Nox Wiki

The Village of Ix is a peaceful settlement nestled in the heart of the Southern Lands, governed by Mayor Theogrin. Known for its harmonious relationship with nature, Ix serves as both a sanctuary for conjurers of the Land of Nox and a refuge for weary travelers, owing to its close proximity to the Crossroads—a vital regional junction. Aldwynn, the lead conjurer of Ix, upholds the village's mystical traditions.

In the Conjurer route of the game, the village faces a grave threat when Hecubah begins her reign of terror over the Southern Lands. Hecubah dispatches a necromancer to Ix, who conjures an army of spiders that trap Mayor Theogrin in his home, leaving him paralyzed by fear. This grim state persists until the arrival of Jack the Conjurer, who liberates the village by eliminating the spiders and restoring peace to Ix.

In the Warrior route, Jack the Warrior is sent to Ix by Horrendous after surviving the Gauntlet. Tasked with aiding Mayor Theogrin, Jack must retrieve the mayor's scepter, which was stolen by urchins hiding in the Ix Cemetery. A Fire Knight was dispatched prior to Jack’s arrival, but no news has been heard from him since.

Lately, animals from the surrounding wilderness have exhibited unusual aggression, even attacking travellers near Ix. Some villagers regret allowing the urchins to settle so close, wondering if this decision or perhaps some darker influence is behind the animals' hostility. It is to the point that villagers opt to avoid the river entirely, stating that the urchins will outright steal the clothes of your back. Others have noted that Hecubah was seen near the cemetery entrance just before the disturbances began, adding to suspicions. There is also talk of bandits preying on people travelling the trade routes between Galava and Ix.

Though Ix is typically a serene refuge for conjurers, these unsettling events have stirred concern among its people. Warriors are rarely seen within Ix, and when one does appear, it is often taken as a warning sign of impending trouble.


  • Archery Range
  • Byzanti's General Store
  • Henrick's Wolf Stalls
  • Jail
  • Mayor Theogrin's House
  • Mystic's Magic Shop


  • Barkeeper
  • Belfor Byzanti - Owner, Byzanti's General Store
  • Bryan
  • Clyde
  • Conest official
  • Contest Guard
  • Geoff
  • Henrick - Wolf tamer
  • Jacob - Chief of Police
  • Joyce
  • Julie
  • Kristine
  • Lydia
  • Mayor Theogrin
  • Morgan Lightfingers
  • Mystic - Owner, Mystic's Magic Shop
  • Tommy
  • Unnamed NPC
  • Unnamed archer

Travel connections[]

  • Crossroads
  • Mana Mines
  • Ix Cemetery
  • Temple of Ix
  • Urchin Den