeds! Good luck on your journey, kind stranger! |
Wiz05A.scr:FrogFollowing | Hurry! Lead me to safety! The fires are getting hotter! |
Wiz05A.scr:FrogGreeting | Fine! I will follow you, just get me out of here! |
Wiz05A.scr:FrogIdle | You know, I've been thinking... being a frog isn't half bad! It's not easy being green. |
Wiz05A.scr:FrogTalk1 | Oh no, is that you again? |
Wiz05A.scr:FrogTalk2 | Whatcha waitin' for? Rescue me! |
Wiz05A.scr:FrogTalk3 | Hello again! *RIBBIT* |
Wiz05A.scr:FrogThanks | Thanks again for saving me! |
Wiz05A.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
Wiz05A.scr:GypsyGreeting | Greetings, young Adept. You're a long way from Galava. I've taken great pains and personal expense, to bring this fine merchandise to these stricken people. |
Wiz05A.scr:GypsyTalk1 | EXOTIC WARES! Get your exotic wares here!! |
Wiz05A.scr:GypsyTalk2 | All of my goods have been imported from faraway lands! What can I interest you in? |
Wiz05A.scr:Hint | You have discovered a Hint, your journal has been updated. |
Wiz05A.scr:HoundGreeting | Arf, Arf! Grrrrrrrrrr. Pant, Pant... Woof! Woof! Oww-Woooooooooo! |
Wiz05A.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
Wiz05A.scr:MaidenGreeting | The Ogres just ran off with my father's precious cloak! If I don't get it back, he'll be destroyed. He's supposed to arrive soon! Please, help me, kind sir! I think the Ogres who took it went to the docks. Could you... would you get it back for us? |
Wiz05A.scr:MaidenIdle | Thanks again, brave Wanderer! Hello there again! You're welcome in my house anytime! Thank you so much for helping me! |
Wiz05A.scr:MaidenReturned | Oh, thank you so much! Please accept this as a token of my appreciation! |
Wiz05A.scr:MaidenWaiting | Please hurry, kind sir! My father will be home soon! I hope you find the cloak soon. If you can get my father's cloak back, I have something I can give you as a reward! Do you have my Father's cloak yet? I think the Ogres ran off toward the docks! You will probably find the cloak with some Ogres out near the docks. |
Wiz05A.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new Quest, your journal has been updated. |
Wiz05A.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective; your journal has been updated! |
Wiz05A.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Quest Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
Wiz05A.scr:PlayerDeath | Unfortunately, you have perished. Mission Incomplete. |
Wiz05A.scr:SadVillagerDead | WHAT? Lewis is... DEAD? |
Wiz05A.scr:SadVillagerDeadIdle | Please, don't speak to me again. I'm inconsolable. |
Wiz05A.scr:SadVillagerGreeting | Please, help me, kind stranger! The Ogres have set my house on fire and my poor frog, Lewis, is trapped by the flames in the other room! Rescue him and I'll forever be indebted to you! |
Wiz05A.scr:SadVillagerIdle | Thanks again, kind stranger! Hello there! Many thanks for saving my precious frog! Hello again, Wanderer! |
Wiz05A.scr:SadVillagerReturned | Thank goodness, you saved him! How can I ever repay you for your bravery?! What's that you say? Loads and loads of money? Well, if that's what you require, please take this as a sign of my appreciation. |
Wiz05A.scr:SadVillagerWaiting | Anything you find in that room you may keep! Just hurry and rescue Lewis! Please, save my frog, Lewis, from the fire! Hurry! The fires are raging! I can barely stand the smoke in here! Please, save Lewis! |
Wiz05A.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
Wiz05A.scr:ShopKeeperGreeting | We use only the best ingredients for our wares, which come from the furthest corners of the land. |
Wiz05A.scr:ShopKeeperTalk1 | Welcome, Wanderer! We carry the finest wares in all of Nox! |
Wiz05A.scr:ShopKeeperTalk2 | Well... Maybe not the finest exactly... But damn good nonetheless! |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign1 | This way to the Village of Brin. |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign10 | Residence of Matilda |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign11 | Crypt of Azeruth |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign12 | Residence of Gavin |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign2 | Welcome To Brin! |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign3 | Residence of Gerard and his talking frog, Lewis. |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign4 | Vegetable Garden |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign5 | Inn of the Urchin's Ear |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign6 | Ye Olde Magic Shop |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign7 | This way to the docks. |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign8 | Path to Grok Torr -- Travelers beware. |
Wiz05A.scr:Sign9 | Residence of Thavius |
Wiz05A.scr:SwordsmanEnd | Oh, it's you again. Hey if you see any Ogres 'round here, lead 'em to us, ok? My sword arm needs some action. My arm's crampin' up. I wish there were some monsters to fight. A gypsy -- name of Loproc -- just passed through here recently. If you hurry up to Brin, you might catch him before he moves on. |
Wiz05A.scr:SwordsmanGreeting | Greetings, Wanderer. A friendly warning if you are traveling north: we have been stationed here to guard against Ogre attacks. A large band of these foul creatures just laid waste to the poor Village of Brin north of here... |
Wiz05A.scr:VillagerGreeting | The whole town fought bravely against the barbaric invasion! Watch out for the Ogre War Lord, he throws shurikens! Everything was fine 'till those wretched Ogres showed up... Those Ogre brutes are huge! Don't you have more important things to be doing? The gypsy Loproc is in town again! Did you hear what happened to poor Thavius' wife? Those damn Ogres made off with almost everything! |
Wiz05B.scr:BeginMission | You have just entered the swamp between Brin and Grok Torr. |
Wiz05B.scr:BeginMission2 | Watch out for Ogre guard posts! |
Wiz05B.scr:CaptainIdle | Thanks again, lad, for all your help. Thanks to your efforts. Horvath has been returned safe and sound. Congratulations on your impressive success, lad! |
Wiz05B.scr:CaptainReturned | At happier other times, the streets of Galava would fill in celebration with the rescue of Horvath! Well done, lad! But now we must stop the evil Hecubah once and for all. Take these as tokens of our deepest gratitude for your heroic deed! |
Wiz05B.scr:CaptainWaiting | I'm certain Horvath's in great danger! Go quickly! If you don't find Horvath, we are doomed. Hurry and find Horvath, lad! Go swiftly, lad... Horvath is in great danger! Find Horvath and bring him back safely! |
Wiz05B.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 5! |
Wiz05B.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
Wiz05B.scr:Hint | You have discovered a Hint; your journal has been updated. |
Wiz05B.scr:HorvathEscorting | Let's find the Captain? I'm following you Adept... Lead the way! Let's find the Captain! |
Wiz05B.scr:HorvathFreed | The Captain is waiting outside the Ogre Village! |
Wiz05B.scr:HorvathIdle | Thank you. I suppose you've outgrown being an apprentice. |
Wiz05B.scr:HorvathReturned | Thanks again Apprentice. You have performed a noble service, one which I can't easily repay. |
Wiz05B.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
Wiz05B.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new objective, your journal has been updated. |
Wiz05B.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective, your journal has been updated! |
Wiz05B.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Objective Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
Wiz05B.scr:Ogre1 | Intruder! Seal off the King's Hut! |
Wiz05B.scr:OgreCageUnlocked | The Ogre Cage has been unlocked. |
Wiz05B.scr:OgreCaveUnlocked | The Ogre Cave doors have been unlocked. |
Wiz05B.scr:OgreKing1 | You are very bold for such a little man. |
Wiz05B.scr:OgreKing2 | Too bad you must die now. |
Wiz05B.scr:OgreKing3 | GUARDS! |
Wiz05B.scr:OgreKing4 | Kill the Intruder! |
Wiz05B.scr:SapphireKeyFound | You have found the key to Horvath's cell! |
Wiz05B.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
Wiz05B.scr:Sign1 | Dungeon Entrance Dungeon Entrance: Abandon all hope ye who enter here! Dungeon Entrance: This Dungeon has been inspected by Dungeon Inspector Number 9. Dungeon Entrance: Your Dungeon taxes at work. Future dungeon expansion planned. Dungeon Entrance: Consult your local utility company before digging. Dungeon Entrance: Constructed by dungeon building firm: Lee, Hanson, Beaumont and Pedriana, Ltd. Dungeon Entrance: Wipe you feet before entering. Dungeon Entrance: Report all hazards to 1-800-IXTOWN Dungeon Entrance: No Shirt or Shoes: No Service! Dungeon Entrance: If you were imprisoned here, you'd be home by now. Dungeon Entrance: This sign handcrafted by Eric The Signmaker and Notary Public. Dungeon Entrance: Stop reading this sign and GET ON WITH IT! |
Wiz05C.scr:BeginMission | Cobwebs are thick in the air here... |
Wiz05C.scr:BeginMission2 | This cave is dank and smells of Ogre... |
Wiz05C.scr:BeginMission3 | The stench of evil seems to permeate this area. |
Wiz05C.scr:BeginMission4 | The air is colder here. It seems that no one has disturbed these passages in ages. |
Wiz05C.scr:BigOgre2Attack | I make little man-thing hurt BIG! |
Wiz05C.scr:CaptainIdle | Thanks again, Apprentice. You have performed a noble service, one which I can't easily repay... Thank you. I suppose you've outgrown being an apprentice. |
Wiz05c.scr:DoorsUnlocked | The doors have been unlocked. |
Wiz05C.scr:EndOfMission | Congratulations! You have completed mission 5! |
Wiz05C.scr:FirstGate | The first gate has been opened. |
Wiz05C.scr:GainedItem | An Item has been added to your inventory! |
Wiz05C.scr:GoldDoorsUnlocked | All Slave Doors have been unlocked. |
Wiz05C.scr:Hint | You have discovered a Hint; your journal has been updated. |
Wiz05C.scr:Horvath1 | Who is that? Can anybody hear me? |
Wiz05C.scr:Horvath2 | Oh, it's you again! Hello there! |
Wiz05C.scr:HorvathFollowing | Let's hurry, lad! Time waits for no man! Hecubah must be stopped! Lead on! We are running out of time. Please keep moving! I'm following you, Adept. Lead the way! Let's find the Captain! |
Wiz05C.scr:HorvathFreed | Superb! Thank you very much, young Mage. I am quite impressed with your growing abilities! Now, we need to hurry back. |
Wiz05C.scr:HorvathGreeting | Young Mage! You must hurry and find a way to free me! Hecubah was indeed the demoness behind the Ogre invasion and she has dark plans regarding the Amulet of Teleportation. Unfortunately, I was captured when depleted of mana and I cannot muster enough energy to free myself from here on my own. Hecubah cast a powerful enchantment on me, preventing any hope of using magic to escape. |
Wiz05C.scr:HorvathWaiting | Hurry, young Mage! We don't have much time to stop Hecubah! Please hurry, lad! The fate of much more than this fading Wizard rests on your shoulders! |
Wiz05C.scr:JournalUpdated | Your journal has been updated. |
Wiz05C.scr:NewQuest | You have gained a new objective; your journal has been updated. |
Wiz05C.scr:ObjectiveComplete | You have completed an objective, your journal has been updated! |
Wiz05C.scr:ObjectiveFailed | Objective Incomplete. Mission Failed. |
Wiz05C.scr:Ogre1 | What 'dat noise? |
Wiz05C.scr:Ogre2 | Mmmm... Smells like lunch! |
Wiz05C.scr:Ogre3 | Shut 'dem gates! |
Wiz05C.scr:Ogre4 | Now let's get 'im! |
Wiz05C.scr:SecondGate | The second gate has been opened. |
Wiz05C.scr:Secret | You have uncovered a secret area! |
Wiz05C.scr:Sign1 | Ogre Slave Mine Entrance |
Wiz05C.scr:Sign2 | Slave Quarters |
Wiz05C.scr:Sign3 | Guard Room -- Do not disturb! |
Wiz05C.scr:StoneBlocksOpened | The Stone Blocks have been opened. |
Wiz06:Sign1 | To Horrendous' throne room. |
Wiz06a:Captain1 | Sorry about the stench, lad, but entering Dün Mir through the sewers is the safest way in for a Wizard. There are two guards posted here and many more along the way. It is essential you get the halberd, but Horrendous won't just hand it over. This may get very ugly, lad. But these spells will help. |
Wiz06a:Captain2 | Invisibility will be invaluable for sneaking past the guards. The Lock spell will help keep anyone from following you on your way out. Good luck and good speed. |
Wiz06a:Guard1Listen | What was that? Didn't you hear that? Sounded like footsteps! |
Wiz06a:Guard1Recognize | What?! A Wizard! Get him! Seize that cursed Wizard before he casts a spell! |
Wiz06a:Guard2Listen | I heard something... over there. That sounded much larger than a sewer rat! |
Wiz06a:Guard2Recognize | Bring that Wizard down! Horrendous posted a handsome bounty for Wizards. Grab him! |
Wiz06b:Delwin1 | Ahh, there you are! I've been expecting you. You have a perilous mission ahead. I can help you through the rest of the sewer, but you'll need more help than I can offer when you reach Dün Mir. In Dün Mir a shopkeeper named Bull Byzanti can sell you items I'm sure you'll find useful. His shop is nearby when you enter the city. I'd go there first if I was you. I hope you brought plenty of gold. Prices tend to be steep for Wizards in Dün Mir. Well, no time to waste! Let's be off. |
Wiz06b:Delwin2 | This is where we part company. Good luck and remember what I said about Bull Byzanti. |
Wiz06b:Guard1 | Hmm, I smell the taint of magic in the air. Huh, what was that? |
Wiz06b:Guard2 | A Wizard? Get him! I see you Wizard, you can't hide from me! It's a Wizard! Sound the alarm! The Wolf's Eyes will reveal you, Wizard! I must warn the others! |
Wiz06b:Shopkeeper1 | Hello, Wizard. You're very brave to come here... or quite stupid. It's no matter to me either way as long as you have plenty of gold. I will give you one piece of free information: Horrendous keeps a small group of your brethren locked up in the throne room for amusement. Free them and you might have a chance of getting out alive. |
Wiz06b:Shopkeeper2 | You shouldn't be back here. You need to leave Dün Mir. |
Wiz06b:Women1 | I saw a ghost! Guards! |
Wiz06b:Women2 | Filthy magicians, you've murdered our Lord Horrendous! |
Wiz06b:Women3 | I'd rather be ruled by Hecubah than by Wizard scum! |
Wiz06c:Horrendous1 | Seize him! Well, another prying Wizard has come to try and steal my halberd. I hope you enjoy your new life in my trophy cage. Guards, don't damage him too much. |
Wiz06c:Horrendous2 | Arrrgh! What manner of trickery is this! I will kill you all myself! |
Wiz06c:Horrendous3 | Urrrgggggg... NO! I don't believe it! A terminal wound from a Wizard!? I'd rather be run through with a sword any day! |
Wiz06c:Horrendous4 | You Wizards vex me. Time to even the odds. |
Wiz06c:Horrendous5 | Nooo! I cannot die! This is not possible! Fire Knights, avenge your Warlord! |
Wiz06c:Wizaard3-1 | We will have our revenge! |
Wiz06c:Wizard1-1 | Now the tables are turned, Horrendous! |
Wiz06c:Wizard1-2 | You will pay the dearest price for your tyranny, Horrendous! |
Wiz06c:Wizard1-3 | Get the halberd. We must go quickly! |
Wiz06c:Wizard2-1 | Your blind pride will not destroy us all, Warlord! |
Wiz06c:Wizard2-2 | Follow us. We know a better way out. |
Wiz07:Ganem01 | I'm afraid Lewis finally lost his mind. They've given me his workshop since he's taken to wandering the halls making strange noises and catching insects with his tongue. |
Wiz07:MlurghTalk01 | I hear Hecubah's armies are on the march. Time for me to think about setting up shop elsewhere. |
Wiz07:Reception01 | Hurry! Master Horvath is waiting for you on the top floor of the Tower. There's a teleporter in his chambers that will take you to him. |
Wiz07:Reception02 | The teleporter in Horvath's chambers will take you to him. |
Wiz07:Reception03 | There is a magic shop next to Horvath's chambers. |
Wiz07:Reception04 | Welcome to the Tower of Illusion. Horvath's chambers are to your right. |
Wiz07.scr:ElevatorSign | Elevator out of order. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
Wiz07.scr:HaveGoldForMax | Excellent! You got yourself quite a bargain, lad! I hope you survive this whole mess. Now if you'll pardon me, I'll be starting on my long journey. Good luck and stay out of Hecubah's way if you want to stay alive! |
Wiz07.scr:Hecubah02 | Fine! Run away little Wizard. You're going somewhere far warmer than Ix. This teleporter now goes to the Underworld! |
Wiz07.scr:HecubahTalk01 | Silly old man. You should have stayed in your nice cold jail cell back in Grok Torr. I'll have to pound a few Ogre heads together for letting you escape. |
Wiz07.scr:HecubahTalk02 | You cannot stop me, Horvath! I now have the power to destroy you, old man! |
Wiz07.scr:HecubahTalk03 | Fine! Run away little Wizard. You're going somewhere far warmer than Ix. This teleporter now goes to the Underworld! |
Wiz07.scr:Horvath02 | Foul witch! You cannot be allowed to live! |
Wiz07.scr:Horvath03 | Aaaaargh! |
Wiz07.scr:HorvathTalk01 | Thank the stars you made it, Mage! Hecubah's forces are everywhere. You must take the Heart of Nox away from here. |
Wiz07.scr:HorvathTalk02 | Step onto the teleporter. Quickly! It will take you to the Temple of Ix. |
Wiz07.scr:HorvathTalk03 | The teleporter! The teleporter! Step onto the teleporter! |
Wiz07.scr:HorvathTalk04 | It's too late Hecubah, my young mage is already teleporting away. |
Wiz07.scr:HorvathTalk05 | Ungh! |
Wiz07.scr:HorvathTalk06 | My body ceases, but my spirit lives on -- out of your grasp. |
Wiz07.scr:JandorTalk01 | I've just heard more disturbing news of Hecubah's nefarious work. I fear we may be too late! All hopes of Nox rest on your shoulders, lad. As our dire circumstances have made you the chosen one to bring back the Heart of Nox, you must seek your old master in wizardry -- Horvath. He knows your mission and will take you to it. And get restocked in town. I don't know when we'll be back, since we must go on to the Temple of Ix when you return with the Heart. |
Wiz07.scr:MaxOffer | Actually, business has fallen off quite a bit, with Hecubah running loose. I'm moving out of here to set up shop further south. |
Wiz07.scr:MaxWaiting | You ready to buy up my inn and home? Only 50,000 in gold for the both of them! |
Wiz07.scr:NoGoldForMax | Don't quite have the cash yet, eh? Not to worry, I'll keep the offer open for you. If you're still interested later, just drop on by. |
Wiz07.scr:ReceptionTalk01 | Hurry! Master Horvath is waiting for you on the top floor of the Tower. There's a teleporter in his chambers that will take you to him. |
Wiz07.scr:ReceptionTalk02 | The teleporter in Horvath's chambers will take you to him. |
Wiz07.scr:TurnMaxDown | Ah, that's alright, lad. I'm sure I'll be able to sell my two buildings to someone else. If you change your mind though, you know where to find me! |
Wiz07.scr:WardenTalk01 | I have heard the Heart of Nox has a complex and dangerous security system. Watch out for Ember demons. Their fireballs are lethal! |
Wiz07C.scr:DemonTalk01 | Hurry up you fools! Faster! Onto the teleporter. I will tolerate no delay! |
Wiz07C.scr:DemonTalk04 | What!?... So! This must be the meddling mortal Hecubah spoke of. Well don't just stand there! KILL THE MORTAL!!! |
Wiz07C.scr:Special01 | Congratulations! You have escaped the Underworld! |
Wiz08a:AldwynGreet | Horrendous and Horvath have both paid a precious price to bring a stop to Hecubah's madness. You have the Halberd and Heart of Nox; the staff is now prepared to convey the Weirdling Beast. The beast is housed in the Temple of Ix, guarded by the Conjurers and kept by the sacred Order of Oblivion. You must go to the temple and speak to the priests. Here is the key to unlock the gate which bars passage to the temple. |
Wiz08a:AldwynProd | Go now! Our time grows short. |
Wiz08a:CaptainGreet | I've never been inside the Temple of Ix and can only pass this on this warning as it was spoken to me, years ago; beware of the Golem. |
Wiz08a:Guard01Greet | Welcome to Ix, the fairest of all villages in the land of Nox. I sense the business of your quest is urgent and I trust your intent is peaceful. You may enter our fine village. Treat our community respectfully and it shall open warm arms of aid and hospitality to you. |
Wiz08a:Mystic | Ahhhhhhhh... I see you carry the Halberd of Horrendous, young Wizard! |
Wiz08a:Mystic2 | We all know a foul and evil design is being unfolded by Hecubah and her unholy forces. And I feel it is only fit and proper that one of the Wizard Way should be the most qualified and best suited to wield the Staff of Oblivion against that deranged necromancer demoness -- to seal her fate for eternity! What do you need from my humble shop, young sir? |
Wiz08b:HenrickSalesPitchA | Hail, Traveler! Can I interest you in a charmed beast to accompany you on your quest? These wolves are strong and well worth the meager price of 200 gold. Ya want one? |
Wiz08b:HenrickSalesPitchB | Hello again, do you wish to purchase another of my fine creatures? I think my purse will hold another 200 gold pieces. Heh, heh, heh... |
Wiz09a:GainedCloak | Jandor's Magic Cloak and Boots have been added to your inventory! |
Wiz09a:GainedCloakAlt | Jandor's Magic Cloak has been added to your inventory! |
Wiz11A.scr:HecubahTalk01 | Run while you can, pup! Horvath was a true Master and I dealt with him handily! Had he taught you all he knew, your cause would still be hopeless! Run now, boy, and I might grant you a year of peace, or face me and suffer eternal darkness! |
Wiz11A.scr:HecubahTalk02 | Horvath was a poor teacher if this is the best you can muster! |
Wiz11A.scr:HecubahTalk03 | I hope you're a quick learner! Try this on for size! |
Wiz11A.scr:HecubahTalk04 | Stand and face me, coward! I expected much more of Horvath's prize student! |
Wiz11A.scr:HecubahTalk05 | Fool! I have faced far worse than what you can throw at me! |
Wiz11A.scr:HecubahTalk06 | My ancestors cry for vengeance! And I will deliver it! |
Wiz11A.scr:HecubahTalk07 | What!? NO!! It's not possible! Humbled by this off-world mortal? This truth is the bitterest of foul poisons -- to end like this! |
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WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_1 | Brin |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_10 | Graveyard |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_11 | The Gauntlet |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_12 | Hero's Hall |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_13 | Fortress |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_14 | Temple of Ix |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_15 | Forest Glen |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_16 | Grotto |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_17 | Urchin Den |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_18 | Meadowlands |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_19 | Wastelands |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_2 | Ix |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_20 | Mana Mines |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_21 | Ogre Outpost |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_22 | Dismal Swamp |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_23 | Town Square |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_24 | The Dungeon |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_25 | Orchards |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_26 | Tavern |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_27 | Max's Inn |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_28 | Nomad Camp |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_29 | The War Room |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_3 | Dun Mir |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_30 | The Armory |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_31 | Catacombs |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_32 | Ancient City |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_33 | Wine Cellar |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_34 | The Sewers |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_35 | The Library |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_36 | Den of Vice |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_37 | Gypsy Tent |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_38 | Guild Museum |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_39 | Pixie Vale |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_4 | Galava |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_40 | Trader Camp |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_41 | Rogues Den |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_42 | Town Gates |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_43 | Sacred Haven |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_44 | Magic Shop |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_45 | Apothecary |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_46 | Mages Guild |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_47 | Underworld |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_48 | Laboratory |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_49 | Torture Room |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_5 | Grok Torr |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_50 | Sanctuary |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_51 | Marketplace |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_52 | Town Market |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_53 | Trollhollow |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_6 | Crossroads |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_7 | Wizards Tower |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_8 | Smugglers Den |
WolChat.c:Nox_Lobby_9 | Hideout |
WOlChat.c:PageMsg | Page from %S> %s |
Wolchat.c:PleaseWait | Please Wait... |
WolChat.c:PrivateAction | <private> %S %s |
WolChat.c:Privatemessage | <Private from %S> %s |
WolChat.c:PrivateToAction | <private to %S> %S %s |
WolChat.c:PrivateTomessage | <Private To %S> %s |
WolChat.c:Stats | %d channels and %d users. |
Wolchat.c:UpdatingChannels | Updating channel list... |
WolChat.c:YouWereKicked | You were kicked from the channel by %S. |
WolChat.Wnd:Action | Emote |
WolChat.wnd:arrow | <- |
WolChat.wnd:Back | Back |
WolChat.wnd:BackHelp | Go back to the login screen. |
WolChat.wnd:Clans | Clans |
WolChat.wnd:ClansHelp | Go to the Nox Clans Web Page. |
WolChat.wnd:CreateChnl | Create |
WolChat.wnd:EmoteHelp | Emote this text. |
WolChat.wnd:Empty | |
WolChat.wnd:FindPage | Find/Page |
WolChat.wnd:FindPageHelp | Find or Page a user in a Nox lobby. |
WolChat.wnd:games | Games |
WolChat.wnd:GamesHelp | Join or host a game of Nox. |
WolChat.wnd:ChannelHelp | Available channels. Click to join. |
WolChat.wnd:Channels | Channels |
wolchat.wnd:LadderHelp | Link to Westwood Online ladder page |
WolChat.wnd:leave | Leave |
WolChat.wnd:messages | Messages |
WolChat.wnd:MessagesHelp | Chat messages. |
WolChat.wnd:MessageTextHelp | Your login Name and Channel. |
WolChat.wnd:Options | Options |
WolChat.wnd:OptionsHelp | Set your Westwood Online options. |
WolChat.Wnd:Play | Play! |
WolChat.wnd:Refresh | Refresh |
WolChat.wnd:RefreshHelp | Refresh the channel and user lists. |
WolChat.wnd:Text | Message |
WolChat.wnd:TextEntryHelp | Message entry. |
WolChat.wnd:UserHelp | Users in this lobby. Right click on a user for options. |
WolChat.wnd:Users | Users |
Wollogin.c:Discon | You have been disconnected from Westwood Online. |
Wollogin.c:Notice | Notice |
wolopt.wnd:Filter | Filter bad language. |
wolopt.wnd:Find | Allow users to find you. |
Wolopt.wnd:ChangeLocale | Change Locale |
wolopt.wnd:Page | Allow users to page you. |
wolopt.wnd:windowTitle | Westwood Online Options |
WolPage.wnd:message | Enter your message: |
WolPage.wnd:Status | Idle |
WolPage.wnd:UserName | Enter the name of the user you'd like to %s. |
wolpatch.c:CouldNotConnect | Patch download error: Could not connect to download server! Please try again! |
wolpatch.c:disconnecterror | Patch download error: Error disconnecting from patch server. |
wolpatch.c:Internalerror | Patch download error: Internal network error. |
wolpatch.c:LocalFileOpenFailed | Patch download error: Local file could not be opened. Check your disk and try again! |
wolpatch.c:LoginFailed | Patch download error: Login to patch server failed. Please try again! |
wolpatch.c:NoSuchFile | Patch download error: Patch file retrieval error. Please try again! |
wolpatch.c:NoSuchServer | Patch download error: Server not found! |
wolpatch.c:Unknownerror | Patch download error: General failure. |
WolProg.c:byteProgress | %d of %d bytes received Time elapsed: %d:%02d:%02d Estimated time left:%d:%02d:%02d. |
Wolprog.c:patchcomplete | The patch download is complete. Please exit Nox and restart to apply the patch! |
Wolprog.c:startingdownload | A patch is now available for Nox. Downloading... |
WolProg.wnd:Connected | Connected! |
WolProg.wnd:Connecting | Connecting to Westwood Online... |
WolProg.wnd:Empty | |
WolProg.wnd:Checkingforupdates | Checking for updates to your software... |
Wolreg.c:ErrAge | Error : Invalid Birthdate. |
Wolreg.c:ErrAgeCheck | Error : Age verification failed. Try again. |
Wolreg.c:ErrEmail | Error : You must enter your email address. |
Wolreg.c:ErrNeedParentsEmail | Error : A parent's email address is required. |
Wolreg.c:ErrNickFirstLetter | Error : Nicknames must start with a letter. |
Wolreg.c:ErrNoConsent | Sorry, you may not register without your parents' consent. Press OK to manually register or BACK to cancel. |
Wolreg.c:ErrNoNick | Error : You must choose a nickname. |
Wolreg.c:ErrPassDontMatch | Error : Your password and password verification do not match. |
Wolreg.c:ErrPasswordLength | Error : Passwords must be 8 characters long. |
Wolreg.c:TryAgain | Press Back to try again. |
Wolreg.wnd:AgeTitle | Please Enter Your Birthdate. |
Wolreg.wnd:Back | Back |
Wolreg.wnd:Day | Day (1..31) |
Wolreg.wnd:Email | E-Mail Address |
Wolreg.wnd:Empty | |
Wolreg.wnd:Month | Month (1..12) |
Wolreg.wnd:Newsletter | Send me the Westwood Online Newsletter |
Wolreg.wnd:Nickname | Nickname (Max 9 char.) |
Wolreg.wnd:Ok | OK |
Wolreg.wnd:ParentEmail | Parent's Email Address |
Wolreg.wnd:Password | Password (8 char.) |
Wolreg.wnd:PasswordVer | Re-enter password |
Wolreg.wnd:ShareInfo | Allow Westwood to share my info with other companies |
Wolreg.wnd:Title | Westwood Online Registration |
Wolreg.wnd:Year | Year (eg. 1976) |
wolstate.c:badpassword | Bad password for that channel. |
wolstate.c:bannedfromchannel | You have been banned from that channel. |
wolstate.c:CantVerify | Cannot verify your information. |
wolstate.c:channeldoesnotexist | That channel no longer exists. |
wolstate.c:channelfull | That channel is full. |
wolstate.c:InvalidField | One or more fields were invalid. |
wolstate.c:Neterror | General Error! |
wolstate.c:NoSuch | No such user or channel. |
wolstate.c:ServerBusy | The server is busy. Try again later. |
wolstate.c:Timeout | Registration timed out. Try again later. |
wolstate.c:unknownerror | Unknown error. |
wolstate.c:UnknownResponse | Unknown response from server. |
WolUser.c:LostSelection | You no longer have a user selected for a private message! |
XferPlyr.c:CharacterSaved | Character file saved. |